July 25, 2015 Mid Year Retreat

July 25, 2015 Mid Year Retreat
Attendees: Alex Read, Tom Moore, Bruce Winner, Sherry Walck, Todd Greider,
Michele Mariscal, Lisa Blutman, Virginia Crowe, Sarah Crawford, Allison Horak and
Janet Isom
Absent: Judy Isaman and Jennifer Keller
9:00 – 9:40 AM- Introduction and Ice Breaker (Alex Read)
9:40 - 9:45 AM – Objectives for the day (Alex Read) To handle any
outstanding Board business before reviewing our 2015 Operational Plan.
9:45 – 10:15 AM – Board Meeting
- Approve June Minutes
Tom moved to approve the June Board Minutes. Sherry seconded the
motion. The motion to approve the minutes passed.
Review Scott Nipper’s proposal – Tabled until next meeting
Bylaws update
The job description for the Director of Finance position needs to be revised to reflect the
change to having a bookkeeper update our Finance Reports.
Need to update bylaws to reflect a job description for a Director of Operations.
Anything else?
Finance and Tax update –
 Motion made by Alex to pay Heather Rico up to $750 to bring the
Chapter’s Finance Reports up to date (2014 and YTD for 2015) so we
can file our 2014 chapter taxes and move forward on our ATD Annual
Finance Review, as well as to offer cross training to select Board
members and our Virtual Assistant, Janet Isom. Motion seconded by
Bruce. Motion passed.
 Motion was made by Alex to pay a nominal sum for the monthly services of a
bookkeeper to update the ongoing Finance Reports. It would now be the
responsibility of the Director of Finance to review those reports for accuracy. The
job description for the Director of Finance position will be revised to reflect this
change. The motion was seconded by Bruce Winner. Motion passed.
 Fred Coia, our accountant, will file chapter taxes following receipt of
corrected 2014 Finance Reports from Heather Rico.
July 25, 2015 Mid Year Retreat
10:15 – 10:30 President’s Message (Alex Read)
- State of Affairs – The chapter is doing well financially, by offering
members great value through programming and the job bank.
Board for next year – Board nominations are in progress. Thank you to
Tom Moore for agreeing to put together an email soliciting nominations to
the 2016 Board of Directors. So far, Michele Mariscal has agreed to be our
2016 President-Elect.
o Ballot finalized in August – Todd Greider will work with Janet Isom
to get the ballot out to members, once nominations are finalized.
o September vote
o October ALC-The ATD Annual Leadership Conference is being held in
Alexandria, VA again this year from October 9-10th at the Renaissance
Crystal City. Great for meeting training professionals around country.
Learn more about national benefits, potentially successful
programming topics, and cutting edge technology and social media
efforts of other chapters.
o November board member orientation – Date TBD
o December holiday party all board members coming and leaving
ALC criteria – In order for the Board to pay for airfare and hotel
accommodations at ALC, all attendees must be willing to serve on the Board
for a minimum of 1 year. After the conference, you will be expected to
submit a report of three target goals for 2016, as a result of ALC.
10:30 to 11:45 / Operational Plan Review — with timekeeper
 President – Alex Read / 7 minutes – Continuing to work on my
operational plan goals. Working with Michele and Todd to target National
members to become Power Members. Helping out with programs, special
events and other matters, as needed.
 Past President – Tom Moore / 7 minutes – Continuing to work on my
operational plan goals. Handling nominations for the 2016 Board and other
duties, as needed.
 Finance – Judy Isaman (Bruce Winner in Judy’s absence) / 7
minutes – Judy has done a great job with the new charting on the Finance
Report, as well as the monthly Quick Views, where we can easily see the
changes in Income and Expenses over a 5 year period. The Chapter is in
good financial shape, due to successful programming and retention of
July 25, 2015 Mid Year Retreat
Co-Directors of Programs – 11 minutes – Programs are well attended
and evaluations are meeting goals set out in operation plan. We have August
networking event and September Kriegel event planned. Still working on
scheduling November event. Perhaps a Roadshow is in the works. Yet TBD.
Bruce has secured a speaker for our December Holiday event this year.
Special Events – Bruce Winner / 7 minutes – Full slate of special events
planned for the year. Had to cancel Core Journey and Motivation classes.
Upcoming eLearning Workshop in August, Handshaw Meeting and
SuperSession in October and last TF session in November. Special events
have been well received and profitable. Members are getting added value
from the workshops. Evaluations have been very positive.
Membership – Michele Mariscal / 7 minutes – Chapter is at 300
members. Efforts under way to reach out to local large companies to convert
their National and non-members into Group Members. Also, running a
membership drive to convert National members into Power Members to
increase our ratio. Have offered a Member Orientation already this year,
which was a success. Scheduling another one soon. Working on a new
Membership Brochure.
Communications and Marketing – Todd Greider / 7 minutes – Went
through all of our Wild Apricot contacts and identified duplicate database
records. Eliminated about 700 records, so we didn’t have to incur an
additional cost to upgrade our Wild Apricot software package. Been
expanding our social media presence and engagement, both on our LinkedIn
Group and Twitter. Created Sponsorship packages to offer local companies
for both meetings and special events. Have updated the website’s
Sponsorship page with new offerings at http://www.astdsac.org/Sponsor.
Working with Alex and Michele to reach out to large employers about Group
Memberships and convert National members into Power Members.
Administration et al - Janet Isom / 7 Minutes - Continuing to work on
my operational plan goals, including offering support to each Director, as
needed. Continue to provide Sales, Marketing and Administrative Support to
Programs to sell out 11 monthly meetings, to Special Events to sell out the 9
Special Event Workshops in 2015 (including 3 Training Fundamentals
sessions), and for the eLearning SIG. Have collaborated with the
Membership and Marketing Directors to brainstorm ways to increase our
Power Membership ratio.
11:45 – 12:30 / Working Lunch – Dos Coyotes
- Thoughts and ideas to finish the year strong
- Next Steps
12:30 – Meeting Adjourned!!!!