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Rakić Lj.: Termoregulacija. Glasnik socijalne pedijatrije, 8, 2-3, 59-64, 1958
Rakić Lj.: Ćelijski permeabilitet u insulinskoj hipoglikemičkoj komi–uticaj
slezine i jetre. Habilitacioni rad, Beograd, 1959.
Nešković M. and Rakić Lj.: Osmotic resistance of erythrocytes in various
conditions of insulin hypoglycaemic coma. The influence of glucose and
potassium on the disturbance of resistance of erythrocytes occurred in
insulin hypoglycaemia. Acta Med Iugosl , 3, 316-326, 1960.
Nešković M. and Rakić Lj.: The influence of repeated insulin hypoglycaemic
comas on the resistance of erythrocytes in animal before and after
normalization of resistance following initial hypoglycaemic coma. Acta Med
Iugosl, 4, 383-392, 1960.
Rakić Lj.: Uloga kore velikog mozga i subkortikalnih formacija u regulaciji
životnih funkcija organizma. Glasnik socijalne pedijatrije, 10, 1, 55-62, 1960.
Rakić Lj., Wyers E.J. and Buchwald N.A.: EEG changes during “working
attentive behaviour” in intact cats and in cats with bilateral caudate lesions.
Physiologist, 1, 3, 90, 1961.
Rakić Lj.: Control systems and behaviour. In: “Brain and Behavior”. Editor:
Brazier M.A. Brain Research Inst., UCLA, Los Angeles; pp. 310-319, 1962.
Rakić Lj. and Petković D.: Direct irritability of rabbit myocardium in an
insulin hypoglycaemic coma. Arch Biol Sci, 14, 3-4, 11-18, 1962.
Rakić Lj., Wyers E.J. and Buchwald N.A.: Induction of seizure by stimulation
of the Caudate Nucleus in the cat. Anat Rec, 142, 2, 270, 1962.
Rakić Lj., Buchwald N.A. and Wyers E.J.: Induction of seizure by stimulation
of the Caudate Nucleus. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol, 14, 809-823,
Buchwald N.A., Rakić Lj., Wyers E.J., Hull C. and Heuser G.: Integration of
visual impulses and the “caudate loop”. Exp Neurol, 5, 1-20, 1962.
Rakić Lj.: Caudate Nucleus-system regulating behavior. In: “Brain and
Behaviour”. Editor: Brazier M.A. Brain Research Inst., UCLA, Los Angeles; pp.
320-328, 1962.
Hull C.D., Rakić Lj. and Buchwald N.A.: Seizure induced by low-level direct
current stimulation of the rabbit cortex during spreading depression.
Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol, 15, 1, 75, 1962.
Rakić Lj., Buchwald N.A. and Wyers E.J.: The Caudate Nucleus and
inhibition. A) Biochemical aspects of caudate inhibition. Proceedings of IUPS,
2, 1100, Leiden, 1962.
Wyers E.J., Buchwald N.A., Rakić Lj. and Lauprecht C.W.: The Caudate
Nucleus and inhibition. B) Caudate inhibition and extinction. Proceedings of
IUPS, 2, 1101, Leiden, 1962.
Buchwald N.A., Wyers E.J. and Rakić Lj.: The Caudate Nucleus and
inhibition. C) Integration of sensory inputs and caudate-inhibition.
Proceedings of IUPS, 2, 1102, Leiden, 1962.
Mojović M., Rakić Lj. i Popović-Erak Đ.: Uticaj zamora na hronaksiju mišića
potkolenice. Srp Arh Celok Lek, 91, 1, 1-5, 1963.
Rakić Lj.: Cortical inhibition and subcortical inhibitory influence. Israel J of
Med Sci, 1-6, 1376-1383, 1965.
Rakić Lj.: Экстрапирамидные подкоровые образования и их отношение
к процессам высшей нервной деятельности. Institut mozga Moskva, 61-63,
Radulovački M., Ivanuš J., Nikolić M. i Rakić Lj.: Some aspects of stimulating
LH hormones. Arch Biol Sci, 17, 4, 217-223, 1965.
Ivanuš J., Karadžić V. and Rakić Lj.: Uticaj anodne polarizacije na odgovore
izazvane električnom stimulacijom Nucleus Caudatus-a. Arch Biol Sci, 17, 3,
95-96, 1965.
Rakić Lj.: Neki problemi formiranja naučnih kadrova. Univerzitet danas, 2,
11-17, 1965.
Mršulja B., Rakić Lj., Rotović B. and Kulić-Japundžić I.: Changes of
phosphatiodopeptide fraction of liver during starvation and realimentation.
Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol Acta, 2, 2, 169-171, 1966.
Rakić Lj.: Cortical inhibition and subcortical inhibitory influence. In: “Impact
of basic science on medicine”. Editor: Priwes M. Acad. Press, New York,
London; pp. 298-305, 1966.
Stefanović Lj., Čupić Ž. and Rakić Lj.: Distribution of residual nitrogen in
particular brain structures. Arch Biol Sci, 18, 2, 139-140, 1966.
Janković B., Rakić Lj., Janjić M., Ivanuš J. and Mitrović K.: Effect of
experimental allergic encephalomyelitis γ-globulin upon electrical activity of
the brain. Experientia, 22, 459-460, 1966.
Rakić Lj., Mršulja B., Radulovački M. i Rotović B.: Phosphatidopeptides in
various parts of the CNS of normal cats and paradoxical sleep-deprived cats.
Arch Biol Sci, 18, 2, 41-46, 1966.
Janković B., Rakić Lj., Janjić M., Mitrović K. and Ivanuš J.: Immunoneurophysiological studies of the experimental allergic encephalomyelitis following
the injection of antibrain antibodies and myelin protein into the cerebral
cavity. Pathol Eur, 1, 2, 87-107, 1966.
Radulovački M., Rakić Lj. and Ivanuš J.: The influence of selective deprivation
of paradoxical sleep on its accumulation in cats. Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol
Acta, 2, 1, 85-87, 1966.
Ivanuš J. and Rakić Lj.: A modification of the method of quick implantation of
electrodes into different brain structures in chronic experiment. Iugosl
Physiol Pharmacol Acta, 2, 1, 87-89, 1966.
Karadžić V., Ivanuš J. and Rakić Lj.: Neurophysiological aspects of γ-aminobutyric acid effects in insulin hypoglycaemia. Arch Biol Sci, 18, 1, 13-18, 1966.
Rakić Lj. and Ivanuš J.: Subcortical inhibitory system-dissociation of its
activity. Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol Acta, 2, 3, 181-189, 1966.
Mićić D., Karadžić V. and Rakić Lj.: Changes of gamma-aminobutyric acid,
glutamic acid and aspartic acid in various brain structures of cats deprived
of paradoxical sleep. Nature, 215, 5097, 169-170, 1967.
Janković B. and Rakić Lj.: Immunological approach to the study of higher
nervous activity. Biological Research in Shizophrenia, Acad Med Sci, Moscow,
218-222, 1967.
Mršulja B., Rakić Lj. and Radulovački M.: The influence of deprivation of
paradoxical sleep on glycogen content in various brain structures of the cat.
Experientia, 23, 200-201, 1967.
Rakić Lj., Kostić D. and Nešković N.: Distribution of phospholipids in
different regions of the rabbit brain and its changes after nembutal
anaesthesia. Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol Acta, 4, 2, 203-209, 1968.
Janković B., Rakić Lj., Veskov R. and Horvat J.: Effect of intraventricular
injection of anti-brain antibody on defensive conditioned reflexes. Nature,
218, 5138, 270-272, 1968.
Rakić Lj.: Fiziološki mehanizmi i regulacija krvnog pritiska. Arh Farm, 18, 56, 285-292, 1968.
Janković B. i Rakić Lj.: Иммунологические аспекты изучения высшей
нервной деятельности. U: “Вопросы иммунопатологии нервно-психических
заболеваний”. Medicinska knjiga, Moskva; str. 207-209, 1968.
Kostić D., Rakić Lj., Nešković N. and Vranešević A.: The influence of eserine
on the phospholipide fractions of various brain structures of the rabbit.
Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol Acta, 4, 1, 47-52, 1968.
Ivanuš J., Martinović Ž. and Rakić Lj.: The influence of increased serotonin
level in the CNS on visual and proprioceptive discrimination. Iugosl Physiol
Pharmacol Acta, 4, 1, 199-204, 1968.
Šestović M. and Rakić Lj.: Method of recording the electrical activity in
insects and some characteristics of this activity. Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol
Acta, 4, 1, 97-99, 1968.
Rakić Lj.: Metodološki problemi utvrđivanja opštih principa kompenzacije
funkcije organizma. Sportska medicina, 12-21, 1968.
Mićić D. and Rakić Lj.: Pool of free amino acids in various regions of the
brain with special reference to Caudate Nucleus. Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol
Acta, 4, 1, 227-231, 1968.
Mršulja B., Rakić Lj. and Mićić D.: Possible form of glycogen bound in
phosphatidopeptides in the brain. J Neurochem, 15, 1377-1379, 1968.
Mršulja B. and Rakić Lj.: Relationship between duration of deprivation of
paradoxical sleep and glycogen in various brain structures of the cat. Iugosl
Physiol Pharmacol Acta, 4, 1, 89-91, 1968.
Janković B., Rakić Lj., Veskov R. and Horvat J.: Anaphylactic reaction in the
cat following intraventricular and intravenous injections of antigen.
Experientia, 25, 8, 864-865, 1969.
Mićić D., Karadžić V. and Rakić Lj.: Behaviour of free aminoacid pool in
various brain structures of cats deprived of paradoxical sleep.
Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol, 27, 554, 1969.
Janković B., Rakić Lj. and Šestović M.: Changes in electrical activity of the
cockroach Blatta orientalist L. brain induced by anti-lobster brain antibody.
Experientia, 25, 10, 1049-1050, 1969.
Mršulja B. and Rakić Lj.: The effect of atropine and propranolol on the
glycogen content in various brain structures of the paradoxical sleep
deprived rat. Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol Acta, 5, 2, 195-200, 1969.
Kostić D., Rakić Lj. and Vranešević A.: Phospholipid composition of brain
structures in rabbit and cat. Arch Biol Sci, 21, 1, 5-11, 1969.
Janković B. i Rakić Lj.: Иммуноневрологические модели для изучения
биологической активности противмозговых антител. Vestn Akad Med
Nauk SSSR, 4, 44-51, 1969.
Rakić Lj.: Ivan Petrovič Pavlov. Život i delo. Medicinska revija, 19, 3, 87-95,
Rakić Lj.: Makromolekularna organizacija ćelije. Arh Farm, 5-6, 279-291,
Šestović M. i Rakić Lj.: Proučavanje uticaja DDT, lindana i malationa na
električnu aktivnost centralnog nervnog sistema Blatta orientalis. Agrohemija,
7-8, 343-346, 1969.
Rakić Lj.: Biohemijska istraživanja u psihijatriji. Psihijatrija Srbije,
Medicinska knjiga, 237-247, 1970.
Radil-Weiss T., Kovačević N. and Rakić Lj.: Brain mechamisms responsible
for timing of the rhythmic discharges of the electric fish Torpedo marmorata
et ocellata. Act Nerv Super, 12,141-143, 1970.
Mršulja B., Mićić D. and Rakić Lj.: Chromatographic identification of
phosphatidopeptide bound glycogen in the brain tissue. Iugosl Physiol
Pharmacol Acta, 6, 1, 191-194, 1970.
Mršulja B. and Rakić Lj.: The influence of adreanaergic and cholinergic
blocking drugs on the glycogen content of the brain in rats deprived of
paradoxical sleep. J Neurochem, 17, 455-456, 1970.
Mršulja B. and Rakić Lj.: Effect of epinephrine, atropine and physostigmine
on glycogen content of rat brain in vitro. J Neurochem, 17, 821-822, 1970.- 369
Rakić Lj. and Mršulja B.: The existence of a free glycogen pool in the brain
tissue. Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol Acta, 6, 1, 125-129, 1970.
Radil-Weiss T., Kovačević N. and Rakić Lj.: Further analysis of the discharge
control mechanism in the electric Torpedo fish. Pharmacol Acta Bohemoslov,
19, 346-347, 1970.
Milovanović D., Kastrapeli-Dapčević N., Stojiljković S. i Rakić Lj.: Promene
lipidograma u toku psihofarmakološke terapije. Psihijatrija Srbije, Medicinska
knjiga, 255-258, 1970.
Karadžić V., Mićić D. and Rakić Lj.: Alterations of free amino acid
concentrations in cat brain induced by rapid eye movement sleep
deprivation. Experientia, 27, 509-511, 1971.
Levental M., Rakić Lj. and Vranešević A.: Ammonium, urea and glutamine in
certain brain regions of controlled and paradoxical sleep-deprived rats.
Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol Acta, 7, 1, 79-82, 1971.
Kovačević N. and Rakić Lj.: Circadian rhythm and visual discrimination in
Octopus vulgaris Lamarck. Arch Biol Sci, 23, 1-2, 87-88, 1971.
Nešković M., Ivanuš J. et Rakić Lj.: La crise insulinique est-elle dorigine
biochimique ou biophysique? Acta Med Iugosl, 25, 2, 149-156, 1971.
Rakić Lj., Mićić D. and Mršulja B.: The effect of bilateral lesion of Nucleus
Caudatus on the glycogen and free amino acid content in the liver of the
rabbit. Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol Acta, 7, 2, 217-222, 1971.
Vukadinović V., Rakić Lj. and Mićić D.: Free amino acids in brain regions of
electric fish (Torpedo marmorata). Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol Acta, 7, 2, 223228, 1971.
Mršulja B. and Rakić Lj.: The influence of paradoxical sleep deprivation on
lipid bound and phosphatidopeptide bound glycogen in the cat brain. Iugosl
Physiol Pharmacol Acta, 7, 1, 135-137, 1971.
Rakić Lj.: Neki problemi biohemijskih izučavanja u psihijatrijskoj praksi.
