2009/10 winners: Overall Winners: Mathilde van der Merwe of Stellenbosch University for her article In memory of a snail , and Melissa Boonzaaier of Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University for an audio script on the sea turtles of South Africa. Runners-up: The two runners-up are Subhashin Pillay of Wits for her article on the science romantic love, and Sediqa Khatieb of the SA National Biodiversity Institute for her audio script on Geographical Information System. Special winners: The competition this time also had special prizes for the best article and script on genetics and related research in South Africa. The prizes were awarded to Dionne Shepherd of the University of Cape Town for her article on epigenetics, which she calls “the soft side of evolutionary theory”, and Lauren Brom of the University of Pretoria for her script titled Getting to the root of stem cells.