GROUP A = The Seven Chairs GROUP B = Under the Rug

DAY 1 -
Distribute good copies of the script.
Highlight your lines.
Read through your script as a group.
Read through your script as a group using different vocal techniques; try
different voices.
Each group gets 30 minutes on stage to rehearse. When not on stage, each group will:
Discuss blocking.
Discuss production (music, lighting, sound effects, minimal props/costumes)
Read through your scripts in character.
Mark your scripts for oral interpretation.
DAY 2 -
FIRST HALF OF CLASS -- Group A -- Block your scene
SECOND HALF OF CLASS – Group B– Block your scene
(When not rehearsing on stage, complete a movement diagram which shows the
blocking for your piece.)
DAY 3 -
FIRST HALF OF CLASS -- Group B-- Block your scene
SECOND HALF OF CLASS – Group A – Block your scene
(When not rehearsing on stage, complete a movement diagram which shows the
blocking for your piece.)
DAY 4-
Perform – Group A
Perform – Group B
Everyone submits their written work (refer to Evaluation Rubric).
GROUP A = The Seven Chairs
GROUP B = Under the Rug