Medicina danas, 8, 2, 91-95, 1972.
Buznikov G.A., Rakić Lj. i Turpaev T.M.: O сверхчувствительности ранних
эмбрионов морского ежа Arbacia lixula k нейрофармакологическим
препаратам. Zh Evol Biokhim Fiziol, 8, 5, 478-485, 1972.
Mršulja B. and Rakić Lj.: Influence of oxotremorine on glycogen content in
various brain structures of rat brain. Biochem Pharmacol, 21, 1209-1210,
Levental M., Rakić Lj. and Rusić M.: Enzymes involved in the metabolism of
glutamine in certain regions of the brain of paradoxical sleep-deprived rats.
Arch Int Physiol Biochim, 80, 5, 861-870, 1972.
Mršulja B. and Rakić Lj.: The effect of biogenic amines on glycogen
concentration in the rat brain. Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol Acta, 8, 1-8, 1972.
Kostić D., Rakić Lj. i Vranešević A.: Фосфолипидный состав разных
отделов мозга и электрического органа электрического ската Torpedo
ocellata. Zh Evol Biokhim Fiziol, 8, 5, 494-498, 1972.
Mršulja B., Bogojević V., Mićić D., Rogač Lj. and Rakić Lj.: Distribution of
glycogen content and phosphorylase activity in various brain structures of
rat. Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol Acta, 9, 3, 377-382, 1972.
Milošević P. and Rakić Lj.: Fractionation of the proteins of the soluble
fraction of brain. J Neurochem, 19, 2459-2460, 1972.
Janković B., Isaković K., Ivanuš J. and Rakić Lj.: Immune response and
lymphatic tissue reaction in brain-lesioned rats. In: “Micro-environmental
Aspects of Immunity”. Editors: Janković B. and Isaković K. Plenum Press; pp.
661-666, 1972.
Mršulja B. and Rakić Lj.: The regulation of glycogen content in the brain of
rats deprived of paradoxical sleep. Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol Acta, 8, 3, 375381, 1972.
Kostić D., Rakić Lj. and Vranešević A.: The separation of cardiolipin and
phosphatidic acid by thin-layer chromatography. Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol
Acta, 8, 2, 167-173, 1972.
Rakić Lj.: Some biochemical aspects of paradoxical sleep deprivation. Acta
Astronaut, 17, 179-184, 1972.
Rakić Lj.: Život i delo Ivana Petroviča Pavlova. Univerzitet danas, 13, 3-4, 7076, 1972.
Levental M., Rakić Lj., Rusić M.: Enzymes involved in the metabolism of
glutamine in certain regions of the brain of paradoxical sleep-deprived rats.
Arch Int Physiol Biochim, 80, 5, 861-870, 1972.
Mršulja B., Bogojević V., Rogač Lj. and Rakić Lj.: Distribution of glycogen
content and phosphorylase activity in various brain structures of rat. Iugosl
Physiol Pharmacol Acta, 9, 3, 377-382, 1973.
Mršulja B., Bogojević V., Nestorović L., Rogač Lj. and Rakić Lj.: The influence
of paradoxical sleep deprivation on glycogen content and phosphorylase
activity in various brain structures of the rat. In: “SLEEP: Physiology,
Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Clinical Implications”. Editors: Koella W. and
Levine P. pp. 271-274, 1973.
Turpaev T.M., Rakić Lj., Manukhin B.N. i Volina E.V.: Моноамины в
электрическом органе и центральной нервной системе ската Torpedo
marmorata. Zh Evol Biokhim Fiziol, 9, 2, 205-206, 1973.
Levental M., Rakić Lj. and Rusić M.: Nitrogen constituents in brain regions of
paradoxical sleep-deprived rats. In: “SLEEP”: Physiology, Biochemistry,
Pharmacology, Clinical Implications”. Editors: Koella W. and Levine P. pp. 267271, 1973.
Rakić Lj.: Obrazovanje i problemi čovekove okoline. Tehnika, 28, 8, 456-477,
Manukhin B.N., Buznikov G.A., Rakić Lj., Berdysheva L.V. i Turpaev T.M.: O
связывании биогенных моноаминов яйцеклетками морских ежей. Zh
Evol Biokhim Fiziol, 9, 2, 202-204, 1973.
Rakić Lj., Mićić D., Dovedova E. and Mršulja B.: The activity of ACHE, MAO
and cytochrome oxidase in subcellular fractions of different brain structures
in paradoxical sleep deprived rats. In: “SLEEP”: Physiology, Biochemistry,
Pharmacology, Clinical Implications. Editors: Koella W. and Levine P. pp. 3-6,
Dovedova E.L., Rakić Lj. i Grigorieva G.M.: Биохимическая характеристика
субклеточных фракций из нервной системы электрического ската
Torpedo marmorata. Zh Evol Biokhim Fiziol, 9, 6, 564-571, 1973.
Mršulja B., Mićić D., Bogojević V. and Rakić Lj.: In vitro influence of some
biogenic amines on glycogen concentration in rat brain in presence of
particular preparation of adenyl cyclase from rat brain tissue. Iugosl Physiol
Pharmacol Acta, 9, 269-273, 1973.
Janković B., Isaković K., Ivanuš J. and Rakić Lj.: Advances in Experimental
Medicine and Biology. Plenum Press, pp. 661-666, 1973.
Lević Z., Ivanuš J., Bajić M., Rakić Lj. i Lažetić B.: Neurofiziološke
karakteristike dejstva nekih psihofarmaka. Psihofarmakologija, 3, 111-119,
Mršulja B. and Rakić Lj.: Circadian rhythm of glycogen content in various
brain structures of Serranus scriba. J Exp Mar Bio Ecol, 15, 43-48, 1974.
Petrović S., Ivanuš J. and Rakić Lj.: Selective retention and filtration of brain
nucleic acids in agarose gels. J Neurochem, 22, 327-332, 1974.
Buznikov G.A., Rakić Lj., Turpaev T.M. and Markova L.N.: Sensitivity of sea
urchin early embryos to antagonists of acetylcholine and monoamines. Exp
Cell Res, 86, 317-324, 1974.
Beller N.N., Veskov R., Ilinski O.B., Konjević Đ. i Rakić Lj.: Изучение
представительства органов боковой линии в головном мозгу
электрических скатов Torpedo. Zh Evol Biokhim Fiziol, 10, 3, 531-533, 1974.
Manukhin B.N., Rakić Lj., Buznikov G.A., Rogač Lj. i Turpaev T.M.:
Холинэстераза и моноаминоксидаза в центральной нервной системе и
электрическом органе скатов. Zh Evol Biokhim Fiziol, 68-73, 1974.
Rakić Lj. and Mršulja B.: Histochemical distribution of acid
mucopolysaccharides during circadian rhythm in the cerebellum of Serranus
scriba. Acta Anat, 92, 61-71, 1975.
Brestkin A.P., Grigorieva G.M., Eremeiova A.M., Zhukovski Yu.G., Kuznecova
L.R. i Rakić Lj.: Ацетилхолинэстераза электрического органа Torpedo
marmorata. Zh Evol Biokhim Fiziol, 11, 3, 250-257, 1975.
Saccharoff D.A., Turpaev T.M. i Rakić Lj.: Влияние внутриклеточной
иньекции дофамина на эндогенные залпы нейрона R-15 аплизии. Dokl
Akad Nauk SSSR, 221, 6, 1481-1482, 1975.
Petrović S., Šeberle J., Ivanuš J. and Rakić Lj.: Increased incorporation of
precursors into rat brain ribonucleic acids after treatment with a nonionic
detergent in vivo. J Neurochem, 25, 87-89, 1975.
Kogan A.B., Rakić Lj., Kovačević N. i Skutelskaja E.A.: O компенсаторной
иррадиации возбуждения при частичной деафферентации крыши
среднего мозга Serranus scriba. Fiziol Zh SSSR Im I M Sechenova, 61, 2, 199202, 1975.
Buznikov G.A., Manukhin B.N., Rakić Lj., Aroyan A.A., Kucherova N.F. i
Suvorov N.N.: О механизме защитного действия ацетилхолина и
серотонина против их цитотоксических антагонистов. Zh Evol Biokhim
Fiziol, 11, 2, 128-133, 1975.
Levental M., Šušić V., Rusić M. and Rakić Lj.: Rapid eye movement (REM)
sleep deprivation: Effect on acid mucopolysaccharides in rat brain. Arch Int
Physiol Biochim, 83, 221-232, 1975.
Sakharov D.A., Turpaev T.M. and Rakić Lj.: Effect of intracellular injection of
dopamine on endogenous discharges of neuron R15 in Aplysia. Dokl Akad
Nauk SSSR, 221, 6, 1481-1482, 1975.
Brestkin A.P., Grigorieva G.M., Eremeeva A.M., Zhukovskii Y.G., Kuznetsova
L.R. and Rakić Lj.: Acetylcholinesterase from the electric organ of the ray
Torpedo marmorata. Zh Evol Biokhim Fiziol, 11, 3, 250-257, 1975.
Kostić D., Vranešević A., Vrbaški S. i Rakić Lj.: Gangliozidi u različitim
strukturama mozga električne ribe Torpedo ocellata. Acta Med Jugosl, 29,
289-295, 1975.
Kostić D., Rakić Lj., Vranešević A. i Vrbaški S.: Hromatografsko izdvajanje
plazmalogenetanolamina od fosfatidiletanolamina i njihov sadržaj u
različitim strukturama mozga pacova. Acta Pharm Jugosl, 26, 161-167, 1976.
Kostić D., Vranešević A., Vrbaški S., Nagulić I. i Rakić Lj.: Fosfolipidi i
gangliozidi moždanih tumora čoveka. Acta Med Jugosl, 30, 369-378, 1976.
Rakić Lj.: Progress report of work in process. Glasnik [Med], 28, 103-106,
Vukadinović V. and Rakić Lj.: Effect of vitamin B6 on γ-aminobutyric acid
level in rat brain. Arch Int Physiol Biochim, 84, 753-758, 1976.
Buznikov G.A., Manukhin B.N., Rakić Lj., Turpaev T.M., Aroyan A.A., Akopyan
P.R., Kicherova N.F., Ovsepyan T.R. i Yakhontov L.N.: О
сверхчувствительности зародышей морских ежей к антагонистам
ацетилхолина и моноаминов. Zh Evol Biokhim Fiziol, 12, 1, 31-36, 1976.
Lažetić B., Bajić M., Belić P., Rakić Lj. i Ivanuš J.: Bioelektrične karakteristike
hipokampa i neurokorteksa u toku svetlosne stimulacije. Med Pregl, 29, 7-8,
227-233, 1976.
Levental M., Rusić M. and Rakić Lj.: Acid mucopolysaccharides as the
function of postnatal ontogenesis. Arch Biol Med Exp, 1-2, 35-38, 1976.
Manukhin B. N., Buznikov G. A., Turpaev T. M., Rakić Lj., Blagoevich R.,
Kucerova N., F., Suvorov N. N. and Yahontov L. N.: Закономерности
связывания цитотоксических нейрофармакологических препаратов
ранними эмбрионами морских ежей. Zh Evol Biokhim Fiziol, 12, 514-520,
Rakić Lj. and Lazarević L.: Telencephalon cytoarchitecture in Serranus scriba.
Acta Anat, 99, 414-424, 1977.
Vadasz I., Đorđević D. and Rakić Lj.: Some characteristics of the slow wave
oscillatory mechanism in neuron R-15 (Aplysia depilans). Iugosl Physiol
Pharmacol Acta, 13, 3, 301-307, 1977.
Kovačević N. i Rakić Lj.: Složeni uslovni refleksi u riba u kontekstu
cirkadijalnog ritma i evolucionog razvića uslovljeno refleksne djelatnosti.
Glasnik Odeljenja prirodnih nauka Crnogorske akademije nauka i umjetnosti, 2,
31-47, 1977.
Lazarević L. i Rakić Lj.: Citoarhitektonska analiza tectuma opticuma teleoste
Serranus scriba. Folia Anatomica Iugoslavica, 6, 163-172, 1977.
Kovačević N., Rakić Lj. and Bajić M.: Extinction of conditioned reflexes and
forgetting in fishes in the function of the circadian rhythm. Iugosl Physiol
Pharmacol Acta, 13, 1, 107-114, 1977.
Rakić Lj., Lazarević L. i Ivanuš J.: Anatomomorfološka studija odnosa
strijatuma i vizuelnog sistema. [Morpho-physiological studies of striatevisual system relations]. Glasnik, 303, 29, 5-21, 1977.
Rakić Lj. i Kovačević N.: Desinronizacija cirkadijalnog oscilatora i uslovljeno
ponašanje. [Circadian oscillator desynchronisation and conditioned
behaviour]. Glasnik, 303, 29, 39-50, 1977.
Vrbaški S., Kostić D. et Rakić Lj.: Phospholipides du cervelet de rat au cours
du development postnatal. Biochemie, 69, 341-342, 1977.
Buznikov G.A., Manukhin B.N., Rakić Lj., Kudrjašova L. i Khromov-Borisov
N.V.: Влияние моноаминов, теплового шока и других факторов на
эмбрионами морских ежей. Zh Evol Biokhim Fiziol, 13, 2, 1973-1977, 173177, 1977.
Vukadinović V. i Rakić Lj.: Свободные аминокислоты в центральной
системе скатов (Batomorphа). Zh Evol Biokhim Fiziol, 12, 2, 139-145,1977.
Ivanuš J., Nagulić S. i Rakić Lj.: Neurobiološki aspekti rehabilitacionih
procedura kod afazije. Rehabilitacija, 1-2, 3-8, 1977.
Rosić N., Kovačević N. i Rakić Lj.: Plasticitet uslovnih refleksa u funkciji
cirkadijalnog ritma. Acta Med Iugosl, 32, 167-174, 1978.
Rakić Lj., Lazarević L. and Ivanuš J.: Morpho-physiological studies of striatovisual system relations. Exp Brain Res, 32, 36-37, 1978.
