Statutory Authority Subject matter Department Acht um Thionscail na

Statutory Authority
Acht um Thionscail na
Gaeltachta 1957
Air Navigation and
Transport Act 1936
Air Navigation
(Investigation of
Accidents) Regulations
Air Navigation
(Investigation of
Accidents) Regulations
Animals Transit and
General (Ireland) Order
Apprenticeship Act 1931
Apprenticeship Act 1959
Arterial Drainage Act
Arts Act 1973
Bee Pest Prevention
(Ireland) Act 1908
Broadcasting Authority
Act 1960
Cattle Plague (Ireland)
Order 1900
Subject matter
Scéimeanna aoisliuntais ar scor
dóibh do pé oifigigh nó
seirbhísigh nó i leith pé
oifigigeach nó seirbhíseach is cui
le Gaeltarra Éireann
Orders under section 41
Orders under Reg. 10
Orders under Reg. 10
Department of Arts,
Heritage and the Gaeltacht
Department of Transport,
Tourism and Sport
Department of Transport,
Tourism and Sport
Department of Transport,
Tourism and Sport
Regulations under Art. 22
Department of
Agriculture, Food and the
Orders under section 9 confirming Department of Jobs
rules of an apprenticeship
Enterprise and Innovation
Rules under sections 24, 25 and
Department of Jobs
26 and rules under 27 and orders
Enterprise and Innovation
under section 34
Orders under sections 7(2), 11
Department of Finance
(1)(a), 24, 31, 34, 39, 46(1), 49(5)
and 55 (3)(c) and drainage
schemes under sections 4, 12(a),
12(c) and 18;
Orders under section 8 (2)(a)
declaring date Commissioners of
Public Works first entered upon
specific existing drainage works
Superannuation schemes under
section 10 for officers and
servants of An Chomhairle
Regulations under that Act
Superannuation schemes under
section 15 for officers and
servants of Radio Éireann
Regulations under Art 8 (2)
Department of Arts,
Heritage and the Gaeltacht
Department of
Agriculture, Food and the
Department of
Communications, Energy
and Natural Resources
Department of
Agriculture, Food and the
Central Bank Act 1942
Central Bank Act 1961
Children Act 1908
Coast Protection Act
County Management Act
Regulations under section 16 for
competitions for appointment to
staff of Central Bank of Ireland
Amending schemes under section
Regulations under section 110(2)
relating to State contributions to
expenses of maintenance of
children young persons in places
of detention
Schemes and orders under section
Bye laws under section 22 and
orders under section 23
Orders under sections 19 and 21
relating to the exercise of
functions of county manager;
Department of Finance
Department Children and
Youth Affairs
Department of
Communications, Energy
and Natural Resources
Department of
Environment Community
and Local Government
Courts of Justice Act
Instruments prescribing matters
referred to in sections 22 and 23
Orders under section 26(1)(f)
providing for the holding of
sittings of District Court in single
specified days;
Department of Justice and
Currency Act 1927
Orders under section 26(1)(f)
providing for holding of sittings
of District Court during holiday
General regulations under section
58(3) authorising an Associated
Bank to pay out certain
consolidated bank notes;
regulations under section 43;
Department of Finance
Defence Act 1954
Regulations under section 57
relating to retirement and
cancellation of consolidated bank
Orders under sections 33, 290;
revocation orders under section
Regulations under sections 17, 2123, 25-27, 29, 40, 43, 45-49, 53,
55, 56, 58, 60-68, 70, 72, 73, 75,
80-82, 84, 86-88, 90, 92-94, 97,
98, 100, 102, 103, 114-117, 180,
182, 184, 243, 244, 246, 292;
Department of Finance
Department of Defence
Defence (Amendment)
Act 1990
Defence Forces
(Temporary Provisions)
Acts 1923 to 1947
Diseases of Animals Act
Revocation orders under section
Regulations under sections 2, 5
Instruments other than those
under sections 30, 125, 137(2),
138, 170, 179 of No. 30 of 1923
or section 12 of No. 11 of 1940
Orders under section 22 relating
only to control and eradication of
particular local outbreaks of
Department of Defence
Department of Defence
Department of
Agriculture, Food and the
Orders under section 22
conferring powers upon particular
local authorities for purposes
mentioned in section 2(1)(b) of
Dogs Act 1906;
Dogs (Ireland) Order
Electoral Act 1923
Electricity (Supply) Act
Export Promotion Act
Finance Act 1939
Firearms and Offensive
Weapons Act 1990
Fisheries (Consolidation)
Act 1959
Regulations under any order made
for the purposes mentioned in
section 2(1)(b) of Dogs Act 1906
Regulations under Article 1
