Adult Independent Study - Work Assignment Sheet Psychology Assignment 1 of 9 Page ____ of ____ Student: _________________________ Teacher: __________________ 2-Week Assignment Period: From ___________________ to ___________________ (Occasional 1-week Period) Total Attendance Hours Earned for this Assignment: Academic Hours ___________ SIS Claimed Attendance (Apportionment) Hours ___________ ASSIGNMENT GRADE 1A. UP: Read pp. xii-1. Complete WS #1—Learning Log: How to Think Like a Psychologist. 1B. UP: Survey pp. 6-13. Complete WS #2—Learning Log: Survey Before You Read. 1C. UP: Read pp. 6-13. Complete WS #3—Learning Log: Why Study Psychology? 1D. Complete WS #4—Learning Log: The Paragraph—Guide and Rubric. 1E. UP: Survey and read pp. 14-22. Complete WS #5—Learning Log: A Brief History of Psychology. 1F. UP: Survey and read pp. 24-28. Complete WS #6—Vocabulary Activity: Psychology as a Profession and WS #7—Learning Log: Specialty Fields of Psychology. 1G. UP: Assessment: Respond in a complete paragraph to Critical Thinking question #2 on p. 30. 2A. UP: Survey and read pp. 34-41. Complete WS #8—Learning Log: What is Research? 2B. UP: Survey and read pp. 42-45. Complete WS #9—Guided Reading Activity: Problems and Solutions in Research and WS #10—Vocabulary Activity: Problems and Solutions in Research. 2C. UP: Survey and read pp. 47-54. Complete WS #11—Learning Log: Statistical Evaluation. 2D. UP: Assessment: Complete Reviewing Vocabulary on p. 56 and Building Skills on p 57. Circle comments: 1. Must redo assignments until mastery of 80%. Assignment 2. Discussion and supplemental review exercises required. 3. Passed assignments at 80% or higher. 4. Produced superior work consistently 5. Discussed, reviewed, and corrected assignments with student. 6. Audio-visual or computer assignment. 7. Individual or group discussion. 8. Review / Preparation for a test 9. Reading Assignment 10. No work completed during the assignment period. 11. Student shows improved study skills, attitude, and interpersonal skills. 12. Other:_______________________________________________ Student Status Report to Parents On Track / No misses / Great Job On Track / 1 miss On Probation / 2 misses (no more misses allowed) Excellent work produced Good work / Some re-dos Too many re-dos / Slow down Please call me (_______)________________________ Other ________________________________________ _________________________________ Parent Signature Adult Independent Study - Work Assignment Sheet Psychology Assignment 2 of 9 Page ____ of ____ Student: _________________________ Teacher: __________________ 2-Week Assignment Period: From ___________________ to ___________________ (Occasional 1-week Period) Total Attendance Hours Earned for this Assignment: Academic Hours ___________ SIS Claimed Attendance (Apportionment) Hours ___________ ASSIGNMENT GRADE 3A. UP: Survey and read pp.60-68. Complete WS #12—Learning Log: Physical, Perceptual, and Language Development. 3B. UP: Survey and read pp. 70-77. Complete WS #13—Learning Log: Cognitive and Emotional Development. 3C. UP: Survey and read pp. 78-86. Complete WS #14—Guided Reading Activity: Parenting Styles and Social Development. 3D. GL: Complete online Self-Check Quiz: Unit 2, Chapter 3. For results below 80%, use Corrections Template. 3E. UP: Assessment: Respond in complete paragraphs to Critical Thinking # 2 and 5 on p.88. 3F. Complete WS #15—Application Activity: Parenting Styles. 3G. Project 2—Cognitive Development of Children. Consult with your instructor. 4A. UP: Survey and read pp. 92-99. Complete WS #16—Guided Reading Activity: Physical and Sexual Development. 4B. UP: Survey and read pp. 101-108. Complete WS #17—Learning Log: Personal Development. 4C. UP: Survey and read pp. 109-115. Complete WS #18—Learning Log: Social Development. 