Lyubimov N.N., Ivanuš J., Bajić M., Veskov R. and Rakić Lj.: Foreleg
command mechanism reorganization under conditions of interruption of its
classical afferent bonds at the midbrain level in experimental animals. Exp
Brain Res, 32, 27-28, 1978.
Ivanuš J. i Rakić Lj.: Uloga subkortikalnog inhibitornog sistema na višu
nervnu delatnost. Psihologija, 11, 136-141, 1978.
Zečević N. i Rakić Lj.: Diferencijacija neurona u toku razvića cerebeluma
čoveka i implikacija u vezi sa poremećenim razvojem. Kongenitalne anomalije
IV, 177-191, 1978.
Экспериментальноневробиологическое исследование действия лекопаина на нервную
систему. У: “Примение протеолитических энзимоб растения Carica papaia
в широкой медицинской практике.”. Medicinska knjiga, Moskva; str. 93-105,
Đuričić B., Rogač Lj., Spatz M., Rakić Lj. and Mršulja B.: Brain microvessels. I
Enzymic activities. Adv Neurol, 20, 197-205, 1978.
Rakić Lj. i Ivanuš J.: Kibernetski aspekti sistema koji regulišu ponašanje. U:
“Biomedicinska kibernetika”. Univerzitetska. pečatnica “Kiril i Metodij”,
Skoplje; str. 1-48, 1978.
Lakatos T., Ivanuš J. and Rakić Lj.: Frequent spikes evoked by single
stimulus on motor nerves. Acta Biol Med Exp, 3, 71-73, 1978.
Rakić Lj.: Regulacioni sistemi ponašanja. Monografija. Akademija nauka i
umetnosti Kosova, Odeljenje prirodnih nauka; 1978.
Rusić M., Levental M. and Rakić Lj.: 35S-sulphate incorporation into myelin
sulphated mucopolysaccharides during rat brain development. Experientia,
34, 696-697, 1978.
Rakić Lj.: Biohemijska istraživanja ponašanja.
psihoterapija”. Avalske sveske; str. 23-35, 1978.
Rakić Lj., Manukhin B.N., Buznikov G.A. and Turpaev T.M.: Bindings of
neuropharmacological drugs by sea urchin embryos. I Early sea urchin
embryos as experimental models in neuropharmaca binding studies. Iugosl
Physiol Pharmacol Acta, 14, 3, 445-454, 1978.
Rakić Lj., Buznikov G.A., Manukhin B.N., and Turpaev T.M.: Binding of
neuropharmacological drugs by sea urchin embryos. II Influence of some
substances on the sensitivity to neuropharmaca. Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol
Acta, 14, 3, 455-463, 1978.
Rakić Lj., Ivanuš J. i Bajić M.: Роль “Nucleus Caudatus” в механизмах
условнорефльекторных ответов. У: “Интегративная деятельность
мозга”. Medicinska knjiga, Moskva; str. 30-35, 1979.
Vukadinović V. i Rakić Lj.: GABA sistem i konvulzivna aktivnost. U:
“Integrativne funkcije mozga”. Univ. Novi Sad; str. 396-436, 1979.
Novaković M., Petrović S., Rakić Lj. and Ivanuš J.: Different turnover rates of
brain ribosomal ribonucleic acids in male and female rats. J Neurochem, 33,
661-667, 1979.
Rakić Lj.: Intervention in problems of central language. In: “Rehabilitation of
Language Disorders”. Cairo; pp. 135-145, 1979.
Rakić Lj.: Nucleus Caudatus и интегративная деятельность нейрона. У:
“Центральные механизмы двыгательной функции”. Institut mozga AN SSSR,
Moskva; str. 64-65, 1979.
Maliukova I.V., Rakić Lj. and Kovacević N.: Characteristics of the conditioned
motor reactions of unrestrained elasmobranches and teleosts. Zh Evol
Biokhim Fiziol, 6, 590-595, 1979.
Buznikov G.A., Manukhin B.N. and Rakić Lj.: The sensitivity of whole, half
and quarter sea urchin embryos to cytotoxic neuropharmacological drugs.
Comp Biochem Physiol, 640, 129-135, 1979.
Buznikov G.A., Manukhin B.N., Rakić Lj., Kudriashova N.I. i Mndzhoian O.L.:
Чувствительность зародышей-фрагментов и стратифицированных
зародышейморских ежей к цитотоксическим нейрофармакологическим
препаратам. Ontogenez, 10, 4, 372-380, 1979.
Rusić M., Šušić V., Levental M., and Rakić Lj.: REM sleep deprivation: effects
on incorporation of inorganic sulfate into brain acid mucopolysaccharides.
In: “Pathophysiology of Cerebral Energy Metabolism”. Editors: Mršulja B.,
Rakić Lj., Klatzo I. and Spatz M. Plenum Press, New York; pp. 423-432, 1979.
Rakić Lj., Mileusnić R., Rogač Lj. and Veskov R.: Some biochemical aspects of
electroconvulsive seizures. In: “Pathophysiology of Cerebral Energy
Metabolism”. Editors: Mršulja B., Rakić Lj., Klatzo I. and Spatz M. Plenum
Press, New York; pp. 281-311, 1979.
Rakić Lj. i Ivanuš J.: Nucleus Caudatus i integrativna delatnost mozga. U:
“Integrativne funkcije mozga”. Univ. Novi Sad, str. 79-115, 1979.
Rakić Lj., Belehova M.G. i Konjević Đ.: Зрительные проекции в конечном и
(электрофизиологическое исследование). Zh Evol Biokhim Fiziol, 15, 4,
357-367, 1979.
Grigoreva G.M. and Rakić Lj.: Acetylcholinesterase in the brain of marine
gastropod Murex Trunculus L. (Prosobranchia). Isolation and properties.
Comp Biochem Physiol, 64C, 199-206, 1979
Bajić M., Kovačević N. and Rakić Lj.: The process of forgetting in fish. Acta
Med Exp, 4, 60-68, 1979.
Lažetić B., Bajić M., Filipović D., Ivetić V., Lyubimov N.N., Ivanuš J. i Rakić
Lj.: Karakteristike izazvanih kortikalnih odgovora pri konvergenciji
nadražaja različite modalnosti. Matica srpska, Zbornik za prirodne nauke, 56,
135-161, 1979.
Buznikov G.A., Rakić Lj., Kudrijašova M.I., Ovsepijan T.R. i Khromov-Borisov
V.N.: Стратифицированные зародычи морского ежа Arbacia lixula как
модель для выявления межклеточных взаимодействий. Ontogenez, 2, 4,
411-416, 1980.
Zečević N. and Rakić Lj.: Cytoarchitectural characteristics of the Lesser Mole
Rat, Spalax leucodon Nordman, 1840, central nervous system. Saugetierliche
Mitteilungen 1, 5-13, 1980.
Petrović S., Novaković M., Rakić Lj., Ivanuš J., Tepavac R. and Berner A.:
General and regional turnover of ribosomal ribonucleic acids in the brains of
male and female rats during postnatal development. In: “Circulatory and
developmental aspects of brain metabolism”. Editors: Spatz M., Mršulja B., Rakić
Lj. and Lust W.D. Plenum Press, New York; pp. 279-298, 1980.
Rusić M., Levental M. and Rakić Lj.: Acids mucopolysaccharides and myelin
development. In: “Circulatory and developmental aspects of brain metabolism”.
Editors: Spatz M., Mršulja B., Rakić Lj. and Lust W.D. Plenum Press, New York;
pp. 311-321, 1980.
Lazarević L., Rakić Lj. and Lyubimov N.N.: Effect of unilateral deafferentation
on the development of the lateral geniculate nucleus of the dog. In:
“Circulatory and developmental aspects of brain metabolism” Editors: Spatz M.,
Mršulja B., Rakić Lj. and Lust W.D. Plenum Press, New York; pp. 373-390,
Buznikov G.A., Manukhin B.N., Rakić Lj. and Turpaev T.M.: Early sea urchin
embryo as a model for the study of pre-nervous function of
neurotransmitters: New data. In: “Circulatory and developmental aspects of
brain metabolism”. Editors: Spatz M., Mršulja B., Rakić Lj. and Lust W.D.
Plenum Press, New York; pp. 361-372, 1980.
Mileusnić R., Kanazir S. and Rakić Lj.: Tubulin in developing rat brain:
regional distribution and effect of glucocorticoids. In: “Circulatory and
developmental aspects of brain metabolism”. Editors: Spatz M., Mršulja B.,
Rakić Lj. and Lust W.D. Plenum Press, New York; pp. 247-260, 1980.
Rakić Lj., Lazarević L., Lyubimov N.N. and Ivanuš J.: Anatomo-histological
studies of Caudate Nucleus-visual system relations. In: “Circulatory and
developmental aspects of brain metabolism”. Editors: Spatz M., Mršulja B.,
Rakić Lj. and Lust W.D. Plenum Press, New York; pp. 391-402, 1980.
Majetić B., Veskov R., Ivanuš J. and Rakić Lj.: Brain impedance measurements
in some functional conditions of the central nervous system in cats.
Neurologija, 28, 1-4, 144-146, 1980.
Kovačević N. i Rakić Lj.: Neke ekofiziološke osobenosti gastropoda Aplysia
depilans L. Glasnik Odeljenja prirodnih nauka Crnogorske akademije nauka i
umjetnosti 2, 133-147, 1980.
Levental M. and Rakić Lj.: Molecular neuroanatomy in the function of acid
mucopolysaccharides. Вопросы биохимии мозга АН Армянской ССР, 14, 3650, 1980.
Levental M., Rakić Lj. and Rusić M.: Age dependent distribution of acid
mucopolysaccharides in neuronal, glial and myelin fractions of rat brain
cortex. Period Biol, 82, 4, 469-476, 1980.
Rakić Lj. i Ivanuš J.: Kibernetski aspekti sistema koji regulišu ponašanje.
Dijalektika, 1-2, 5-38, 1980.
Rakić Lj.: Human aspects of medical science: Medical technology and the
responsibility of the physician. The United Nations University, Japan, 1-8,
Levental M. and Rakić Lj.: Na-K, adenosine triphosphatase activity in myelin,
axoplasmic and synaptic plasma membranes isolated from rat brain: effect of
ethanol. Subst Alcohol Actions Misuse, 1, 5-6, 493-506, 1980.
Ivanuš J., Spužić I. i Rakić Lj.: Anafilaktična reakcija i kontrola ovulacije.
Glas SANU 326, 34, 155-161, 1981.
Matejić B., Veskov R., Ivanuš J. and Rakić Lj.: Brain impedance change in the
cats central nervous system following neurophysiological experimental
procedures. Proceedings, ICEBI, Tokyo, 271-274, 1981.
Veskov R., Ivanuš J., Rakić Lj., Matejić B. and Lević Z.: Impedance
measurement in cats in the course of experimental epilepsy. Proceedings,
ICEBI, Tokyo, 275-278, 1981.
Rakić Lj., Rusić M. i Levental M.: Prilog biohemijskoj strukturi mijelina
centralnog nervnog sistema. Glasnik, 323, 33,173-180, 1981.
Manukhin B.N., Volina E.V., Markova L.N., Rakić Lj. and Buznikov G.A.:
Biogenic monoamines in early embryos of sea urchin. Dev Neurosci, 4, 322325, 1981.
Galogaža M., Fedan V.A., Lyubimov N.N., Ivanuš J. i Rakić Lj.: Izazvani
potencijali u vidnoj kori na svetlosnu stimulaciju u neanestetizovanih
mačaka pri isključenju pojedinih delova vidnog analizatora. Medicinska
istraživanja, 14, suppl. 1-2, 97-100, 1981.
Fedan V.A., Galogaža M., Lyubimov N.N., Rakić Lj. and Ivanuš J.: Visual
information processing in cats with reduced classical pathways. Med Sci
IRCS, 9, 442, 1981.
Fedan V.A., Galogaža M., Lyubimov N.N., Rakić Lj., Ivanuš J. and.
Sakhandelidze R.V: Role of cerebral commisures in the compensatory
rehabilitation reorganization of the central nervous system following
reduction of classical somatosensory pathways. Med Sci IRCS, 9, 739-740,
Fedan V.A., Galogaža M., Lyubimov N.N., Karaev N.A., Rakić Lj. and Ivanuš J.:
Interaction of visual and somatosensory influences on the somatosensory
cortex neurons in the divided brain of the cat. Med Sci IRCS, , 9, 741-742,
Rakić Lj.: Integrativne funkcije Nucleus Caudatus-a. Zbornik 29. Sastanak
Medicinskog odeljenja Jugoslovenskih akademija, Slov akad nauka, 77-81, 1981.
Fokin V.F., Galogaža M., Lyubimov N.N., Ivanuš J. and Rakić Lj.: Behavior of
optic nerve evoked potentials following focused ultrasound application on
optic tract in the cat. Med Sci IRCS, 9, 1083-1084, 1981.
Fedan V.A., Galogaža M., Lyubimov N.N., Ivanuš J. and Rakić Lj.:
Rehabilitation-reestablishing of motor sensitivity in cats following combined
optic tract and midbrain tegmentum transection. Behavioral, neurologic and
elektromyographic studies. Acta Biol Med Exp, 6, 101-103, 1982.
Buznikov G.A., Manukhin V.N., Rakić Lj., Kudrjašova N.I., Mndzhorian O.L.,
Ovsepian T.R. i Khromov-Borisov N.V.: Градиент чувствительности
нормальных и стратифицированных зародишей морского ежа Arbacia
lixula к препаратам-антимедиаторам. Ontogenez, 3, 309-312, 1982.
Galogaža M., Fedan V.A., Lyubimov N.N., Karaev M.A., Ribicki V.N., Ivanuš J.
and Rakić Lj.: Electrophysiological responses in the visual cortex following
optic tract and brain commissure transection. Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol Acta,
18, 1, 1-5, 1982.
Zečević N. and Rakić Lj.: Development of the rat neocortex. Potential role of
monoaminergic input. Period Biol, 84, 3, 297-304, 1982.