Orders under section 41;
Polling schemes confirmed under
section 42
Special orders under section 45
Superannuation schemes under
section 15 for officers and
servants of Córas Tráchtála
Order under section 18
Firearms and Offensive Weapons
Act 1990 (Offensive Weapons)
Order 1991
Orders under sections 99(5) and
Flax Act 1936
Orders made by the Government
under that Act
Forestry Act 1946
Orders under sections 23 and 26
Department of
Agriculture, Food and the
Department of
Environment Community
and Local Government
Department of
Communications, Energy
and Natural Resources
Department of Foreign
Affairs and Trade
Department of Finance
Department of Justice and
Department of
Agriculture, Food and the
Department of
Communications, Energy
and Natural Resources
Department of
Communications, Energy
and Natural Resources
Game Preservation Act
Gas Act 1976
Gas Regulation Act 1920
Gas Regulation Act 1928
Orders under section 7 presenting
rate of contribution by gas
undertakings to gas fund;
Special orders under section 10
Regulations under section 5(1)
Glanders or Farcy
(Ireland) Order 1900
Regulations under article 7, 15(2)
Harbours Act 1946
Orders under section 45;
Industrial Development
Act 1969
Industrial Relations Act
Industrial Research and
Standards Act 1946
Industrial Training Act
Intermediate Education
(Ireland) Acts 1878 to
Irish Aviation Authority
Act 1993
Irish Land Act 1903
Orders under section 15 for the
recognition of game preservation
Superannuation schemes made
under section 18
Harbour works orders under
section 134, including provisional
harbour works orders to which
section 135 applies
Superannuation schemes under
section 27 for officers and
servants of Industrial
Development Authority
Orders under sections 28(2),
32(1), 32(2), 77(2)(c), 77(2)(d),
78(1)(c), 78(1)(d), 79(d), 79(f)
Orders under section 20
prescribing standard
Orders under section 22
prescribing standard marks
Orders by An Chomhairle Oiliúna
under sections 21, 23 and 24;
superannuation schemes under
section 13 for permanent staff of
An Chomhairle Oiliúna
Annual rules and programme for
secondary schools
Superannuation schemes made
pursuant to section 41
Trustee schemes under sections 4
and 20
Department of
Agriculture, Food and the
Department of
Communications, Energy
and Natural Resources
Department of
Communications, Energy
and Natural Resources
Department of
Communications, Energy
and Natural Resources
Department of
Agriculture, Food and the
Department of Transport,
Tourism and Sport
Department of Jobs
Enterprise and Innovation
Department of Jobs
Enterprise and Innovation
Department of Jobs
Enterprise and Innovation
Department of Jobs
Enterprise and Innovation
Department of Education
and Skills
Department of Transport,
Tourism and Sport
Department of
Environment Community
and Local Government
Irish Land Act 1909
Trustee Schemes under section 18
Labourers Act 1936
Purchase schemes under section
Land Act 1923
Land Act 1939
Land Act 1933
Land Act 1936
Land Act 1950
Local Authorities
(Officers and
Employees) Act 1926
Local Government Act
Department of
Environment Community
and Local Government
Department of
Environment Community
and Local Government
Orders under section 13, giving
approval of Minister for Local
Government for purchase schemes
under section 12
Trustee schemes section 69
Department of
Environment Community
and Local Government
Orders under section 41, 57 and
Department of
Environment Community
and Local Government
Trustee schemes under section 33 Department of
Environment Community
and Local Government
Orders under sections 35 and 36
Department of
Environment Community
and Local Government
Orders under section 28
Department of
Environment Community
and Local Government
Regulations under section 8 and 9 Department of
Environment Community
and Local Government
Orders under section 1 declaring
Department of
roads main roads;
Environment Community
and Local Government
Orders under section 26 relating
to abandonment of certain roads;
Orders under section 28 revoking
orders declaring roads main roads;
Local Government Act
Local Government Act
Local Government Act
Orders under section 29 relating
to temporary closure of roads to
public traffic
Orders under section 69 fixing
audit fees to be paid by harbour
and pilotage authorities
Bridge orders and consequential
orders under sections 48, 49(2),
50, 53(1), 53(3), 55, 56, 57(2),
58(2)(a) and (b)
Orders under section 10
Department of
Environment Community
and Local Government