4D. UP: Survey and read pp. 116-122 and complete WS #19—Guided Reading Activity: Gender Roles and Differences. 4E. GL: Complete online Self-Check Quiz: Unit 2, Chapter 4. For results below 80%, use Corrections Template. 4F. UP: Assessment: Respond in a complete paragraph to Critical Thinking #4 on p. 124. Complete Building Skills #1-3 on p. 125. 4G. Complete WS #20—Application Activity: Gender-Role Characteristics. 4H. UP: Read pp. 126-127. Complete Analyzing the Reading, #1-3 on p. 127. Circle comments: 1. Must redo assignments until mastery of 80%. Assignment 2. Discussion and supplemental review exercises required. 3. Passed assignments at 80% or higher. 4. Produced superior work consistently 5. Discussed, reviewed, and corrected assignments with student. 6. Audio-visual or computer assignment. 7. Individual or group discussion. 8. Review / Preparation for a test 9. Reading Assignment 10. No work completed during the assignment period. 11. Student shows improved study skills, attitude, and interpersonal skills. 12. Other:_______________________________________________ Student Status Report to Parents On Track / No misses / Great Job On Track / 1 miss On Probation / 2 misses (no more misses allowed) Excellent work produced Good work / Some re-dos Too many re-dos / Slow down Please call me (_______)________________________ Other ________________________________________ _________________________________ Parent Signature Adult Independent Study - Work Assignment Sheet Psychology Assignment 3 of 9 Page ____ of ____ Student: _________________________ Teacher: __________________ 2-Week Assignment Period: From ___________________ to ___________________ (Occasional 1-week Period) Total Attendance Hours Earned for this Assignment: Academic Hours ___________ SIS Claimed Attendance (Apportionment) Hours ___________ ASSIGNMENT GRADE 5A. UP: Survey and read pp. 128-136. Complete WS #21—Vocabulary Activity: Adulthood. 5B. UP: Survey and read pp. 137-143. Complete WS# 22—Learning Log: Old Age. 5C. UP: Survey and read pp. 144-147. Complete #2 and #4 on p. 147. 5D. GL: Complete online Self-Check Quiz: Unit 2, Chapter 5. For results below 80%, use Corrections Template. 5E. UP: Assessment: Respond in a complete paragraph to Critical Thinking #5 on p. 150; complete Building Skills #1-3 on p. 151. 5F. UP: Read Case Studies on p. 148 and complete Analyzing the Case Study #1-3. 6A. UP: Survey and read pp. 154-159 and complete WS #23—Learning Log: The Nervous System: The Basic Structure. 6B. UP: Survey and read pp. 160-168 and complete WS #24—Guided Reading Activity: Studying the Brain. 6C. UP: Survey and read pp. 170-173 and complete WS #25—Vocabulary Activity: The Endocrine System. 6D. UP: Survey and read pp. 174-176 and complete WS #26—Learning Log: Heredity and Environment. 6E. GL: Complete online Self-Check Quiz: Unit 3, Chapter 6. For results below 80%, use Corrections Template. 6F. Assessment: Complete WS #27—Reteaching Activity: Body and Behavior. Omit question #20. 6G. SOM: After viewing film, complete WS #28—Secrets of the Mind. 6H. Project 3—Racing Hearts. Consult with your instructor. Circle comments: 1. Must redo assignments until mastery of 80%. Assignment 2. Discussion and supplemental review exercises required. 3. Passed assignments at 80% or higher. 4. Produced superior work consistently 5. Discussed, reviewed, and corrected assignments with student. 6. Audio-visual or computer assignment. 7. Individual or group discussion. 8. Review / Preparation for a test 9. Reading Assignment 10. No work completed during the assignment period. 11. Student shows improved study skills, attitude, and interpersonal skills. 