March 2, 2007 - Terrebonne Levee & Conservation District

Regular Committee Meeting
February 14, 2012
President Tony Alford called to order the Regular Committee Meeting of the Terrebonne Levee and
Conservation District at the TLCD located at 220 Clendenning Road, Houma, Louisiana, at 5:30 o’clock P.M.
on February 14, 2012.
Angela Rains led the opening prayer, and Commissioner Leward Henry led the Pledge of Allegiance to the
American Flag.
Upon roll call by Mrs. Rains, Commissioners recorded as present were: Mr. Chauvin, Mr. Henry, Mr. Alford,
Mr. Talbot, Mr. Daisy and Mr. Moore. Mr. Pinkston is recorded as arriving at 5:36 P.M. Mr. Guidry is
recorded as arriving at 5:45 P.M.
Under Public, there was no one wishing to address the board.
There was old business brought forward from the previous week for further discussion:
Mr. Dupre asked the board for authorization to purchase one (1) new air compressor in the amount of
There was a motion by Commissioner Chauvin, seconded by Commissioner Moore, motion carried, to authorize
the purchase one (1) new air compressor in the amount of $12,750.00.
Mr. Dupre asked the board to authorize Resolution No. 12-001 applying for temporary state funding from the
CPRA in the amount of $500,000.00 for expenses incurred due to the 2011 High River Flood Threat, and to use
this funding for partial payment to Shaw Coastal, Inc. for pumping costs incurred during the event.
There was a motion by Commissioner Henry, seconded by Commissioner Moore, to authorize Resolution No.
12-001 applying for temporary state funding from CPRA in the amount of $500,000.00 for expenses incurred
due to the 2011 High River Flood threat, and to use this funding for partial payment to Shaw Coastal, Inc. for
pumping costs incurred during the event.
Mr. Dupre asked the board to authorize Resolution No. 12-002 requesting the Terrebonne Parish Consolidated
Government to fund a portion of the non-federal costs of the Emergency Pumping due to the 2011 High River
Flood Threat.
There was a motion by Commissioner Talbot, seconded by Commissioner Chauvin, motion carried, to authorize
Resolution No. 12-002 requesting the Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government to fund a portion of the nonfederal costs of the Emergency Pumping due to the 2011 High River Flood Threat.
Under Management’s Report, Greg Gautreaux recommended to the board that the HMAT 2012-01 Dirt Bid be
awarded to Low Land in the amount of $5.80/cy, subject to review by Board attorney James Dagate, and
Program Manager Mitch Marmande.
There was a motion by Commissioner Daisy, seconded by Commissioner Henry, motion carried, to award the
HMAT 2012-01 Dirt Bid to Low Land Construction in the amount of $5.80/cy, subject to review by Board
attorney James Dagate, and Program Manager Mitch Marmande.
Regular Committee Meeting
February 14, 2012
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There was a presentation by Mr. Billy Wall from the Coastal Protection & Restoration Authority on the Levee
Permit Automation software. Discussion followed on this software.
Under Executive Director’s Report, Mr. Dupre asked the board to authorize Resolution 12-003 in support of
CPRA’s proposed Levee Permit Automation software in the amount of $500.00.
There was a motion by Commissioner Talbot, seconded by Commissioner Henry, motion carried, to authorize
Resolution No. 12-003 in support of CPRA’s proposed Levee Permit Automation software in the amount of
There was discussion, with no action taken, of the CPRA IEB application for $600,000.00 of State funding for
FEMA projects.
Mr. Dupre asked the board for authorization to advertise for bids for modifications to the MTG Reach J-2 Water
Control Structure No. 2 contingent upon approval of IEB funding as previously discussed.
There was a motion by Commissioner Talbot, seconded by Commissioner Chauvin, motion carried, to advertise
for bids for modifications to the MTG Reach J-2 Water Control Structure No. 2 contingent upon approval of
IEB funding as previously discussed.
Under disposition of minutes, there was a motion by Commissioner Daisy, seconded by Commissioner Chauvin,
motion carried, to adopt the minutes from the Regular Meeting held on January 10, 2012.
There was a motion by Commissioner Guidry, seconded by Commissioner Chauvin, motion carried, to adopt the
minutes from the Finance Meeting held on February 6, 2012
There was a motion by Commissioner Henry, seconded by Commissioner Pinkston, motion carried, to adopt the
minutes from the Planning and Projects Meeting held on February 6, 2012.
Under Engineering updates, Jeff Pena with Shaw Coastal, Inc. asked the board to deviate from the regular order
of the agenda to address the performance of additional analysis for geotechnical work for the Lower Reach F
There was a motion by Commissioner Daisy, seconded by Commissioner Talbot, to deviate from the regular
order of the agenda to address the performance of additional analysis for geotechnical work for the Lower Reach
F Project.
There was a call for Public comment on the deviation. There was no one from Public wishing to address the
deviation. The motion to deviate was passed.
There was a motion by Commissioner Henry, seconded by Commissioner Talbot, motion carried, to authorize
Shaw Coastal, Inc.’s Amendment No. 3 for additional analysis for geotechnical work on the Lower Reach F
There was a motion by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Daisy, motion carried, to return to the
regular order of the agenda.
Under President’s Report, Mr. Alford reported on the forming of a Morganza to the Gulf Funding Task Force.
He presented a list of people who will participate in the Task Force, in both a voting and non-voting capacity.
Regular Committee Meeting
February 14, 2012
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There being no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Commissioner Henry, seconded by
Commissioner Moore, motion carried, to adjourn the February 6, 2012, Regular Meeting of the Terrebonne
Levee and Conservation District at 6:10 o’clock P.M.
Anthony Alford, President
Angela Rains, Secretary