Department of
Environment Community
and Local Government
Department of
Environment Community
and Local Government
Local Government
(Roads and Motorways)
Act 1974
Minerals Development
Act 1940
Motorway scheme under section 4
Ministers and Secretaries
(Amendment) Act 1939
National Monuments Act
National Monuments
(Amendment) Act 1954
National Standards
Authority of Ireland Act
Night Work (Bakeries)
Act 1936
Orders under section 7(1)(2)
Pigs and Bacon Act 1935
Pigs and Bacon Act 1937
Pigs and Bacon
(Amendment) Act 1939
(Ireland) Order 1900
Postal and
Services Act 1983
Planning and
Development Act 2000
Minerals acquisition orders under
section 14
Orders under section 8, 9(2) and
Orders under section 4
Superannuation schemes made
pursuant to paragraph 3 of the
Second Schedule
Regulations under section 5(2)
prescribing processes of
Orders under section 107
Orders under sections 21(1), 22,
25(1), 25(3), 30, 31(1), 32(1),
62(1), 62(2), 63(1), 63(2),
Department of
Environment Community
and Local Government
Department of
Communications, Energy
and Natural Resources
Department of Public
Expenditure and Reform
Department of Arts,
Heritage and the Gaeltacht
Department of Arts,
Heritage and the Gaeltacht
Department of Jobs
Enterprise and Innovation
Department of
Agriculture, Food and the
Department of
Agriculture, Food and the
Department of
Agriculture, Food and the
Orders under sections 30 and 31
Orders under sections 34(2),
34(3)(a), 35(2), 35(3)(a), 36(1),
36(2), 37(2), 40(2), 40(3), 41(1),
Department of
Agriculture, Food and the
Regulations under sections 42(1),
42(2), 44(5), 45(1) and 46(1).
Regulations under Articles 7(2),
11 and 14
Schemes under section 46
Department of Health
Superannuation schemes made
under section 119
Presidential Elections
Act 1937
Orders under section 20
Public Health (Ireland)
Act 1878
Orders under section 162 relating
to discontinuance of burial in
burial grounds
Department of
Communications, Energy
and Natural Resources
Department of
Environment Community
and Local Government
Department of
Environment Community
and Local Government
Department of Health
Public Offices Fees Act
Radiological Protection
Act 1991
Regulations under section 3
School Attendance Act
Orders under section 10 relating
to time and mode of appointment
of members of school attendance
Regulations under Article 22
Sheep Dipping Order
Sheep Pox (Ireland)
Order 1900
Regulations under Articles 8(2),
11 and 14
Sheep Scab (Local
Regulations) (Ireland)
Order 1914
Shops (Hours of
Trading) Act 1938
Regulations under Article 1
Slaughtered Animals
(Compensation) Act
State Harbours Act 1924
Orders under sections 25 and 34
relating to a county or other
borough, urban district or town
Orders under section 17
Department of
Agriculture, Food and the
Department of
Agriculture, Food and the
Department of
Agriculture, Food and the
Department of Jobs
Enterprise and Innovation
Superannuation schemes under
section 5 for whole time members
of Bord na Móna;
Department of
Agriculture, Food and the
Department of Transport,
Tourism and Sport
Department of Public
Expenditure and Reform
Department of
Agriculture, Food and the
Department of
Agriculture, Food and the
Department of Transport,
Tourism and Sport
Department of Transport,
Tourism and Sport
Department of Transport,
Tourism and Sport
Department of
Communications, Energy
and Natural Resources
Superannuation schemes made
pursuant to section 6
Regulations under proviso to
section 12(3)
Department of Social
Regulations under section 7
Superannuation and
Pensions Act 1963
Swine Fever (Ireland)
Order 1900
Regulations under section 6(11)
Tobacco Act 1934
Orders under section 43
Transport Act 1944
Orders under section 39(7)
Transport (Railway
Infrastructure) Act 2001
Transport (Miscellaneous
Provisions) Act 1971
Turf Development Act
Superannuation schemes made
under section 25
Regulations under section 29
Insurance Act 1920
Superannuation schemes made
under section 13
Department of Public
Expenditure and Reform
Department of
Environment Community
and Local Government
Department of Education
and Skills
Regulations under Articles 8, 11,
12 and 16
Vocational Education
Act 1930
Regulations under section 53
relating to grants to vocational
education committees;
Instruments prescribing or
approving forms for the purpose
of income tax, surtax or
corporation profits tax;
Orders prescribing or approving
forms for customs excise duties
and registration of ships
Department of Education
and Skills