12. Other:_______________________________________________ Student Status Report to Parents On Track / No misses / Great Job On Track / 1 miss On Probation / 2 misses (no more misses allowed) Excellent work produced Good work / Some re-dos Too many re-dos / Slow down Please call me (_______)________________________ Other ________________________________________ _________________________________ Parent Signature Adult Independent Study - Work Assignment Sheet Psychology Assignment 4 of 9 Page ____ of ____ Student: _________________________ Teacher: __________________ 2-Week Assignment Period: From ___________________ to ___________________ (Occasional 1-week Period) Total Attendance Hours Earned for this Assignment: Academic Hours ___________ SIS Claimed Attendance (Apportionment) Hours ___________ ASSIGNMENT GRADE 7A. UP: Survey and read pp. 182-190. Complete WS #29—Guided Reading Activity: Sleep and Dreams. 7B. Complete WS #30—Research Project: Dream Diary. 7C. UP: Survey and read pp. 191-194. Complete WS #31—Guided Reading Activity: Hypnosis, Biofeedback, and Meditation. 7D. UP: Read and complete Quick Lab on p. 194 and write a one-paragraph report. 7E. UP: Read Case Studies on p.196 and complete #1-3. 7F. UP: Read and survey pp. 197-202. Complete WS #32—Vocabulary Activity: Drugs and Consciousness. 7G. GL: Complete online Self-Check Quiz: Unit 3, Chapter 7. For results below 80%, use Corrections Template. 7H. UP: Assessment: Complete Critical Thinking #5 on p.204 and Building Skills #1-4 on p.205. 7I. Project 4—Circadian Rhythms. Consult with your instructor. 8A. UP: Survey and read pp. 206-213. Complete WS #33—Learning Log: Sensation. 8B. UP: Survey and read pp. 214-222. Complete WS #34—Guided Reading Activity: The Senses. 8C UP: Survey and read pp. 223-231. Complete WS #35—Learning Log: Perception. 8D. GL: Complete online Self-Check Quiz: Unit 3, Chapter 8. For results below 80%, use Corrections Template. 8E. UP: Assessment: Respond in a complete paragraph to Critical Thinking #1 on p. 234. Complete Building Skills #1-3 on p. 235. Circle comments: 1. Must redo assignments until mastery of 80%. Assignment 2. Discussion and supplemental review exercises required. 3. Passed assignments at 80% or higher. 4. Produced superior work consistently 5. Discussed, reviewed, and corrected assignments with student. 6. Audio-visual or computer assignment. 7. Individual or group discussion. 8. Review / Preparation for a test 9. Reading Assignment 10. No work completed during the assignment period. 11. Student shows improved study skills, attitude, and interpersonal skills. 12. Other:_______________________________________________ Student Status Report to Parents On Track / No misses / Great Job On Track / 1 miss On Probation / 2 misses (no more misses allowed) Excellent work produced Good work / Some re-dos Too many re-dos / Slow down Please call me (_______)________________________ Other ________________________________________ _________________________________ Parent Signature Adult Independent Study - Work Assignment Sheet Psychology Assignment 5 of 9 Page ____ of ____ Student: _________________________ Teacher: __________________ 2-Week Assignment Period: From ___________________ to ___________________ (Occasional 1-week Period) Total Attendance Hours Earned for this Assignment: Academic Hours ___________ SIS Claimed Attendance (Apportionment) Hours ___________ ASSIGNMENT GRADE 9A. UP: Survey and then read pp. 240-248. Complete WS #36—Learning Log: Classical Conditioning. 9B. UP: Read Case Studies on p. 249 and complete #1-3. 9C. UP: Survey and read pp.250-258. Complete WS #37—Guided Reading Activity: Operant Conditioning. 9D. UP: Respond in complete paragraphs to Think Critically #4 and Application Activity #5 on p. 258. 9E. UP: Survey and read pp. 259-266. Complete WS #38—Learning Log: Social Learning. 9F. GL: Complete online Self-Check Quiz: Unit 4, Chapter 9. For results below 80%, use Corrections Template. 