Careers in Education 1-2, 3-4 Track D Carla Smith Spring 2014 Renton Teacher Academy Oral Book Report Rubric-Reading Rainbow Style 8=Accomplished/Extraordinary (extra points) 5=Skilled 3=Competent 2=Needs Improvement 1=Limited in Skills 0=No evidence of meeting this criteria Content Student gives a summary of the book. Gives concrete details and examples that relate to mood, theme, characterization etc., and that reveal that the student has read the book. Student shows evidence that thought was put into the age of the children that would enjoy the chosen book. 5 4 3 2 1 0 Organization and Planning and Rehearsing Student presents information in a logical and interesting sequence which the audience can follow. It is evident that the student has put time and energy into planning the report. There is little to no reliance on notes. 5 4 3 2 1 0 Presentation Student makes eye contact with the audience (and camera), enunciates clearly, speaks in a volume loud enough for all to hear, and uses movements that are fluid to help the audience visualize the speaker’s content. Presentation is approximately 1 – 1 ½ minutes in length. 5 4 3 2 1 0 Visual Aid Student uses the chosen book’s cover and pages (as appropriate) and links it to the content and it is evident that the student put thought into the selection of images. 5 4 3 2 1 0 Time: Submitted Required Script: Yes No (-5) Penalties: Talking to others or otherwise creating a disturbance while classmates are presenting. Grossly over or under the suggested time frame of 3 minutes. Script not turned in Total: ______ x 2 = ______/ 50 points Penalties: _____ Final Grade: ______/ 50 points 40 out of 50 = B (If you plan to earn higher than a B, please notice that you will need 6, 7, and 8 points in a given category)