Curriculum Map for Let’s Think Nursery Reception Year 1 Let’s Think Early Years Let’s Think 5 & 6 Let’s Think Through Maths 5 & 6 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Key Stage 3 Let’s Think Through Maths 6-9 Primary CAME (Cognitive Acceleration in Maths Education) Thinking Maths (CAME) Let’s Think Through Science 7 and 8 Thinking About…Science (available through the website) Thinking Science (CASE) Let’s Think English Let’s Think English (available through the Let’s Think website) (as yet unpublished: part of current King’s College research project) Let’s Think Through Science 8 and 9 (Spring and Summer Term only) Year 4 Maths Lessons (available through the website) Think Ahead…Music/Art /Drama Cognitive Acceleration in Technology Education (CATE) NB In our experience, pupils rarely remember lessons that are taught for a second time, except in a vague manner. Even when pupils do have a vague memory of the lesson, when they meet them again as more experienced mathematicians they access them at a different level and are therefore more likely to access the higher levels of challenge within the lesson. This means lessons can be repeated with the same class over a relatively small time interval.