Turpaev T.M., Sakharov D.A., Salimova N., Kovačević N. and Rakić Lj.:
Serotonin containing nerves in Torpedo electric organ. Acta Biol Acad Sci
Hung, 33, 1, 1-4, 1982.
Vukadinović V. and Rakić Lj.: Change in rat brain free amino acid contents
induced with gamma-amino-beta-hydroxibutyric acid, thiosemicarbazide
and amino-oxyacetic acid. Period Biol, 84, 2, 227-231, 1982.
Dida B., Rosić N. and Rakić Lj.: The effect of long-term amphetamine
administration on serum proteins in rats. Med Sci IRCS, 10, 290, 1982.
Rakić Lj.: Regulacioni sistemi ponašanja. U: „Multidisciplinarne nauke i
njihova uloga u naučno-tehničkom progresu”. Univ. u Beogradu; str. 133-161,
Rusić-Stojiljković M., Levental M. and Rakić Lj.: Isolation and
characterization of acid mucopolysaccharides in rat brain axolemma. Med
Sci IRCS, 11, 723-724, 1983.
Volina E., Markova L., Rakić Lj., Manukhin B. i Buznikov G.A.:
Закономерности связывания серотонина и триптамина ранними
эмбрионами морских ежей. J Evol Biochem Physiol, 19, 2, 121-126, 1983.
Beriša A., Buznikov G.A., Maljčenko Lj. i Rakić Lj.: Действие солей тяжелых
металлов на развитие зародышей морских ежей и на синтез белков
клетками мышиных перевивных опухолей. Ontogenez, XIV, 173-179, 1983.
Lazarević L., Rakić Lj. and Lyubimov N.N.: Telencephalic cytoarchitecture in
Torpedo marmorata. Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol Acta, 19, 287-300, 1983.
Fedan V.A., Galogaža M., Rakić Lj., Ivanuš J. and Golov E.: Role of
somatosensory commisural pathways in conducting feedback signals during
volontary motor action. Med Sci IRCS, 11, 396-397, 1983.
Fedan V.A., Galogaža M., Shepelev N., Lyubimov N.N., Karayev M., Rakić Lj.
and Ivanuš J.: Role of cerebral commissures in ensuring the conduction of
visual information-I. Study of the evoked potentials. Med Sci IRCS, 11, 150151, 1983.
Fedan V.A., Galogaža M., Rakić Lj., Lyubimov N.N. and Ivanuš J.: Facilitation
of active defensive and clocking of passive defensive reactions in cats after
transection of half of the mesencephalic tegmentum. Med Sci IRCS, 11, 159160, 1983.
Fedan V.A., Rubitursky V., Galogaža M., Shepelev A., Rakić Lj. and Ivanuš J.:
Compensation of optic tract hemianopsia in cats: The role of brain
commissures. Med Sci IRCS, 11, 158-159, 1983.
Fedan V.A., Galogaža M., Rakić Lj., Lyubimov N.N., Ivanuš J. and Shepelev A:
Disconnection of the commissural somatosensory pathways to the “working
hemisphere” accelerates the formation of the conditioned defense reflex in
cats. Med Sci IRCS, 11, 156-157, 1983.
Fedan V.A., Galogaža M., Rakić Lj., Lyubimov N.N., Ivanuš J. and Shepelev A.:
Cats with split brain and transected optic tract: Dynamics of forming the
conditioned defense reflex. Med Sci IRCS, 11, 154-155, 1983.
Fedan V.A., Galogaža M., Shepelev V.A., Lyubimov N.N., Karayev M.A., Rakić
Lj. and Ivanuš J.: Role of cerebral commissures in ensuring the conduction of
visual information: II Stydy of unit activity. Med Sci IRCS, 11, 152-153, 1983.
Đorđević-Marković R., Kanazir S., Mileusnić R., Rakić Lj., Ribarac-Stepić N.
and Kanazir D.: Glucocorticoid receptor in different rat brain structures.
Glasnik, 24, 45-54, 1983.
Radil T., Kovačević N., Konjević Đ. and Rakić Lj.: Facilitation of effector
neurons controlling the electric discharge in the elasmobranch fish Torpedo
marmorata. Physiol Bohemoslov, 32, 551, 1983.
Kovačević N., Di Benedetta C., Pavia R., Vitielo F., Cursi P., Konjević Đ., Rakić
Lj. and Radil T.: Monospecific anti-abdominal ganglion serum acting upon
neuronal activity in Aplysia depilans. Physiol Bohemoslov, 32, 434-552, 1983.
Kovačević A., Radilova L., Radil T., Kovačević N. and Rakić Lj.: Simultaneous
approach and avoidance learning in teleost fish Serranus scriba. Physiol
Bohemoslov, 32, 443-444, 1983.
Rakić Lj.: 62. godišnjica Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu. Zdrav zašt,12, 1,
14-20, 1983.
Rakić Lj.: Fiziologija bola. Okrugli sto o bolu, izdanje “Krka”-Novo Mesto,1317, 1983.
Salimova N.B., Kovačević N., Rakić Lj., Saharov D.A. i Turpaev T.M.:
Биогенные амины периферической нервной системы скатов Raja
miraletus и Torpedo marmorata. Dokl Akad Nauk SSSR, 270, 4, 1010-1012,
Buznikov G.A., Manukhin B.N., Rakić Lj. and Turpaev T.M.: Biogenic
monoamines in phylogenesis and ontogenesis. Glasnik, 87, 13, 69-82, 1984.
Fedan V.A., Lyubimov N.N., Rakić Lj., Galogaža M. and Ivanuš J.: The role of
cerebral commissures in interhemispheric conduction of visual information
to the lateral geniculate body: Study of evoked potentials. Med Sci IRCS, 12,
797-798, 1984.
Rakić Lj., Ivanuš J., Fedan V.A. and Lyubimov N.N.: Interhemispheric transfer
of visual information to the Nucleus Caudatus of the cat: the role of the
callosal system. Med Sci IRCS, 12, 799-800, 1984.
Fedan V.A., Galogaža M., Lyubimov N.N., Rakić Lj., Shepelev A. and Ivanuš J.:
Interhemispheric transfer of visual information to the visual cortex: the role
of brain stem commissural communications. Med Sci IRCS, 12, 801-802, 1984.
Fedan V.A., Lyubimov N.N., Galogaža M., Rakić Lj., Shepelev A. and Ivanuš J.:
Interhemispheric transfer of visual information to the hippocampus: the role
of corpus callosum and subcortical commissures. Med Sci IRCS, 12, 803-804,
Levental M., Rusić M. i Rakić Lj.: Кислые мукополисахариды в
постнатальном созревании мозга. Ontogenez, 15, 1, 20-26, 1984.
Mileusnić R., Veskov R. and Rakić Lj.: Electroconvulsive seizure in the
function of tubulin. Period Biol, 86, 181-188, 1984.
Fedan V.A., Rakić Lj., Galogaža M. and Shepelev N.A.: Compensation of
anosocoria in cats after optic tract transection: Role of subcortical
commissures. Bull Exp Biol Med, 98,3, 1165-1167, 1984.
Ribarac-Stepić N., Kanazir S., Đorđević-Marković R., Mileusnić R., Rakić Lj.
and Kanazir D.: The binding of 3H-cortisol to proteins of different brain
structures. Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol Acta, 20, 171-179, 1984.
Milošević I., Rakić Lj., Salimova N. and Salimov R.: Lateral choice after 6hydroxydopamine and 5,6-di-hydroxydopamine administration in gastropod
molluscs Helix and Aplysia. Med Sci IRCS, 12, 899-900, 1984.
Buznikov G.A., Mileusnić R., Yurkovskaya M. and Rakić Lj.: Effect of calcium
ionophore A23187 on the sensitivity of early sea urchin embryos to cytotoxic
neuropharmacological drugs. Comp Biochem Physiol, 12, 425-427, 1984.
Levental M., Rusić M. and Rakić Lj.: Myelin associated Na-K-ATPase:
Developmental distribution in the subfractions of the brain myelin. In:
“Circulatory and Developmental Aspects of Brain Metabolism”. Editor: Rakić Lj.
SANU, Belgrade; pp. 43-49, 1984.
Rusić M., Levental M. and Rakić Lj.: Effect of triethyllead on acid
mucopolysaccharides in rat brain. In: “Circulatory and Developmental Aspects
of Brain Metabolism”. Editor: Rakić Lj. SANU, Belgrade; pp. 51-59, 1984.
Rakić Lj.: Neurološki aspekti odnosa mozak-misao. [Neurobiologic aspects of
the brain-thought relationship]. Glasnik, 337, 36, 5-16, 1984.
Mileusnić R., Kanazir S. and Rakić Lj. Cortisol effect on brain tubulin and
actin synthesis. In: “Circulatory and Developmental Aspects of Brain
Metabolism”. Editor: Rakić Lj. SANU, Belgrade; pp. 61-68, 1984.
Rakić Lj., Dekleva N., Pešić M. i Majić V.: Ispitivanje tipa baždarenja
biomedicinskih instrumenata. Acta Chir Zagreb, 10, 12-15, 1984.
Buznikov G.A., Malchenko L.A., Rakić Lj., Kovačević N., Markova L.N.,
Salimova N.B. and Volina E.V.: Sensitivity of starfish oocytes and whole, half
and enucleated embryos to cytotoxic neuropharmacological drugs. Comp
Biochem Physiol 78C, 1, 197-201, 1984.
Rakić Lj.: Neurobiološki aspekti odnosa mozak-misao. Zdrav zašt, 13, 12, 310, 1984.
Rybitskiĭ V.N., Rakić Lj., Fedan V.A., Galogaža M. and Shepelev V.A.:
Commissural mechanisms of restoring visual functions. Bull Exp Biol Med,
97, 5, 549-551, 1984.
Yurchenko O.P., Turpaev T.M., Konjević Đ., Grigoriev N.G. i Rakić Lj.:
Влияние иньекции дофамина на эндогенную активность и
ацетилхолиновые ответы идентифицированных пачечных нейронов
аплизии. Dokl Akad Nauk SSSR, 284, 1, 248-252, 1985.
Zloković B., Segal M.B., Begley D.J., Davson H. and Rakić Lj.: Permeability of
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Goroshinskaya I., Tsevchenko E.Z., Krichevskaya A.A. and Rakić Lj.:
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Ivanuš J., Orosz A., Orosz M. and Rakić Lj.: GABA effect on conditioned reflex
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Grigorieva G. i Rakić Lj.: Специфичность холинэстеразы нервной системы
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Levental M., Rusić M. and Rakić Lj.: Biochemical organization of the nervous
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Markova L., Buznikov G.A., Kovačević N., Rakić Lj, Salimova N. and Volina E.:
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Rakić Lj. and Ivanuš J.: Dynamic interactions between Caudate Nucleus and
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Rakić Lj. i Ivanuš J.: Endokrine funkcije i električna aktivnost mozga. Osnovi
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Rakić Lj.: Experimental studies on the effect of triethyl lead on the central
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environment”. Nat Acad of Sci, Washington DC; pp. 110-118, 1985.
Kavarić J. i Rakić Lj.: Некаторые актуальние проблеми биохимыческой
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transection. Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol Acta, 21, 403-413, 1985.
Dida B., Đokić Lj., Dragojević M., Petković M., Đokić T. and Rakić Lj.: Effect
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and SGPT in patients with chronic bronchitis. Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol Acta
21, 4, 49-50, 1985.
Vukadinović V. and Rakić Lj.: Relationships between GABA and acetylcholine
in the developing rabbit brain. Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol Acta, 22, 125-127,
Vukadinović V., Stefanović V. and Rakić Lj.: Effect of propenthophyline on the
GABA system of a rat brain. Drug Dev Res, 7, 87-94, 1986.
Mileusnić R., Kanazir S., Ruždijić S. and Rakić Lj.: Effects of cortisol treatment
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Neuroendocrinology, 42, 306-310, 1986.
Kovačević N., Di Benedetta C., Pavia R., Vitiello F., Kursi D., Konjević Đ.,
Rakić Lj. and Radil T.: Anti-abdominal ganglion serum acting upon neuronal
activity in Aplysia depilans. Act Nerv Super, 28, 218-220, 1986.
Buznikov G.A., Markova L., Milošević I., Rakić Lj. i Turpaev T.M.:
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типом развития. Dokl Akad Nauk SSSR, 287, 6, 1506-1509, 1986.
Mileusnić R., Veskov R. and Rakić Lj.: The effect of electroconvulsive shock on
brain tubulin during development and aging. Life Sci, 38, 1171-1178, 1986.
Rusić M., Veskov R., Levental M. and Rakić Lj.: Effect of electroconvulsions on
glucosaminoglycans of the rat brain. Med Sci IRCS, 14, 603-604, 1986.
Zečević N., Mihailović P., Jovanović D. i Rakić Lj.: Celularne karakteristike
nucleusa dentatusa u toku razvića. Med Pregl, 39, 11-12, 553-558, 1986.
Radil T., Milošević I., Kovačević N., Konjević Đ., Damjanović I. and Rakić Lj.:
Simultaneous approach and avoidance learning in the teleost marine fish
Serranus scriba. Acta Neurobiol Exp Cuv, 46, 341-345, 1986.
Radil T., Milošević I., Kovačević N., Konjević Đ., Damjanović I., Radilova J.,
Kovačević A. and Rakić Lj.: Learning in the teleost fish Serranus scriba. Act
Nerv Super, 28, 3, 199-201, 1986.
Rakić Lj.: Značaj medicinskih istraživanja za medicinsku edukaciju. Zdrav
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Zečević N. i Rakić Lj.: Uticaj fenobarbitona na razviće centralnog nervnog
sistema. Medicinska istraživanja, 20, 27-31, 1987.
Zloković B., Lipovac M., Begley D., Davson H. and Rakić Lj.: Transport of
leucin-enkephalin across the blood-brain barrier in the perfused guinea pig
brain. J Neurochem, 49, 310-315, 1987.