9G. UP: Assessment: Complete Recalling Facts #4 on p. 268 and Building Skills #2-3. on p.269. 9H. Project 5—Shaping. Consult with your instructor. 10A. UP: Survey and read pp. 272-280. Complete WS #39—Learning Log: Taking In and Storing Information. 10B. UP: Survey and read p. 282-288. Complete WS #40—Vocabulary Activity: Retrieving Information. 10C. GL: Complete online Self-Check Quiz: Unit 4, Chapter 10. For results below 80%, use Corrections Template. 10D. UP: Assessment: Respond in a complete paragraph to Critical Thinking #4 on p. 290. 10E. Complete WS #41—Enrichment Activity: Personality, Cognition and Memory. 10F. Project 6—Did You See It? Consult with your instructor. Circle comments: 1. Must redo assignments until mastery of 80%. Assignment 2. Discussion and supplemental review exercises required. 3. Passed assignments at 80% or higher. 4. Produced superior work consistently 5. Discussed, reviewed, and corrected assignments with student. 6. Audio-visual or computer assignment. 7. Individual or group discussion. 8. Review / Preparation for a test 9. Reading Assignment 10. No work completed during the assignment period. 11. Student shows improved study skills, attitude, and interpersonal skills. 12. Other:_______________________________________________ Student Status Report to Parents On Track / No misses / Great Job On Track / 1 miss On Probation / 2 misses (no more misses allowed) Excellent work produced Good work / Some re-dos Too many re-dos / Slow down Please call me (_______)________________________ Other ________________________________________ _________________________________ Parent Signature Adult Independent Study - Work Assignment Sheet Psychology Assignment 6 of 9 Page ____ of ____ Student: _________________________ Teacher: __________________ 2-Week Assignment Period: From ___________________ to ___________________ (Occasional 1-week Period) Total Attendance Hours Earned for this Assignment: Academic Hours ___________ SIS Claimed Attendance (Apportionment) Hours ___________ ASSIGNMENT GRADE 11A. UP: Survey and read pp. 294-302. Complete WS #42—Guided Reading Activity: Thinking and Problem Solving. 11B. UP: Survey and read pp. 304-308. Complete WS #43—Learning Log: Language. 11C. GL: Complete online Self-Check Quiz: Unit 4, Chapter 11. For results below 80%, use Corrections Template. 11D. UP: Assessment: Recalling Facts #4 on 310; Building Skills #1-3 on p. 311. 11E. Project 7—Flexibility. Consult with your instructor. 12A. UP: Survey and read pp. 312-317. Complete WS #44—Guided Reading Activity: Theories of Motivation. 12B. UP: Complete Case Studies #1-3 on p. 318. 12C. UP: Survey and read pp. 319-327. Complete WS #45—Reteaching Activity: Motivation and Emotion #12-14. 12D. UP: Respond in a complete paragraph to Application Activity #5 on p. 327. 12E. Survey and read pp. 328-336. Complete WS #46—Guided Reading Activity: Emotions. 12F. GL: Complete online Self-Check Quiz: Unit 4, Chapter 12. For results below 80%, use Corrections Template. 12G. UP: Assessment—Respond in a complete paragraph to Critical Thinking #3 on p. 338. Circle comments: 1. Must redo assignments until mastery of 80%. Assignment 2. Discussion and supplemental review exercises required. 3. Passed assignments at 80% or higher. 4. Produced superior work consistently 5. Discussed, reviewed, and corrected assignments with student. 6. Audio-visual or computer assignment. 7. Individual or group discussion. 8. Review / Preparation for a test 9. Reading Assignment 10. No work completed during the assignment period. 11. Student shows improved study skills, attitude, and interpersonal skills. 