March 2, 2007 - Terrebonne Levee & Conservation District

Regular Committee Meeting
March 13, 2012
Vice President Leward Henry called to order the Regular Committee Meeting of the Terrebonne Levee and
Conservation District at the TLCD located at 220 Clendenning Road, Houma, Louisiana, at 6:00 o’clock P.M.
on March 13, 2012.
Angela Rains led the opening prayer, and Commissioner Leward Henry led the Pledge of Allegiance to the
American Flag.
Upon roll call by Mrs. Rains, Commissioners recorded as present were: Mr. Chauvin, Mr. Henry, Mr. Talbot,
Mr. Guidry, and Mr. Daisy. Mr. Pinkston is recorded as entering the proceedings at 6:10. Commissioners
Moore and Alford are recorded as absent.
Under Public, there was no one wishing to address the board.
Mr. Henry recognized Councilmen Russell Hornsby and Danny Babin as present in the meeting.
There was old business brought forward from the previous week for further discussion.
Mr. Dupre asked the board for a motion to ratify the adoption of Resolution 12-004 authorizing an
intergovernmental agreement with TPCG to assist in providing certain land rights acquisition.
There was a motion by Commissioner Chauvin, seconded by Commissioner Guidry, motion carried, to ratify the
adoption of Resolution 12-004 authorizing an intergovernmental agreement with TPCG to assist in providing
certain land rights acquisition.
Under Management’s Report, Mr. Dupre asked the board for authorization to prepare and advertise for rock
bids, where the rock will be brought and stockpiled at the Bayou Terrebonne floodgate.
There was a motion by Commissioner Talbot, seconded by Commissioner Daisy, motion carried, to authorize
the preparation and advertisement for rock bids, where the rock will be brought and stockpiled at the Bayou
Terrebonne Floodgate.
Mr. Dupre asked the board for authorization to prepare and advertise for dirt bids for stockpiling at the Point
Farm Road location.
There was a motion by Commissioner Chauvin, seconded by Commissioner Pinkston, motion carried, to
authorize the preparation and advertisement for dirt bids for stockpiling at the Point Farm Road location.
Under Executive Director’s Report, Mr. Dupre asked for board approval on Placid Canal Final Balancing
Change Order No. 5 for Larry Doiron, Inc., in the amount of -$242,695.43.
There was a motion by Commissioner Daisy, seconded by Commissioner Chauvin, motion carried, to approve
the Placid Canal Final Balancing Change Order No. 5 for Larry Doiron, Inc., in the amount of -$242,695.43.
Mr. Dupre asked the board to consider the awarding of the bid for MTG Reach H-3 Mitigation (rebid) to Apollo
Environmental Strategies, Inc., as recommended by Shaw Coastal, Inc. and TLCD Legal Staff. This bid is for an
base bid of $2,167,250.00, and Alternate Bid 1 in the amount of $1,127,300.00, for a total of $3,294,550.00.
This total bid is for 155 acres and 180 days.
Regular Committee Meeting
March 13, 2012
Page Two
There was a motion by Commissioner Chauvin, seconded by Commissioner Guidry, motion carried, to award
the bid for MTG Reach H-3 Mitigation (rebid) to Apollo Environmental Strategies, Inc., as recommended by
Shaw Coastal, Inc. and TLCD Legal Staff. This bid is for an base bid of $2,167,250.00, and Alternate Bid 1 in
the amount of $1,127,300.00, for a total of $3,294,550.00. This total bid is for 155 acres and 180 days.
Mr. Dupre asked the board for a deviation from the regular order of the agenda to address issues relative to a
landowner agreement with Apache for temporary easement, servitude and right of way for mitigation
There was a motion by Commissioner Chauvin, seconded by Commissioner Daisy, to deviate from the regular
order of the agenda. There was a call for Public on the deviation. There was no one from Public in opposition of
the deviation.
There was a motion by Commissioner Daisy, seconded by Commissioner Talbot, motion carried, to authorize
landowner agreement with Apache for temporary easement, servitude, and right of way agreement for mitigation
construction project.
There was a motion by Commissioner Talbot, seconded by Commissioner Daisy, motion carried, to return to the
regular order of the agenda.
Under disposition of minutes, there was a motion by Commissioner Daisy, seconded by Commissioner Talbot,
motion carried, to adopt the minutes from the Regular Meeting held on February 14, 2012.
There was a motion by Commissioner Chauvin, seconded by Commissioner Guidry, motion carried, to adopt the
minutes from the Finance Meeting held on March 5, 2012
There was a motion by Commissioner Guidry, seconded by Commissioner Pinkston, motion carried, to adopt
the minutes from the Planning and Projects Meeting held on March 5, 2012.
Under Engineering updates, Jeff Pena with Shaw Coastal, Inc. presented a slide show on the HNC structure.
Under President’s Report, there was nothing to report.
There being no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Commissioner Daisy, seconded by
Commissioner Pinkston, motion carried, to adjourn the March 13, 2012, Regular Meeting of the Terrebonne
Levee and Conservation District at 6:27 o’clock P.M.
Leward “Sou” Henry, Vice-President
Angela Rains, Secretary