Arežina P., Rakić Lj. and Schwirtlich L.: Neurological basis and possibilities of
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Rakić Lj.: Morphofunctional analysis of neural activity as a tool for
investigation of psychopathological processes. Acad Sci An SSSR, Moscow,
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Yurchenko O., Grigoriev N., Turpaev T., Konjević Đ. and Rakić Lj.:
Intracellular injection of dopamine enhances acetylcholine responses of
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Sadykova K., Zvezdina N., Martynova L., Gusareva E., Rakić Lj., Rogač Lj. i
Buznikov G.: Ганглиозиды клеточной поверхности и цитоплазмы у
ранних эмбрионов морских ежей в норме и при различных
воздействиях. Ontogenez, 18, 4, 413-430, 1987.
Vukadinović V., Rakić Lj. and Stefanović V.: The effect of propentophylline on
rat brain GABA system during development. Biochem Arch, 3, 165-177, 1987.
Salimova N.B., Sakharov D.A., Milošević I. and Rakić Lj.: Catecholaminecontaining neurons in the peripheral nervous system of Aplysia. Acta Biol
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Rakić Lj.: Reminiscencije na osnivanje zajednice Medicinskih fakulteta
Jugoslavije. Educatio Medica, 1, 1, 13-14, 1987.
Kovačević A., Kovačević N. i Rakić Lj.: Влияние десинхронизации
циркадного водителя ритма и разрушения стриатума на выработку
условных рефлексов у рыб. J Evol Biochem Physiol, 23, 2, 230-236, 1987.
Buznikov G.A., Zvezdina ND, Rogač Lj., Rakić Lj. and Iurovskaia M.A.:
Characteristic reaction of early sea urchin embryos to cytostatic analogs of
transmitter substances. Ontogenez, 5, 507-512, 1987.
Buznikov G.A., Zagorevskii V.A., Rakić Lj., Rogač Lj. i Sharkova L.M.:
Рецепция и внерецепторное связывание цитостатических антагонистов
серотонина ранними зародышами морского ежа A. lixula. Zh Evol Biokhim
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Atanasova E., Macura S. and Rakić Lj.: Proton nuclear magnetic resonance
spectroscopy of synaptic membrane bound GABA. Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol
Acta, 24, 3, 337-342, 1988.
Peković S., Rusić M., Veskov R. and Rakić Lj.: Suction ablations of the
sensorimotor cortex induce asymmetrical changes in Ca2+ uptake in rat
brain region synaptosomes. Adv Biosci, 70, 133-136, 1988.
Rusić M., Peković S., Veskov R. and Rakić Lj.: The effect of cortical injury on
Na+,K+-ATPase activity. Adv Biosci, 70, 173-176,1988.
Zečević N. and Rakić Lj.: Prenatal d-amphetamine administration affects
central nervous system development. Adv Biosci, 70, 223-225, 1988.
Šakić B., Veskov R., Rakić Lj. and Ivanuš J.: Maternal exposure to
phenobarbital facilitates the avoidance performance of mature rat offspring.
Adv Biosci, 70, 209-212, 1988.
Rakić Lj. and Lyubimov N.N.: Use of animal models in study of recovery
functions after brain lesions. Scand J Rehabil Med, 17, 15-23, 1988.
Zečević N. and Rakić Lj.: Synaptogenesis in the rat central nervous system is
altered after prenatal exposure to d-amphetamine. Adv Biosci, 70, 219-222,
Rakić Lj.: Experimental models of restorations of functions after brain
lesions. In: “Recovery of Functions in the Nervous System”. Livia Press; pp. 6782, 1988.
Rakić Lj., Zloković B., Davson H., Begley D., Segal M., Lipovac M., Mitrović
D., Mačkić J. and Veskov R.: Experimental psychosis and transport of amino
acids and peptides across the blood-brain barrier. In: “Peptide and Amino
Acid Transport Mechanisms in the Central Nervous System”. Editors: Rakić Lj.,
Begley D., Davson H. and Zloković B. MacMilan Press; pp. 169-181, 1988.-- 292
Zloković B., Lipovac M., Begley D., Davson H. and Rakić Lj.: Slow penetration
of thyrotropin-releasing hormone across the blood-brain barrier of in situ
perfused guinea pig brain. J Neurochem, 51, 1, 252-257, 1988.
Buznikov G., Mileusnić R., Rakić Lj. and Turpaev T.: The role of
neurotransmitters in the regulatory processes of early embryogenesis
(“chemical brain”). Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol Acta, 25, 35-60, 1989.
Rakić Lj., Zloković B., Segal M., Lipovac M., Mitrović D., Veskov R., Mačkić J.
and Davson H.: Effects of sensorimotor cortical lesions on blood-brain barrier
permeability in guinea pig. Metab Brain Dis, 4, 1, 9-15, 1989.
Kanazir S., Hadžić E., Ruždijić S. and Rakić Lj.: Regional distribution of GAP43 mRNA in the adult rat brain. Arch Biol Sci, 41, 5-6, 1989.
Popova N., Adrianov O., Veskov R., Yankovich B. and Rakić Lj.: The influence
of Delta-sleep inducing peptide on the intercentral integration during
experimental epilepsy. Bull Exp Biol Med (Moscow), 8, 147-150, 1989.
Rakić Lj.: Advances in Biomedical Research. Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol Acta,
25, suppl. 8, 2-3, 1989.
Veskov R., Supljakov O., Veselkin N. and Rakić Lj.: Penicillin-induced
bursting in motoneurons of the frog spinal cord. Neuropharmacology, 28, 10,
1119-1122, 1989.
Zečević N., Mojsilović J., Novaković B. and Rakić Lj.: Brain Plasticity After
Corpus Callosum Transection in the Newborn Rats. Met Brain Res, 4, 1, 2531, 1989.
Rakić Lj., Zloković B., Davson H., Segal M., Begley D., Lipovac M. and
Mitrović D.: Chronic amphetamine intoxication and the blood-brain barrier
permeability to inert polar molecules studied in the vascularly perfused
guinea pig brain. J Neurol Sci, 94, 41-50, 1989.
Zloković B., Škundrić D., Segal M., Colover J., Jankov R., Pejnović N., Lacković
V., Mačkić J., Lipovac M., Davson H., Kasp E., Dumonde D. and Rakić Lj.:
Blood-brain barrier permeability changes during acute EAE induced in
guinea pig. Metab Brain Dis, 4, 33-40, 1989.
Lazarević L., Rakić Lj., Gojković M. and Drašković Z.: Striatal projections in
teleost Serranus scriba. Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol Acta, 25, 11, 53-63, 1990.
Rakić Lj., Veskov R. and Mileusnić R.: Corpus Striatum and experimental
epilepsy. Psychiatr Neurol, 12, 13-19, 1990.
Škundrić D., Zloković B., Colover J., Dumonde D. and Rakić Lj.: Transport of
homologous immunoglobulin G across the blood-brain barrier during EAE
in the guinea pig. Period Biol , 92, 1, 115-116, 1990.
Milošević I., Kovačević N., Rakić Lj. and Radil T.: Ethogram of Aplysia
depilans end fasciata. Act Nerv Super, 32, 1, 78-79, 1990.
Kovačević N., Milošević I., Di Benedetta C., Rakić Lj. and Radil T.: Motor
activity in Aplysia after antiabdominal ganglion serum administration. Act
Nerv Super, 32, 1, 65-66, 1990.
Kovačević A., Radilova J., Kovačević N. and Rakić Lj.: Open field activity in
the marine fish Serranus scriba induced by lindane. Act Nerv Super, 32, 1, 6465, 1990.
Radilova J., Kovačević N. and Rakić Lj.: Specific aggressivity of the sea fish
Serranus scriba measured by a mirror test. Act Nerv Super, 32, 2, 136-137,
Ćulić M., Janković B., Milenković J., Rakić Lj. and Veskov R.: Effect of
amphetamine on EEG spectra in the experimental epilepsy. Arch Biol Sci, 42,
Ćulić M., Milenković J., Rakić Lj. and Veskov R.: Effect of cerebellar
stimulation on Purkinje cells activity in a model of generalized epilepsy.
Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol Acta, 26, 343-352, 1990.
Grossarth-Matiček R., Eysench H., Uhlenbruck G., Rieder H., Vetter H.,
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and personality as elements in preventing cancer and coronary heart disease.
Percept Mot Skills, 71, 198-209, 1990.
Grossarth-Matiček R., Eysench H., Rieder H., and Rakić Lj: Psychological
factors as determinants of success in footblall and boxing: The effects of
behavior. J Sport Psychol, 21, 237-255, 1990.
Rakić Lj.: Regulatory systems and values. IJUS, 3, 165-197, 1990.
Shupliakov O., Ercegovac D., Kurchavyj G., Veskov R. and Rakić Lj.: Key role
of NMDA receptors in seizure activities of frog spinal motoneurons. Dokl
Akad Nauk SSSR, 311, 4, 1003-1006, 1990.
Shupliakov O., Veskov R., Veselkin N. i Rakić Lj.: Антагонист NMDA
рецепторов блокирует эпилептоподобные разряды в спиральных
мотонейронах лягушки. Dokl Akad Nauk SSSR, 311, 4, 1003-1006, 1990.
Zvezdina N., Markova L., Prokazova N. and Rakić Lj.: Защитное действие
ганглиозидов против антагонистов “донервных” трансмиттеров у
ранних эмбрионов морского ежа Arbacia lixula. J Evol Biochem Physiol, 2,
279-282, 1990.
Rakić Lj.: Integrativne funkcije Corpus Striatum-a. U: “Dopaminergička
terapija Parkinsonove bolesti: 30 godina kasnije”. Urednici: Kostić V. i Đuričić
B. Lek Ljubljana; str. 1-15, 1991.
Radil T., Damjanović I., Konjević Đ., Kovačević N. and Rakić Lj.: Slow
potential shifts to light on and off in the retina of the marine fish Serranus
scriba. Homeostasis, 33, 150-152, 1991.
Kovačević N., Rakić Lj. and Radil T.: Avoidance learning in the marine fish
Serranus scriba influenced by circadian rhythmicity. Homeostasis, 33, 152153, 1991.
Rakić Lj., Kovačević N. and Radil T.: Alimentary learning in the marine fish
Serranus scriba influenced by circadian rhythmicity. Homeostasis, 33, 153154, 1991.
Radilova J., Kovačević N., Rakić Lj. and Radil T.: Circadian differences in
aggressive behaviour of sea fish Serranus scriba. Homeostasis, 33, 155156,1991.
Rakić Lj., Zloković B., Mačkić J., Lipovac M., Mitrović D., Veskov R., Redžić
Z., Segal M. and Davson H.: Opening of the blood-brain barrier to D-mannitol
induced by sensorimotor cortical lesions in the anaesthetized guinea-pig. In:
“Barriers and Fluids of the Eye and Brain”. Editor: Segal M.B. Macmillan Press,
Cambridge; pp. 184-188, 1992.
Škundrić D., Zloković B., Segal M., Rakić Lj. and Davson H.: Role of the bloodbrain barrier in immunopathogenesis of experimentally induced
autoimmune demyelination. In: “Barriers and Fluids of the Eye and Brain”.
Editor: Segal M.B. Macmillan Press, Cambridge; pp. 210-213, 1992.
Ruždijić S., Kanazir S., Stojiljković M. and Rakić Lj.: Expression and regional
induction of c-fos gene in the central nervous system after brain injury. In:
“Anticancerogenesis and Radiation Protection, 2”. Editors: Nygaar O.F. and
Upton A.C. Plenum Press, New York; pp. 111-115, 1991.
Grossarth-Matiček R., Eysensk H. and Rakić Lj.: Central nervous system and
cancer. In: “Anticancerogenesis and Radiation Protection, 2”. Editors: Nygaar
O.F. and Upton A.C. Plenum Press, New York; pp. 429-435, 1991.
Kovačević N., Milošević I., Konjević Đ., Di Benedetta C., Rakić Lj. and Radil T.:
Immunological analysis of Aplysia nervous system. II Efects of Aplysia antiabdominal ganglion IgG on neuronal and motor activity. Iugosl Physiol
Pharmacol Acta, 27, 1, 23-31, 1991.
Rakić Lj.: Neurobiological basis of time and consciousness. In “East & West
Perspectives on Science and Spirit: Time and Consciousness”. ICUS Publisher,
New York; pp. 1-15, 1991.
Ćulić M., Janković B., Milenković J. and Rakić Lj.: EEG power spectra in the
acute rat model of epilepsy. Period Biol, 93, 229-230, 1991.
Rakić Lj.: The European Miracle: Europe as the exception among the
advanced civilizations in history. In: “The Idea of Europe: Its Common
Heritage and Future”. Editors: David Gruender C. and Moutsopoulos E. PWPA,
New York; pp. 107, 1992.
Rakić Lj.: The Natural Sciences and their relation to man. U: „Odgovornost
savremene nauke i inteligencije”. Urednik: Palavestra P. SANU-Odeljenje jezika
i književnosti, str. 109-118, 1992.
Ćulić M., Peković S., Stojiljković M., Šaponjić J., Janković B. and Rakić Lj.: The
effect of cortical lesion on systemic penicillin epilepsy in rats. Neuroscience,
51, 439-444, 1992.
Ćulić M., Šaponjić J., Janković B. and Rakić Lj.: Activity of cat cerebellar
neurons in penicillin epilepsy and amphetamine treatment. Arch Ital Biol,
130, 167-177, 1992.
Ruždijić S., Jovanović J., Kanazir S., Kovačić-Milivojević B. and Rakić Lj.:
Transcriptional activation of c-fos proto-oncogene by nerve growth factor
and membrane depolarization in PC12 cell lines. Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol
Acta, 28, 245-254, 1992.
Buznikov G.A., Martynova L.E., Marshak T.L., Galanov A.Yu., Dungenova R.E.,
Nikitina L.A., Mileusnić R. i Rakić Lj.: Действие активаторов и
ингибиторов протеинкиназы C на ранних зародишей иглокожих.