12. Other:_______________________________________________ Student Status Report to Parents On Track / No misses / Great Job On Track / 1 miss On Probation / 2 misses (no more misses allowed) Excellent work produced Good work / Some re-dos Too many re-dos / Slow down Please call me (_______)________________________ Other ________________________________________ _________________________________ Parent Signature Adult Independent Study - Work Assignment Sheet Psychology Assignment 7 of 9 Page ____ of ____ Student: _________________________ Teacher: __________________ 2-Week Assignment Period: From ___________________ to ___________________ (Occasional 1-week Period) Total Attendance Hours Earned for this Assignment: Academic Hours ___________ SIS Claimed Attendance (Apportionment) Hours ___________ ASSIGNMENT GRADE 13A. UP: Survey and read pp. 342-347. Complete WS #47—Guided Reading Activity: Characteristics of Psychological Tests. 13B. UP: Survey and read pp. 348-357. Complete WS #48—Learning Log: Intelligence Testing. 13C. UP: Survey and read pp. 359-362. Respond in a complete paragraph to #1 on p. 362. 13D. UP: Survey and read pp. 363-368. Complete WS #49—Learning Log: Personality Testing. 13E. UP: Assessment—Complete: Recalling Facts #1 on p. 370. 13F. UP: Read The EQ Factor on pp. 372-373 and complete #1 & 2. 14A. UP: Survey and read pp. 374-377. Complete #2 on p. 377. 14B. UP: Survey and read pp. 378-386 and complete WS #50—Guided Reading Activity: Psychoanalytic Theories and WS #51—Learning Log: Psychoanalytic Theories. 14C. Complete WS #52—Creative Writing Project: Id, Ego, and Superego, Part 1 – Prewriting. 14D. Complete WS #52, Part 2 – First Draft. 14E. Complete WS #52, Part 3 – Second Draft. 14F. UP: Survey and read pp. 387-390. Complete WS #53—Guided Reading Activity: Learning Theories. 14G. UP: Survey and read pp.391-397. Complete WS #54—Learning Log: Humanistic and Cognitive Theories. 14H. UP: Assessment—Respond in a complete paragraph to Critical Thinking #1 on p. 406. 14I. Complete WS #55—Reteaching Activity: Theories of Personality. 14J. Project 8—Personality Traits. Consult with your instructor. Circle comments: 1. Must redo assignments until mastery of 80%. Assignment 2. Discussion and supplemental review exercises required. 3. Passed assignments at 80% or higher. 4. Produced superior work consistently 5. Discussed, reviewed, and corrected assignments with student. 6. Audio-visual or computer assignment. 7. Individual or group discussion. 8. Review / Preparation for a test 9. Reading Assignment 10. No work completed during the assignment period. 11. Student shows improved study skills, attitude, and interpersonal skills. 12. Other:_______________________________________________ Student Status Report to Parents On Track / No misses / Great Job On Track / 1 miss On Probation / 2 misses (no more misses allowed) Excellent work produced Good work / Some re-dos Too many re-dos / Slow down Please call me (_______)________________________ Other ________________________________________ _________________________________ Parent Signature Adult Independent Study - Work Assignment Sheet Psychology Assignment 8 of 9 Page ____ of ____ Student: _________________________ Teacher: __________________ 2-Week Assignment Period: From ___________________ to ___________________ (Occasional 1-week Period) Total Attendance Hours Earned for this Assignment: Academic Hours ___________ SIS Claimed Attendance (Apportionment) Hours ___________ ASSIGNMENT GRADE 15A. UP: Survey and read pp. 412-419. Complete WS #56—Application Activity: Stress Analysis. 15B. UP: Survey and read pp. 420-429. Complete WS #57—Learning Log: Reactions to Stress. 15C. UP: Survey and read pp. 430-435. Complete WS #58—Learning Log: Coping with Stress. 15D. Complete WS#59—Learning Log: Essay Guide and Rubric. 15E. Complete WS #60—Personal Research and Analysis Project: My Stress, Part 1 – Prewriting. 