9th GRADE Civics MR. WOODLEY E-MAIL: bryan.woodley@anoka.k12.mn.us Phone: 763-506-6980 CLASS GOALS: To provide you with a knowledge of our government and your role as a citizen within in it. To understand democracy, and how it benefits you. COURSE TEXT: American Government Author: Holt, Rinehart, Winston ANY DAMAGE TO THE TEXT WILL BE FINED. YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE A GRADE FOR THIS CLASS UNTIL BOOKS ARE RETURNED AND OR FINES ARE PAID. COURSE CONTENTS: TRI 1 A. PATH TO DEMOCRACY 1. What is Government 2. Types of Government B. FOUNDING OF US GOVERNMENT 1. History of the Constitution/Early government 2. Articles of Confederation vs. Constitution 3. Principles of Government 4. Amendment Rights C. CITIZENSHIP 1. Rights and Responsibilities D. ELECTIONS & Civic Participation 1. Political Parties 2. Elections & Voting GRADING: Final grades will be based on attendance, participation, homework, in-class assignments, tests, and projects. *Youth Service/Civic Participation is a major portion of this class and will be 10 % of your final grade. You will need to perform 5 hours of community service for Civics 9 *District Final Test is also 10% of your grade. Grading scale: A = 90-100% B = 80-89 % C = 70-79 % D = 60-69% F = 59 % or less PARTICIPATION/ATTENDANCE = 40 POINTS PER TERM: Positive classroom participation and consistent attendance will improve your grade and will be worth a 40-point test grade. These points will be added at the end of each term and may move a student up or down a full grade. Late to class = 5 points off Sleeping = 5 points off Unexcused absence =10 points off In addition, students who come late to class will be required to stay after: First tardy- free but only 0ne Second tardy-2 minutes after class Third tardy- 4 minutes after class Fourth tardy – talk with your house office/detention/Saturday School LATE AND MAKE-UP WORK ASSIGNMENTS: It is your job to be a good student by completing all assignments and by keeping track of late or missing work. When you miss class it is your responsibility to find out what you have missed. You may turn in work a day late with a maximum grade of 75%. Work that is turned in more than one day late will be graded at a max of 50%. TESTS/QUIZZES: I expect that you will make up a missed test the day you return from your absence. *No Extra credit will be given. EXPECTATIONS STUDENT SUCCESS: Success is defined as “the achievement of something planned or attempted.” You will determine your own achievement by how hard you try. I expect each student to maximize his or her potential in this class. BE RESPECTFUL Our class will run on respect: You will respect school policy, the teacher, and your fellow classmates. Actively pay attention and show me you are learning until I dismiss you. Food, pop, candy, headphones or any other distraction not related to government class will not be allowed in class. Clean up after yourself. BE RESPONSIBLE When the bell rings, class begins. Be in the room making progress towards your chair. Take care of personal needs between classes. Only two passes given per term. Bring your daily planner to class to record and organize assignments and their due dates. Turn in assignments on time. BE READY Hold yourself to high standards of quality for all work. Bring necessary materials each day: notebook, three ring binder, pens/pencils, and daily journal. Keep an open mind to new ideas, activities, and each other. Learning can be fun! Bring questions to class so you can ask for help when you need it. VIDEO NOTIFICATION During this course we will be viewing some “PG-13” rated movies (e.g. American President) that are considered to be appropriate and educational by our social studies department. If there are any questions or concerns about movie ratings, please contact me and I will arrange an alternate activity. Please indicate that you and your student have read and understand the course guidelines of Mr. Woodley’s 9th Grade Government class as well as the class video notification. _________________________ Student’s name (Print) _________________________ Parent/guardian signature Additional comments/Things I should know: ________________________ E-mail address of parent/guardian