Samuel Barlow Primary School Pupil Premium allocation 2012/13

Samuel Barlow Primary School
Pupil Premium allocation 2012/13
Our Pupil Premium allocation for 2012/13 is £63,000, based on a total of 105 pupils.
The finding is allocated as follows:
Allocated to:
1 x day teaching
assistant time per week
Contribution towards a
full-time teaching
assistant in each class
Contribution towards a
full-time Reading
Recovery teacher
£ 5,000
Spending to support
learning outside of the
school day, for example
home learning packs for
pupils, subsidy for
attendance at breakfast
club, funding for family
learning projects
To enable pupils in Years
2 to 6, who are entitled
to PP, and who are
slightly behind in their
reading (but do not have
SEN or associated
support) to have a 1:1
intervention to enable
them to make
accelerated progress
To ensure that PP pupils
have targeted in-class
support, including
emotional support, where
required, to ensure their
progress in all subjects is
at least equal to that of
their peers
To ensure that PP pupils
in Years 1 and 2 who are
significantly behind in
their reading have
intensive 1:1 high quality
reading teaching to
enable them to catch up
with their peers
To enable pupils to have
equal access to
homework facilities and
other opportunities for
Monitoring of impact:
Intervention files
Monitoring of
½ termly data analysis
Annual data analysis
Pupil reading survey
½ termly data analysis
Annual data analysis
Lesson observations
Book scrutiny
Pupil interviews
Reading Recovery data
½ termly reading and
writing data anaylsis
Annual reading and
writing data analysis
Pupil reading survey
½ termly data analysis
Annual data analysis
Pupil surveys
Breakfast club
attendance records
Family learning
attendance records
Actual impact:
The following groups of Pupil Premium pupils made better progress in the core areas
identified than those not entitled to PP: Year 1 reading, writing and maths; Year 2
writing and maths; Year 3 maths; Year 5 reading and maths. PP pupils in Year 5
made equal progress to those not entitled to PP
The following groups of pupils made at least good progress in the core areas
identified: Year 1 reading and maths, Year 2 reading and maths, Year 3 reading,
writing and maths, Year 5 reading, writing and maths, and Year 6 reading, writing
and maths
In end the of KS2 tests, 75% of the pupils eligible for FSM achieved a level 4 in
reading , writing and maths, compared to 82.4% of those not eligible. The FSM gap
is therefore 7.4% which is lower than Nottinghamshire’s FSM gap.
In the end of KS2 tests, the percentage of PP girls achieving Level 4+ in maths was
greater than that of non-PP pupils, and the percentage of PP girls achieving Level
4+in reading, writing and maths was greater than that of those not entitled.
In the end of KS1 assessments, the percentage of pupils entitled to FSM achieving
Level 2+ was greater than that of those not entitled for all of the following groups
and areas: speaking and listening (boys and girls), reading (boys, girls and all
pupils), writing (boys, girls and all pupils), maths (boys and girls) and science (boys,
girls and all pupils)
In the end of KS1 assessments, the percentage of PP boys achieving Level 2b+ in
reading was greater than that of those not entitled to PP. 25% of girls entitled to PP
achieved a Level 3 in reading compared to 0% of those not entitled. The percentage
of PP girls achieving Level 2b+ in writing was greater than that of non-PP pupils, and
in maths, boys, girls and all pupils outperformed non-PP pupils at both Level 2b+
and Level 3.