15F. Complete WS #60, Part 2 – First Draft. 15G. Complete WS #60, Part 3 – Second Draft. 15H. UP: Assessment— Complete Building Skills on p. 445. 16A. UP: Survey and read pp. 446-454. Complete WS #61—Guided Reading Activity: What are Psychological Disorders? 16B. UP: Survey and read pp. 455-459. Complete WS #62—Learning Log: Anxiety Disorders. 16C. UP: Survey and read pp. 460-463. Complete WS #63—Guided Reading Activity: Somatoform and Dissociative Disorders. 16D. UP: Read Case Studies p. 464 and complete #1 and #3. 16E. UP: Survey and read pp. 465-473. Complete WS #64—Guided Reading Activity: Schizophrenia and Mood Disorders. 16F. UP: Survey and read pp. 474-478. Complete #2 and #4 on p. 478. 16G. UP: Complete WS #65—Enrichment Activity: Tourette Syndrome. Circle comments: 1. Must redo assignments until mastery of 80%. Assignment 2. Discussion and supplemental review exercises required. 3. Passed assignments at 80% or higher. 4. Produced superior work consistently 5. Discussed, reviewed, and corrected assignments with student. 6. Audio-visual or computer assignment. 7. Individual or group discussion. 8. Review / Preparation for a test 9. Reading Assignment 10. No work completed during the assignment period. 11. Student shows improved study skills, attitude, and interpersonal skills. 12. Other:_______________________________________________ Student Status Report to Parents On Track / No misses / Great Job On Track / 1 miss On Probation / 2 misses (no more misses allowed) Excellent work produced Good work / Some re-dos Too many re-dos / Slow down Please call me (_______)________________________ Other ________________________________________ _________________________________ Parent Signature Adult Independent Study - Work Assignment Sheet Psychology Assignment 9 of 9 Page ____ of ____ Student: _________________________ Teacher: __________________ 2-Week Assignment Period: From ___________________ to ___________________ (Occasional 1-week Period) Total Attendance Hours Earned for this Assignment: Academic Hours ___________ SIS Claimed Attendance (Apportionment) Hours ___________ ASSIGNMENT GRADE 17A. UP: Survey and read pp. 484-492. Complete WS #66—Learning Log: What is Psychotherapy? 17B. UP: Survey and read pp. 493-497. Complete WS #67—Guided Reading Activity: Psychoanalysis and Humanistic Theory. 17C. UP: Survey and read pp. 499-505. Complete WS #68—Guided Reading Activity: Cognitive and Behavior Therapies. 17D. UP: Survey and read pp. 506-510. Complete WS #69—Learning Log: Biological Approaches to Treatment. 17E. UP: After reviewing Chapter 17, complete WS #70—Analytic Essay: A Beautiful Mind, Part 1. 17F. ABM: While and after viewing the film, complete WS #70 – Part 2. 17G. Complete WS #70 – Part 3. 17H. Complete WS #70 – Part 4. 17I. Complete WS #70 – Part 5. 17J. Complete WS #70 – Part 6. 18A. Complete Student Evaluation. Circle comments: 1. Must redo assignments until mastery of 80%. Assignment 2. Discussion and supplemental review exercises required. 3. Passed assignments at 80% or higher. 4. Produced superior work consistently 5. Discussed, reviewed, and corrected assignments with student. 6. Audio-visual or computer assignment. 7. Individual or group discussion. 8. Review / Preparation for a test 9. Reading Assignment 10. No work completed during the assignment period. 11. Student shows improved study skills, attitude, and interpersonal skills. 12. Other:_______________________________________________ Student Status Report to Parents On Track / No misses / Great Job On Track / 1 miss On Probation / 2 misses (no more misses allowed) Excellent work produced Good work / Some re-dos Too many re-dos / Slow down Please call me (_______)________________________ Other ________________________________________ _________________________________ Parent Signature