Ontogenez, 24, 3, 58-69, 1993.
Buznikov G.A., Martynova L.E., Marshak T.L., Galanov A.Y., Dungenova R.E.,
Nikitina L.A., Mileusnić R. and Rakić Lj.: The effect of protein kinase C
activators and inhibitors on early sea urchin embryos. Sov J Dev Biol, 9, 1011, 172-181, 1993.
Ruždijić S., Peković S., Kanazir S., Ivković S., Stojiljković M. and Rakić Lj.:
Temporal and spatial preferences of c-fos mRNA expression in the rat brain
following cortical lesions. Brain Res, 601, 230-240, 1993.
Ćulić M., Šaponjić J., Janković B. and Rakić Lj.: Influence of locus coeruleus on
an experimental model of acute epilepsy. In: “Motor Control VII”. Motor
Control Press, Tucson, Arizona; pp.257-260, 1996.
Ćulić M., Šaponjić J., Janković B. and Rakić Lj.: Amphetamine and haloperidol
modulatory effects on Purkinje cell activity on EEG power spectra in the
acute rat model of epilepsy. Neurosci Lett, 182, 259-262, 1994.
Ivković S., Kanazir S., Stojiljković M., Rakić Lj. and Ruždijić S.: Desensitization
of c-fos mRNA expression in rat brain following cortical lesions. Mol Cell
Neurosci, 5, 11-22, 1994.
Redžić Z. and Rakić Lj.: Transport of amino acids across biological
membranes. Arch Gastrohepatol., 12, 1-2, 57-62, 1994.
Olbina G., Kanazir S., Veskov R., Rakić Lj. and Ruždijić S.: Regional
expression of c-fos mRNA following epileptic seizures induced by
pentylenetetrazol. Yugoslav Med Biochem, 13, 1-2, 19-26, 1994.
Ruždijić S., Kanazir S., Ivković S., Nemet E., Trajković A. and Rakić Lj.:
Hippocampus as a target structure for proto-oncogenes expression following
cortical lesion. Arch Biol Sci, 46, 3-4, 73-80, 1994.
Drašković Z., Lazarević L. and Rakić Lj.: Volume and total number of neurons
in the neostriatum in male and female rats estimated using optical disection.
Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol Acta, 30, 211-217, 1994.
Drašković Z., Lazarević L. and Rakić Lj.: Neuron-glia ratio in the neostriatum
of rats. Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol Acta, 30 ,205-210, 1994.
Ćulić M., Šaponjić J., Janković B. and Rakić Lj.: Effect of cerebellar
stimulation on EEG power spectra in the acute model of epilepsy. Indian J
Med Res, 100, 135-139, 1994.
Belkić K., Savić Č., Theorell T., Rakić Lj., Ercegovac D. and Đorđević M.:
Mechanisms of cardiac risk in professional drivers. Scand J Work Environ
Health, 20, 73-86, 1994.
Rakić Lj.: Nauka i budućnost. Revija rada, 269, 25, 5-17, 1994.
Popov I., Spužić I. and Rakić Lj.: Monoamines stimulations in experimental
carcinogenesis. Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol Acta, 40, 1, 89-91, 1994.
Popov I., Spužić I. i Rakić Lj.: Monoaminska stimulacija u eksperimentalnoj
kancerogenezi. Srp Arh Celok Lek, 122, 5-6, 149-151, 1994.
Rakić Lj., Grossarth-Matiček R. and Popov I.: The Central Nervous System and
Cancer- Monoamine Hypothesis. Dtsch Zschr Onkol, 26, 6, 150-157, 1994.
Čulić M., Šaponjić J., Janković B., Peković S., Stojiljković M., Udović S. and
Lj.Rakić: Effect of early cortical lesion on the acute model of epilepsy. Int J
Dev Neurosci, 13, 6, 655-658, 1995.
Redžić Z., Marković I., Jovanović S., Zloković B. and Rakić Lj.: Penetration of
3H tiazofurin into guinea pig eye by a saturable mechanism. Eur J
Ophthalmol, 5, 2, 131-135, 1995.
Redžić Z., Marković I., Jovanović S., Mitrović D., Zloković B. and Rakić Lj.:
Slow penetration of 3H tiazofurin into guinea pig brain by a saturable
mechanism. Meth Find Exp Clin Pharmacol, 17, 6, 407-414, 1995.
Ćulić M., Šaponjić J., Todorović V., Janković B., Udović S., Peković S.,
Stojiljković M., Ratković A., Nikolić A. and Rakić Lj.: Changes in neuropeptide
levels after brain damage in rats. Neuropeptides, 29, 59-62, 1995.
Ćulić M., Šaponjić J., Janković B., Udović S., Kostopoulos G. and Rakić Lj.:
Excitability of pyramidal neurons in rat hippocampal slices after systemic
penicillin administration. Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol Acta, 31, 227-331, 1995.
Romac S., Čuljković B., Stojković O., Rakić Lj. and Ruždijić S.: Neurons in
primary culture from rat cerebral cortex. Arch Biol Sci, 47, 1-2,1-2, 1995.
Rakić Lj.: Neurologija bola. U: “Ka integraciji savremene i tradicionalne
medicine”. European Centre for Peace and Development (ECPD) of the United
Nations University for Peace, Belgrade; str. 125-140, 1995.
Rakić Lj.: Monoamines stimulation in experimental carcinogenesis. Iugosl
Physiol Pharmacol Acta, 30, 1, 89-91, 1995.
Drašković Z., Lazarević L. and Rakić Lj.: Effects of unilateral sensory-motor
cortex ablation on nucleus caudatus -qualitative histological analysis.
“Bulletin T.CX de lAcadémie serbe de science et des arts”. Classe des sciences
médicales, No 14, pp. 19-38, 1995.
Popov I., Spužić I. and Rakić Lj.: Stimulation by the dopamine agonist
amphetamine and inhibition by the dopamine antagonist haloperidol of
experimental carcinogenesis induced by methylcholanthrene in the rat. Acta
Vet, 45, 5-6, 239-244, 1995.
Mitrović D., Redžić Z., Marković L., Jovanović S., Rosić M. and Rakić Lj.:
Tiazofurin uptake by the isolated guinea pig heart. J Chemother, 7, 6, 543548, 1995.
Rakić Lj.: Brain and Thought in Neurobiological Context. In:
“CONSCIOUSNESS: Scientific Challenge of the 21st Century”. Editors: Raković
D. and Koruga Đ. European Centre for Peace and Development (ECPD) of the
United Nations University for Peace, Belgrade; pp. 283, 1996.
Jovanović S., Redžić Z., Marković I., Mitrović D. and Rakić Lj.: Distribution of
small neutral amino acids after penetrating the luminal side of the guinea pig
blood-brain barrier. In: “Biology and Physiology of the Blood-Brain Barrier”.
Editors: Caurand and Scherman. Plenum Press, New York; pp. 41-45, 1996.
Rakić Lj.: Kvazi nauka i pseudonauka-u kontekstu etičkih problema nauke.
U: „Tehnologija, kultura i razvoj”. Urednik: Matejić V. Institut “Mihajlo Pupin”,
Beograd; str. 52-58, 1996.
Stojiljković M., Blagojević T., Vukosavić S., Zvezdina N.D., Peković S., Nikezić
G. and Rakić Lj.: Ganglioside GM1 and GM3 in early human brain
development: An immunocytochemical study. Int J Dev Neurosci, 14, 1, 35-44,
Popović M., Jovanova-Nešić K., Popović N., Bokonjić D., Dobrić S., Rosić N.
and Rakić Lj.: Behavioral and adaptive status in an experimental model of
Alzheimers disease in rats. Int J Neurosci, 86, 281-299, 1996.
Ćulić M., Šaponjić J., Popović S., Todorović V., Koko V., Janković B. and Rakić
Lj.: Changes in content and immunoreactivity of some neuropeptides in the
cerebellar cortex after brain injury. Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol Acta, 32, 1, 1-6,
Popov I., Veskov R., Spužić I. and Rakić Lj.: Bilateral lesions of the caudate
nuclei and effects of the psychotonic drug-piracetam on cancer development
in methylcholanthrene induced tumors in the rat. Acta Vet, 46, 2-3, 67-72,
Buznikov G.A., Malchenko L.A., Zvezdina N.D., Jovanović S., Markova L.N.,
Milošević I., Nikitina L.A., Lazarević L., Redžić Z., Rogač Lj. i Rakić Lj.:
Действие тиазофурина на развитие зародышей и личинок морких ежей.
Ontogenez, 27, 1, 62-69, 1996.
Rakić Lj. i Spužić I.: Značaj medicinskih istraživanja za medicinsku
edukaciju. Zbornik radova 31. međuakademijskog i VI naučnog sastanka
odeljenja medicinskih nauka jugoslovenskih akademija nauka i umetnosti, knj.
LXXXII, Odeljenje medicinskih nauka, knj. 8, Beograd, str. 13-20, 1996.
Kanazir S., Ruždijić S., Vukosavić S., Ivković S., Milošević A., Zečević N. and
Rakić Lj.: GAP-43 mRNA expression in early development of human nervous
system. Mol Brain Res, 38, 145-155, 1996.
Rakić Lj.: Neurologija bola. U: “MEDICINA RADA I”. Urednici: Vidaković A. i
sar. KCS-Institut za medicinu rada i radiološku zaštitu “Dr Dragomir Karajović” i
Udruženje za medicinu rada Jugoslavije, Beograd; str. 70-78, 1996.
Redžić Z., Marković I., Jovanović S., Gašić J., Mitrović D., Zloković B. and
Rakić Lj.: Kinetics and sodium independence of 3H tiazofurin blood to brain
transport in the guinea pig. Meth Find Exp Clin Pharmacol, 18, 6, 413-418,
Redžić Z., Marković I., Jovanović S., Mitrović D. and Rakić Lj.: Penetration of
3H tiazofurin from blood into guinea pig brain. In: “Biology and Physiology of
the Blood-Brain Barrier”. Plenum Press, New York; pp.157-162, 1996.
Marković I., Redžić Z., Jovanović S., Mitrović D. and Rakić Lj.: Transport of 3H
L-alanine across the blood-brain barrier of in situ perfused guinea pig brain.
In: “Biology and Physiology of the Blood-Brain Barrier”. Plenum Press, New
York; pp.33-37, 1996.
Marković I., Redžić Z., Jovanović S. and Rakić Lj.: Brain uptake of 3H l-serine
and 3H l-alanine across the blood brain barrier of in situ perfused guinea pig
brain. Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol Acta, 32, 2, 109-121, 1996.
Ćulić M., Šaponjić J., Janković B. and Rakić Lj.: Influence of locus coeruleus on
an acute model of epilepsy. In: “Motor Control VII”. Motor Control Press,
Tucson, Arizona; pp.259-262, 1996.
Šaponjić J., Ćulić M., Janković B., Udović S., Stojiljković M., Peković S. and
Rakić Lj.: Amphetamine effect on recovery following cortical lesion in the
model of epilepsy. In: “Motor Control VII”. Motor Control Press, Tucson,
Arizona; pp.263-264, 1996.
Ruždijić S., Veskov R., Kanazir S., Vukosavić S., Romac S., Čuljković B.,
Milošević J., Andić D., Ostojić Z. i Rakić Lj.: Genska terapija neuroloških
bolesti. Klinička i eksperimentalna neurologija, 1, 2, 67-73, 1996.
Romac S., Čuljković B., Vukosavić S., Stojković O., Kanazir S., Ruždijić S. i
Rakić Lj.: Genetička osnova neurodegenerativnih oboljenja. Klinička i
eksperimentalna neurologija, 1, 2, 61-66, 1996.
Buznikov G.A., Jokanović M., Kovačević N. and Rakić Lj.: Sea urchin embryos
and larvae as biosensors for screening and detailed study of
pharmacologically active substances. Toxicol Kinet Metab, 5, 4, 393-400, 1997.
Kanazir S., Vukosavić S., Rakić Lj. and Ruždijić S.: Optimization of in situ
hybridization histochemistry for localization of GAP-43 mRNA in fetal brain
during human development. Brain Res Protoc, 1, 3, 280-286, 1997.
Rakić Lj., Ribarac-Stepić N. and Simić D.: MOLECULAR MECHANISM OF
CELL FUNCTION. SANU, Belgrade; pp.1-175, 1997.
Ruždijić S. and Rakić Lj.: Mechanism of antisense gene therapy and
Editors: Rakić Lj., Ribarac-Stepić N. and Simić D. Serbian Academy of Sciences
and Arts, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Faculty of Biology,University of
Belgrade; pp.133-139, 1997.
Grossarth-Matiček R. and Rakić Lj.: Psychosomatic dimension in
Editors: Rakić Lj., Ribarac-Stepić N. and Simić D. Serbian Academy of Sciences
and Arts, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Faculty of Biology,University of
Belgrade; pp.141-156, 1997.
Peković S., Nedeljković N., Nikezić G., Horvat A., Stojiljković M., Rakić Lj. and
Martinović J.: Biochemical characterization of the hippocampal and striatal
Na,K-ATPaze revealed striking differences in kinetic properties. Gen Physiol
Biophys, 16, 227-240, 1997.
Ostojić Z., Ruždijić S., Car M., Rakić Lj. and Veskov R.: The connection
between absence-like seizures and hypothermia induced by penicillin:
possible implication on other animal models of petit mal epilepsy. Brain Res,
777, 86-94, 1997.
Ivković S., Kanazir S., Rakić Lj., Ehrlich M. and Ruždijić S.: Enhanced serum
response element binding activity correlates with down-regulation of c-fos
mRNA expression in rat brain following repeated cortical lesions. Mol Brain
Res, 52, 1, 62-70, 1997.
Ruždijić S., Olbina G., Ostojić Z., Rakić Lj. and Veskov R.: Bilateral lesions of
substantia nigra decrease c-fos mRNA expression following penicillininduced absence seizures. Yugoslav Med Biochem, 16, 4, 1997.
