MEDIEVAL HISTORY YR 8 topics knowledge base which means.. sample tasks numeracy literacy i.t. participation sample assessment task geographical inquiry and skills checklist what they need to know first resources the dominanc e of the Catholic church and the role of individual s such as Charlema nge explain why Charlemange (Charles the 1st) was a significant figure in medieval europe, such as his expansion of the Frankish kingdom and his support of the church this is essentially an introduction to the fall of the roman empire look at the spread of Christianity throughout Europe and growing importance of the Church word history the way of life in medieval society and the roles of different groups in society describe structure of the feudal system explain how the feudal system is constructed and how that created the 'lifestyle' and culture of the people look at the roles each group had in the society compare modern map of Europe with one from 500 ce. Identify meanings of words : anglo saxon; Frankish; Visigoth; Ostrogoth; Byzantine; Vandal . Compare the definitions with how words like Goth, Vandal are used today and come up with why they are used in that way. create time timeline of early medieval period create a feudal diagram play m&m game to show unfairness of system create a facebook profile/ poster/ for one of the roles eg peasant/king/lord etc view documentaryworst jobs Description of differences in maps Word definitions sequence historical events and periods countries of modern europe maps of Europe throughout history word definitions character descripti on online profile feudal role play game profile page use historical terms and concepts identify a range of questions about the past identify and locate relevant sources how to use fakebook how to reserch online access to computers fakebook accounts lollies for role play example of feudal diagrams access to documentary == wost jobs significant developm ents and/or cultural achievem ents eg architectu re, manuscrip ts and music describe the features of castles and churches of the period as examples of the churches power. inventions and developments in the islanic world eg public hospitals/libraries look at some example of castles or churches and identlfy key features and what their purpose is examine features of Catholic church structure - go on excursion to church and identify these features create a model using 3d techniques eg minecraft or corel draw etc- or a physical model notetakin g discussio n paper descripti on to accompa ny model 3d modelling . 3d model of structure and description of features use historical terms and concepts identify and locate relevant sources draw conclusions about the usefulness of sources use a range of communication forms how to effectively note how to write a discussion designs of churches/castles excursion details access to computers optional access to ATV to view minecraft on students idevicesoptional use historical terms and concepts identify the origin and purpose of source documents continuity and change in one of the following - crime and punishme nt, military and defense, cities and commerc e recognise how medieval manuscripts contributed to the survival of greek/roman texts examine the religious nature of illuminated manuscripts. investigate different types of crime and punishment and how it has stayed the same or changes over time. look at importance of crusades perhaps focus on King Richard ( 3rd crusade ) identifiy some of the positive changes and inventions the crusaders bought back to England eg bathing! look at some examples of medieval manuscripts and how and why they were created notetaking on crusades ppt and consequent discussion of importance of crusade. discussion on importance of crusades students can try to recreate illuminated manuscripts as bookmarks using inspirations saying and elaborate decoration ( play them some gregorian chants while they create :) ) use of quotes and reference s look at methods of torture and punishment and the justice 'system' compare with today examine ppt of different torture methods reading compreh ension search quotes illuminated bookmark reading comprehension develop texts =descriptions and explanations from achknowledged sources white card, fine textas. Gold/silver pens laminator copy of gregorian chants how to read text for information how to compare in a discussion access to ppt on torture