RE-GRADING WITHIN ADMINISTRATIVE, LIBRARY, AND COMPUTING (ALC) GRADES – 2005/06 1. General Principles 1.1 A Panel for Administrative, Library, and Computing Staff will be appointed to consider all applications for re-grading within the ALC Grades. The grade of a post will be determined using the grading criteria set out in Appendix A. 1.2 Recommendations for the award of discretionary increments; (i.e. increments contained in the salary scales which are not an automatic entitlement), one-off additional responsibility payments, (i.e. in situations where a member of staff assumes significant responsibilities in addition to his/her normal responsibilities for a finite period), and the award of one-off exceptional payments, (i.e. when a member of staff completes a one-off major assignment in addition to their normal duties in an exemplary way), will be submitted directly to the Director of HR by the Head of School/Administrative Directorate, and will not be considered under this procedure. Such awards will be reported to the Human Resources Committee. 1.3 Applications for re-grading may be initiated by the candidate, in accordance with guidelines outlined in Section 2 below, and submitted to the HR Directorate, no later than 9th January 2006. 1.4 In situations where the Head of School/Administrative Directorate is unable to support the case, he/she must discuss this decision with the applicant. A post-holder has the right to insist that their case is considered by the re-grading Panel despite the lack of support by their Head of School/Administrative Directorate. In such situations, Heads of School are still required to co-sign the job description if it is agreed, and submit a report whatever their view of the merits of the case. 1.5 The normal date for a re-grading will be the first day of the month following completion of the review process. 2. Submission of Applications 2.1 All applicants for re-grading will be required to provide ; (i) a copy of the original job-description together with a revised job description, agreed and co-signed by the applicant and the Head of School. (ii) supporting evidence demonstrating their professional expertise, specialist skills, and level of responsibility in respect of the following areas:Leadership/supervision Communication/influencing Performance management Developing others Teamwork Contributing to strategic and/or service development Organisation, planning, and time management Information seeking, analysis and decision making Creativity, innovation, problem solving Commitment to continuous professional development Resource management Knowledge and expertise Technical expertise (Please note that it is recognised that in some Directorates the leadership and strategic role will be limited, but in these situations individuals will be required to demonstrate that they contribute specific technical expertise at an appropriate level.) (iii) a commentary from the Head of School/Administrative Directorate, which specifies how the grading criteria set out in Appendix A is met, drawing on the evidence contained in the candidate’s portfolio. 3. PROCEDURE 3.1 All applications will be considered by a Panel comprising a Pro Vice-Chancellor, the Director of HR (or nominee), two further Administrative Directors, and a Head of School. 3.2 The remit for the group is to ensure that all applications for re-grading within the ALC Grades are considered in a fair and consistent method, and in accordance with the agreed procedure. 3.3 Feedback will be available from the Pro Vice-Chancellor and one other member of the Panel in respect of unsuccessful cases. 4. APPEALS 4.1 A member of staff whose application has been turned down will be entitled to have the decision reviewed by an Appeal Committee provided that additional information to substantiate the appeal is supplied. 4.2 A letter of appeal must be submitted to the Director of HR within ten working days of receiving the Panel’s decision, providing details for the grounds of the appeal. 4.3 The Appeal Committee will comprise of a Pro Vice-Chancellor and two members appointed from the Human Resources Committee. 4.4 The decision of the Appeal Committee will be confirmed in writing within five working days of the appeal hearing. APPENDIX A PROMOTION CRITERIA Re-grading within the Administrative, Library and Computing Grades should be based on clear and objective criteria, which recognises the professional expertise, specialist skills, managerial responsibility and reputation within the profession or service. Re-grading Indicators: All the ALC grades are based on key management and professional standards which vary with the level of responsibility associated with the grade of the role, and these are listed below: Leadership / Supervision Communication/ Influencing Performance Management Developing Others Teamwork Contribution to Strategic and/ or Service Development Organisation, Planning, and Time Management Information Seeking, Analysis and Decision Making Creativity, Innovation, Problem Solving Commitment to continuous Professional Development Resource Management Technical expertise Knowledge and Expertise *Specific Technical Expertise (It is recognised in some Directorates the leadership and strategic role would be limited but in these situations individuals would carry specific technical expertise at an appropriate level). Administrative Library and Computing Staff Grade 1 Applicants for regrading into ALC grades will be required to demonstrate a routine exercise of professional skills and knowledge contributing toward the development of policy. The role of an ALC 1 will involve day to day management responsibilities for a defined area of work and the routine application of professional skills and knowledge with minimum supervision. Administrative Library and Computing Staff Grade 2 Advancement from ALC 1 to ALC 2 will be the normal expectation with applicants being expected to demonstrate the development of key competencies and knowledge through the achievement of assigned tasks as well as the potential to take on more demanding tasks. The development of these competencies will result in a broadening of the role within the given area, as the responsibilities grow commensurate with personal progression. Administrative Library and Computing Staff Grade 3 Applicants for regrading to ALC 3 will be expected to demonstrate the areas expected of an ALC 2. In addition evidence will be required of the following : their strategic role within the service/function ; the operation, evaluation and development of a service/function (s) ; the scale and complexity of their areas of responsibility ; their leadership role within the area. Administrative Library and Computing Staff Grade 4 Applicants for regrading to ALC 4 will be expected to demonstrate the breadth and depth of their contribution at ALC 3 and at least one of the following : exceptional personal knowledge and skills or performance ; high level management responsibility across an extensive range of activities ; exercise and application of professional/technical skills and knowledge across an extensive range of activities. Administrative Library and Computing Staff Grade 5 Applicants for regrading to ALC 5 will be expected to demonstrate the areas expected of an ALC 4 and will be operating at a senior strategic level within the School/Administrative Directorate designing policy and strategy for professional services/activities across the University. Applicants will hold a significant management role and may have significant budgets. Administrative Library and Computing Staff Grade 6 Applicants for regrading to ALC 6 will need to demonstrate exceptional leadership contributions at both a Directorate and University wide level including the following: the provision of strategic leadership and motivation evidenced through high level strategic planning and decision making ; the definition and delivery of policy and strategy and engendering a culture of best practice ; the promotion of the public image of the University in their sphere of influence and operation ; involvement in the leadership and supervision of change at a strategic and University wide level; managing the performance of teams and individuals within the organisation ; the maintenance of high quality standards at an organisational and, where appropriate, operational level.