Ostojić Z., Vasilev V. and Rakić Lj.: Hypothermia as a common label of sleep,
absence epilepsy and consciousness. In: “Basic and Clinical Aspects of the
Theory of Functional Systems”. Editors: Lazetić B. and Sudakov K.V. Univ. of
Novi Sad and P.K. Anokhnin Institute of Normal Physiology RAM, Moscow; pp.
141-149, 1998.
Lazarević L., Rogač Lj. and Rakić Lj.: Cytoarchitectonic analysis of tectum
opticum in Serranus scriba. Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol Acta, 34, 335-341, 1998.
Piperski V., Vračar M., Jokanović M., Stukalov P. and Rakić Lj.: Detection of
apoptosis and phagocytosis in vitro in C6 rat glioma cells treated with
tiazofurin. Arch Biol Sci, 50, 2, 13P-14P, 1998.
Redžić Z., Gašić J., Marković I., Vojvodić V., Vranić V., Jovanović S. and Rakić
Lj.: The effects of NO synthesis inhibition on the uptake of endogenous
nucleosides into the rat brain. Neurosci Res Commun, 22, 1, 11-20, 1998.
Redžić Z., Segal M., Marković I., Gašić J., Vidović V. and Rakić Lj.: The
characteristics of basolateral nucleoside transport in the perfused sheep
choroid plexus and the effect of NO inhibition on these processes. Brain Res,
767, 26-33, 1997.
Čuljković B., Ruždijić S., Rakić Lj. and Romac S.: Improved polymerase chain
reaction conditions for quick diagnsotics of Huntington disease. Brain Res
Protoc, 3, 44-46, 1997.
Jovanović S., Redžić Z., Marković I. and Rakić Lj.: Transport of Tiazofurin, a
C6 Synthetic Analogue through the Rat Blood-brain Tumor Barrier. Int
Congress of Neurological Surgery, Int Proc Division, 1763-1766, 1997.
Popović M., Jovanova-Nešić K., Popović N., Ugrešić N., Kostić V. and Rakić Lj.:
Humoral and cell mediated immune response following lesions of the Nucleus
basilis magnocellularis in the rat. Int J Neurosci, 89, 165-176, 1997.
Redžić Z., Marković I., Gašić J., Vidović V. and Rakić Lj.: Endogenous
nucleosides in the guinea pig eye: Analysis of transport and metabolites. Exp
Eye Res, 66, 315-325, 1998.
Popović N., Jovanova-Nešić K., Popović M., Bokonjić D. and Rakić Lj.:
Learning and memory in Nucleus basalis magnocellularis-lesioned rats after
transplantation of fetal frontal cortex. Int J Neurosci, 91, 11-28, 1997.
Redžić Z., Segal M.B., Marković I., Gašić J., Vidović V. and Rakić Lj.: The
transport of nucleosides across the perfused choroid plexus of the sheep. J.
Physiol. (London), 1997.
Redžić Z., Marković I., Gašić J., Jovanović S., Mitrović D., Zloković B. and
Rakić Lj.: Kinetics and Sodium Independence of 3H tiazofurin Blood to Brain
Transport in the Guinea Pig. Methods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol, 18, 6, 413418, 1997.
Rakić Lj.: Neurobiologija bola. Fizikalna terapija, 8, 5-8, 1997.
Milenković I., Stojiljković M., Vasić R., Šaponjić J., Peković S. and Rakić Lj.:
Changes in nonphosphorylated neurofilament protein expression as response
to kainate toxicity in rat cerebellum. Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol Acta, 34, 145152, 1998.
Stojiljković M., Peković S. and Rakić Lj.: Changes of glycosaminoglycans after
unilateral sensorimotor cortex ablation in neonatalrats. Arch Biol Sci, 50,
219-226, 1998.
Buznikov G. and Rakić Lj.: The cholinergic receptors of early (pre-nervous)
sea urchin embryos. Fiziol Zh SSSR Im I M Sechenova, 84, 10, 1038-1048, 1998.
Ruždijić S., Kanazir S., Milošević J., Popović M., Drabek K., Medić-Mijačević
Lj., Pejanović V. and Rakić Lj.: Development and application of antisense
oligodeoxynucleotides and nucleoside analogues as a potential anticancer
drugs. Arh Farm, 5, 419-435, 1998.
Redžić Z., Marković I., Vidović V., Vranić V., Gašić J., Đuričić B., Pokrajac M.,
Đorđević J., Segal M. and Rakić Lj.: Endogenous nucleosides in the guinea pig
eye: Analysis of transport and metabolites. Exp Eye Res, 66, 315-325, 1998.
Vasić R., Stojiljković M., Milenković I., Peković S. and Rakić Lj.:
Immunoreactivity of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in cortex and
hippocampus after neonatal sensorimotor cortex lesion. Iugosl Physiol
Pharmacol Acta, 34, 237-245, 1998.
Čuljković B., Stojković O., Kanazir S., Rakić Lj. and Romac S.: Regulaiton of cfos proto-oncogene expression in primary cultures of rat hippocampal and
cortical neurons after NGF induction. Arch Biol Sci, 50, 4, 197-200, 1998.
Buznikov G.A., Marshak T., Malchenko L.A., Nikitina L.A., Shmukler Yu.B.,
Buznikov A.G., Rakić Lj. and Whitaker M.J.: Serotonin and acetylcholine
modulate sensitivity of early sea urchin embryos to protein kinase C
activators. Comp Biochem Physiol A, 120, 457-462, 1998.
Piperski V., Vračar M., Jokanović M., Stukalov P. and Rakić Lj.: Detection of
apoptosis and phagocytosis in vitro in C6 rat glioma cells treated with
tiazofurin. Apoptosis, 3, 5, 345-352, 1998.
Čuljković B., Stojković O., Vojvodić N., Svetel M., Rakić Lj., Romac S. and
Kostić V.: Correlation between triplet repeat expansion and computed
tomography measures of caudte nuceli atrophy in Huntington’s disease. J
Neurol, 246, 1090-1093, 1999.
Čolić M., Vučević D., Vasilijić D., Popović D., Pejanović V., Jandrić D., MedićMijačević Lj. and Rakić Lj.: Proliferation of spleen cells in culture stimulated
by 7-thia-8-oxoguanosine: Evidence that both B and T-cells are the targets of
its action. Methods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol, 21, 9, 583-590, 1999.
Čolić M, Gašić S, Vasilijić S, Pejanović V, Jandrić D, Medić-Mijačević Lj. and
Rakić Lj.: A nucleoside analogue, 7-thia-8-oxoguanosine stimulates
proliferation of thymocytes in vitro. Immunol Lett, 69, 3, 293-300, 1999.
Ruždijić S., Olbina G., Veskov R., Ostojić Z., Kanazir S. and Rakić Lj.: The
effect of penicillin-induced seizure on c-fos mRN expression in rat brain.
Iugosl Physiol Pharmacol Acta, 35, 53-66, 1999.
Milošević J., Mladenović A., Terzić N., Rakić Lj. and Ruždijić S.: BDNF gene
expression in aging rat brain. Arch Biol Sci, 52, 1, 5-6, 2000.
Grbović O., Ruždijić S., Medić-Mijačević Lj., Rakić Lj. and Kanazir S.:
Detection of apoptosis induced by 8-Cl-cAMP in human glioma in vitro. Arch
Biol Sci, 52, 1, 1P-2P, 2000.
Redžić Z., Segal M., Gašić J., Marković I., Isaković A. and Rakić Lj.: The
kinetics of tiazofurin uptake of the isolated perfused chorioid plexus of the
sheep. Methods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol, 22, 3, 149-154, 2000.
Ruždijić S., Olbina G. and Rakić Lj.: Mehanizam antisens genske terapije i
njene primene. U: “Primena kliničke biohemije u laboratoriskoj praksi”.
Urednik: Majkić-Singh N. Društvo medicinskih biohemičara; str. 25-39, 2000.
Čolić M., Gašić S., Vučević D., Pavičić Lj., Popović P., Jandrić D., MedićMijačević Lj. and Rakić Lj.: Modulatory effect of 7-thia-8-oxoguanosine on
proliferation of rat thymocytes in vitro stimulated with concavalin A. Int J
Immunopharmacol, 22, 203-212, 2000.
Buznikov G.A. and Rakić Lj.: Cholinoceptors of early (preneural) sea urchin
embryos. Neurosci Behav Physiol, , 30, 1, 53-62, 2000.
Čolić M., Jandrić D., Gašić S., Vučević D., Popović P., Medić-Mijačević Lj. and
Rakić Lj.: Immunosine (7-thia-8-oxoguanosine) acts as a cofactor for
proliferation of T cells. Fundam Clin Pharmacol, 14, 209-217, 2000.
Drabek K., Pešić M., Piperski V., Ruždijić S., Medić-Mijačević Lj., Pietrzkowski
Z. end Rakić Lj.: 8-Cl-cAMP and tiazofurin affect VEGF production and
GFAP expression in human glioblastoma cells. Anticancer Drugs, 11, 9, 765770, 2000.
Redžić Z., Segal M., Gašić J., Marković I., Vojvodić V., Isaković A., Thomas S.
and Rakić Lj.: The characteristics of nucleobases transport and metabolism
by the perfused sheep choroid plexus. Brain Res, 888, 66-74, 2001.
Milošević J., Veskov R., Vasilev V., Rakić Lj. and Ruždijić S.: Apoptosis
induction by phencyclidine in the brain of rats of different ages. Addict Biol ,
5, 2, 157-165, 2000.
Grbović O., Ruždijić S., Medić-Mijačević Lj., Rakić Lj. and Kanazir S.:
Detection of apoptosis by 8-Cl-cAMP in human glioma in vitro. Arch Biol Sci,
52, 1, 1-2, 2000.
Vukosavić S., Ruždijić S., Veskov R., Rakić Lj. and Kanazir S: Differential
effects of amphetamine and phencyclidine on the expression of growthassociated protein GAP-43. Neurosci Res, 40, 133-140, 2001.
Ruždijić S., Milošević J., Popović N., Pešić M., Stojiljković M., Kanazir
S.,Todorović D., Ristić-Fira A., Krstić-Demonakos M., Kanazir D. and Rakić Lj.:
Downregulation of c-fos and c-myc expression and apoptosis unduction by
tiazofurin and 8-Cl-cAMP in human melanoma cells. Yugosl Med Biochem,
20, 1, 9-18, 2001.
Redžić Z., Segal M., Gašić J., Marković I., Vojvodić V., Isaković A., Thomas S.
and Rakić Lj.: The characteristics of nucleoside transport and metabolism by
the perfused sheep choroid plexus. Brain Res, 888, 64-74, 2001.
Čolić M., Vučević D, Jandrić D, Medić-Mijačević Lj. and Rakić Lj.: 8-ChlorocAMP modulates apoptosis of thymocytes and thymocyte hybridoma.
Transplant Proc, 33, 3, 2347-2349, 2001.
Redžić Z., Isaković A., Segal M., Thomas S. and Rakić Lj.: The kinetics of
hypoxantine efflux from the rat brain. Brain Res, 899, 248-250, 2001.
Popović N., Popović M., Jovanović-Nešić K., Bokonjić D., Kostić V., Šternić N.
and Rakić Lj.: Effects of neural transplantation on depressive behavior in rats
with lesioned Nucleus basilis magnocellularis. Int J Neurosci, 112, 105-115,
Redžić Z., Gašić J., Segal M., Marković I., Isaković A., Rakić M., Thomas S. and
Rakić Lj.: The kinetics of hypoxantine transport across the perfused choroid
plexus of the sheep. Brain Res, 925, 169-175, 2002.
Milošević J., Kanazir S., Medić-Mijačević Lj., Pejanović V., Stokić Z., Konjević
G., Rakić Lj. and Ruždijić S.: Sulfinosine-induced cell growth inhibition and
apoptosis in human lung carcinomas in vitro. Invest New Drugs, 3, 229-40,
Dačević M., Tasić J., Pejanović V., Segal M., Uglješić-Kilibarda D., Isaković A.,
Begley D., Rakić Lj. and Redžić Z.: The linkage of glucose to tiazofurin
decreases in vitro uptake into rat glioma C6 cells. J Drug Target, 8, 633-636,
Grbović O., Jović V., Ruždijić S., Pejanović V., Rakić Lj. and Kanazir S.: 8-ClcAMP affects glioma cell-cycle kinetics and selectively induces apoptosis.
Cancer Invest, 20, 7-8, 972-982, 2002.
Mladenović A., Perović M., Milanović D., kanazir S., Rakić Lj. and Ruždijić S: 6hydroxydopamine lesions of the striatum lead to the alterations of dopamine
receptor mRNA in Parkinsonian rats. Yugosl Med Biochem, 21, 275-282, 2002.
Milanović D., Milošević J., Kanazir S., Rakić Lj. and Ruždijić S.: Effects of
amphetamine and phencyclidine on DNA-binding activities of serum
response and dyed symmetry elements. Neurochem Int, 42, 409-417, 2003.
Milićević I., Peković S., Šubašić S., Mostarica-Stojković M., Stošić-Grujičić S.,
Medić-Mijačević Lj., Pejanović V., Rakić Lj. and Stojiljković M.: Ribavirin
reduces clinical signs and pathological changes of experimental autoimmune
encephalomyelitis in Dark Agouti rats. J Neurosci Res, 72, 2, 268-278, 2003.
Pešić V., Janać B., Milanović D., Tomić M., Veskov R. and Rakić Lj.: Motor
effects of amphetamine in rats pretreated with either dizocilpine or
phencyclidine. Behav Brain Res, 147, 1-2, 211-215, 2003.
Vasilev V., Veskov R., Janać B., Rakić Lj. and Stojiljković M.: Age-related
differences in MK-801- and amphetamine-induced locomotor and stereotypic
activities of rats. Neurobiol Aging, 24, 5, 715-723, 2003.
Stojiljković M., Piperski V., Dačević M., Rakić Lj., Ruždijić S. and Kanazir S.:
Characterization of 9L glioma model of the Wistar rat. J Neurooncol, 63, 1, 17, 2003.
Janković D., Stojković A., Pešić M., KAnazir S., Rakić Lj. and Ruždijić S.:
Comparative analysis of expression of angiogenic factors and CD44 gene in
human glioma and neuroblastoma cell lines in vitro. Yugosl Med Biochem, 23,
19-24, 2004.
Mladenović A., Perović M., Raičević N., Kanazir S., Rakić Lj. and Ruždijić S.: 6Hydroxydopamine increases the level of TNFalpha and bax mRNA in the
striatum and induces apoptosis of dopaminergic neurons in
hemiparkinsonian rats. Brain Res, 996, 2, 237-245, 2004.
Baltić S., Perović M., Mladenović A., Raičević N., Ruždijić S., Rakić Lj. and
Kanazir S.: Alpha-synuclein is expressed in different tissues during human
fetal development. J Mol Neurosci, 22, 3, 199-204, 2004.
Janać B., Pešić V., Veskov R., Ristić S., Tasić J, Piperski V., Ruždijić S.,
Jokanović M., Stukalov P. and Rakić Lj.: The effects of tiazofurin on basal and
amphetamine-induced motor activity in rats. Pharmacol Biochem Behav, 77,
3, 575-382, 2004.
Milenković I., Filipović R., Nedeljković N., Peković S, Čulić M., Rakić Lj. and
Stojiljkovic M.: Spatio-temporal changes in neurofilament proteins
immunoreactivity following kainate-induced cerebellar lesion in rats. Cell
Mol Neurobiol, 3, 367-378, 2004.
Žunić S., Milošević J., Ruždijić S., Đorđević-Denić G. and Rakić Lj.:
Semiquantitative cytochemistry in evaluation of apoptotic capacity in
bronchoalveolar lavage of smokers and patients with non-small-cell lung
cancer. J Biol Regul Homeost Agents, 18, 3-4, 372-380, 2004.
Perović M., Mladenović A., Rakić Lj., Ruždijić S. and Kanazir S.: Increase of
GAP-43 in the rat cerebellum following unilateral striatal 6-OHDA lesion.
Synapse, 56, 3, 170-174, 2005.
Janać B., Pešić V., Peković S., Rakić Lj. and Stojiljković M.: The time-course of
ribavirin-provoked changes of basal and AMPH-induced motor activities in
rats. Exp Brain Res, 165, 3, 402-406, 2005.
Milenković I., Nedeljković N., Filipović R., Peković S., Čulić M., Rakić Lj. and
Stojiljković M.: Pattern of glial fibrillary acidic protein expression following
kainate-induced cerebellar lesion in rats. Neurochem Res, 30, 2, 207-213, 2005.
Peković S., Filipović R., Šubašić S., Lavrnja I., Stojkov D., Nedeljković N., Rakić
Lj. and Stojiljković M.: Downregulation of glial scarring after brain injury:
the effect of purine nucleoside analogue ribavirin. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1048,
296-310, 2005.
Lavrnja I., Stojkov D, Peković S., Šubašić S., Mostarica-Stojković M., StošićGrujičić S., Nedeljković N., Medić-Mijačević Lj., Rakić Lj. and Stojiljković M.:
Combination of nucleoside analogues tiazofurin and ribavirin downregulates
experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1048, 392395, 2005.
Janać B., Pesić V., Peković S., Rakić Lj. and Stojiljković M.: Different effects of
adenosine A1 agonist ribavirin on amphetamine-induced total locomotor and
stereotypic activities in rats. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1048, 396-399, 2005.
Ruždijić S., Perović M., Mladenović A., Milanović D., Rakić Lj., Petančeska S.,
and Kanazir S.: The impact of aging, dietary restriction and glucocorticoids
on ApoE gene expression in rat brain. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1053, 231-232, 2005.
Janković D., Pešić M., Marković J., Kanazir S., Marković I., Rakić Lj. and
Ruždijić S.: The combination of sulfinosine and 8-Cl-cAMP induces
synergistic cell growth inhibition of the human neuroblastoma cell line in
vitro. Invest New Drugs, 1, 15-25, 2006.
TO BEHAVIOUR”. Research Signpost, Kerala, India; pp.1-283, 2006.
Ruždijić S., Pešić M., Kanazir S., Rakić Lj. and Tanić N.: The role of genetic
instability in the development of the multidrug resistance phenotype in brain
BEHAVIOUR”. Editors: Ruždijić S. and Rakić Lj. Research Signpost, Kerala,
India; pp.1-19, 2006.
Kanazir S., Mladenović A., Rakić Lj. and Ruždijić S.: Age-related neuronal
degeneration-Effects of diet and glucocorticoids. In:“NEUROBIOLOGICAL
STUDIES –FROM GENES TO BEHAVIOUR”. Editors: Ruždijić S. and Rakić Lj.
Research Signpost, Kerala, India; pp.85-109, 2006.
Peković S., Šubašić S., Nedeljković N., Bjelobaba I., Filipović R., Milenković I.,
Lavrnja I., Stojkov D., Jovanović S., Rakić Lj. and Stojiljković M.: Molecular basis
of brain injury and repair. In: “NEUROBIOLOGICAL STUDIES –FROM GENES
TO BEHAVIOUR”. Editors: Ruždijić S. and Rakić Lj. Research Signpost, Kerala,
India; pp. 143-165, 2006.
Buznikov G., Nikitina L., Milišević I., Bazugolov V., Francisco Y.E.M., ObispoPeak N., Paterson R.E., Slotkin A.T., Lauder M.J. and Rakić Lj: New
perspectives on roles for neurotransmitters in early (“Pre-nervous”)
BEHAVIOUR”. Editors: Ruždijić S. and Rakić Lj. Research Signpost, Kerala,
India; pp. 183-196, 2006.
Lazarević Lj., Rogač Lj., Milošević D. and Rakić Lj.: The blood-brain barrier
in elasmobranchia –A challenge for studies of pathologies of the blood-brain
barrier in higher organisms. In: “NEUROBIOLOGICAL STUDIES –FROM
GENES TO BEHAVIOUR”. Editors: Ruždijić S. and Rakić Lj. Research Signpost,
Kerala, India; pp.227-241, 2006.
Čolić M. and Rakić Lj.: Toll-like receptors and nucleoside analogs: From
innate immunity to the brain. In “NEUROBIOLOGICAL STUDIES –FROM
GENES TO BEHAVIOUR”. Editors: Ruždijić S. and Rakić Lj. Research Signpost,
Kerala, India; pp. 243-257, 2006.
Grossarth-Matiček R. and Rakić Lj.: Interaction between self regulation and
antidepressive administration as a method of intervention in primary and
secondary cancer prevention. In: “NEUROBIOLOGICAL STUDIES –FROM
GENES TO BEHAVIOUR”. Editors: Ruždijić S. and Rakić Lj. Research Signpost,
Kerala, India; pp. 273-284, 2006.
Pešić M., Marković J., Janković D., Kanazir S., Marković I., Rakić Lj., Ruždijić
S.: Induced resistance in the human non small cell lung carcinoma (NCIH460) cell line in vitro by anticancer drugs. J Chemother, 18, 1, 66-73, 2006.
Nedeljković N., Bjelobaba I., Šubašić S., Lavrnja I., Peković S., Stojkov D.,
Vještica A., Rakić Lj. and Stojiljković M.: Up-regulation of ectonucleotidase
activity after cortical stab injury in rats. Cell Biol Int, 30, 6, 541-546, 2006.
Milanović D., Pešić V., Rakić Lj., Kanazir S. and Ruždijić S.: Enhancement of
AP-1 DNA-binding activity during amphetamine- and phencyclidinemediated behaviour in rats. Neuropharmacology, 50, 8, 924-933, 2006.
Stojkov D., Lavrnja I., Šubašić S., Bjelobaba I., Peković S., Gađanski I.,
Mostarica-Stojković M., Stošić-Grujičić S., Rakić Lj. and Stojiljković M.:
Therapeutic effectsof nucleoside analogs on experimental auroimmune
encephalomyelitis in dark agouti rats. Arch Biol Sci, 58, 13-20, 2006.
Bjelobaba I., Nedeljković N., Šubašić S., Lavrnja I., Peković S., Stojkov D.,
Rakić Lj. and Stojiljković M.: Immunolocalization of ecto-nucleotide
pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 1 (NPP1) in the rat forebrain. Brain Res.,
1120, 1, 54-63, 2006.
Bjelobaba I., Stojiljković M., Peković S., Dacić S., Lavrnja I., Stojkov D., Rakić
Lj. and Nedeljković N.: Immunohistological determination of ecto-nucleoside
triphosphate diphosphohydrolase1 (NTPDase1) and 5'-nucleotidase in rat
hippocampus reveals overlapping distribution. Cell Mol Neurobiol, 27, 6, 731743, 2007.
Buznikov G. A., Nikitina L. A., Rakić Lj., Milošević I., Bezuglov V. V., Lauder J.
M.and Slotkin T.A.: The sea urchin embryo, an invertebrate model for
mammalian developmental neurotoxicity, reveals multiple neurotransmitter
mechanisms for effects of chlorpyrifos: therapeutic interventions and a
comparison with the monoamine depleter, reserpine. Brain Res Bull, 74, 4,
221-231, 2007.
Žunić S., Rakić Lj., Žunić-Božinovski S. and Minić N.: Cytochemical and
apoptotic markers of tissue remodeling. In: “Frontiers in Cell Apoptosis
Research“. Editor: Erlich S.R. Nova Science Publishers, Inc; pp. 37-103, 2007.
Jović M., Popović M., Nešić K., Popović N., Pavlović S. and Rakić Lj.: Aging,
aluminium and basal forebrain lesions modify substrate kinetics of
erythrocyte membrane Na,K-ATPase in the rat. J Alzheimers Dis, 14, 1, 8593, 2008.
Buznikov G.A., Nikitina L.A., Seidler F.J., Slotkin T.A., Bezuglov VV.,
Milošević I., Lazarević L., Rogač L., Ruždijić S. and Rakić Lj.: Amyloid
precursor protein 96-110 and beta-amyloid 1-42 elicit developmental
anomalies in sea urchin embryos and larvae that are alleviated by
neurotransmitter analogs for acetylcholine, serotonin and cannabinoids.
Neurotoxicol Teratol, 6, 503-509, 2008.
Buznikov G.A., Nikitina L.A., Bezuglov V.V., Milosević I., Lazarević L., Rogač
L, Ruždijić S., Slotkin T.A. and Rakić Lj.: Sea urchin embryonic development
provides a model for evaluating therapies against beta-amyloid toxicity.
Brain Res Bull, 75, 1, 94-100, 2008.
Lavrnja I., Stojkov D., Bjelobaba I, Peković S., Dacić S., Nedeljković N.,
Mostarica-Stojković M., Stošić-Grujičić S., Rakić Lj. and Stojiljković M.:
Ribavirin ameliorates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in rats
and modulates cytokine production. Int Immunopharmacol, 8, 9, 1282-1290,
Nedeljković N., Bjelobaba I., Lavrnja I., Stojkov D., Peković S., Rakić Lj. and
Stojiljković M.: Early temporal changes in ecto-nucleotidase activity after
cortical stab injury in rat. Neurochem Res, 33, 5, 873-879, 2008.
Pešić M., Anđelković T., Banković J., Marković I., Rakić Lj. and Ruždijić S.:
Sulfinosine enhances doxorubicin efficacy through synergism and by
reversing multidrug resistance in the human non-small cell lung carcinoma
cell line (NCI-H460/R). Invest New Drugs, 27, 2, 99-110, 2009.
Stojkov D., Lavrnja I., Peković S., Dacić S., Bjelobaba I., Mostarica-Stojković
M., Stošić-Grujičić S., Jovanovic S., Nedeljković N., Rakić Lj. and Stojiljković
M.: Therapeutic effects of combined treatment with ribavirin and tiazofurin
on experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis development: clinical and
histopathological evaluation. J Neurol Sci, 267, 1-2, 76-85, 2008.
Perović M., Mladenović Đorđević A., Smiljanić K., Tanić N., Rakić Lj., Ruždijić
S. and Kanazir S.: Expression of cholesterol homeostasis genes in the brain of
the male rat is affected by age and dietary restriction. Biogerontology, 10,
735-745, 2009.
Lavrnja I., Nedeljković N., Bjelobaba I., Stojkov D., Dacić S., Peković S., Rakić
Lj., Mostarica-Stojković M., Stošić-Grujičić S. and Stojiljković M.: Ribavirin
administration alters ectonucleotidase activities in experimental autoimmune
encephalomyelitis. Gen Physiol Biophys, Special Issue, 28, 69–76, 2009.
Kalauzi A., Bojić T. and Rakić Lj.: Extracting complexity waveforms from
one- dimensionals signals. Nonlinear Biomed Phys, 2009, DOI: 10.1186/17534631-3-8.
Mladenović Đorđević A., Perović M., Tešić V., Tanić N., Rakić Lj., Ruždijić S.
and Kanazir S.: Long-term dietary restriction modulates the level of
presynaptic proteins in the cortex and hippocampus of the aging rat.
Neurochem Int, 56, 250-255, 2010.
Pešić M., Podolski A., Rakić Lj. and Ruždijić S.: Purine analogs sensitize the
multidrug resistant cell line (NCI-H460/R) to doxorubicin and stimulate the
cell growth inhibitory effect of verapamil. Invest New Drugs, 28, 482-492,
Pešić V., Popić J., Milanović D., Lončarević-Vasiljković N., Rakić Lj., Kanazir S.
and Ruždijić S.: The effect of MK-801 on motor activity and c-Fos protein
expression in the brain of adolescent Wistar rats. Brain Res, 1321, 96-104,
Laketa D., Bjelobaba I., Savić J., Lavrnja I., Stojiljković M., Rakić Lj. and
Nedeljković N.: Biochemical characterization of soluble nucleotide
pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase activity in rat serum. Mol Cell Biochem,
339, 99-106, 2010.