25 November 2014 - St. George`s of Forest Hill Anglican Church

St. George’s of Forest Hill
Parish Council Minutes for November 25, 2014
Mary Ann Millar, Chair
Vivian Harris
Mike Stredwick
John Dale, Secretary
Gary Knoop
Fr. Don Davidson
John Ryrie
Judy Proctor
Charlotte Cromarty
Valerie Cuthbert
Mary Shaw
MaryLynn Forrest
April Couzens-Brown
John Shaw
Anne Taylor
Leslie Burland-Prong
Nelson Cuthbert
Cheryl Fox
Regrets: Janet Hartry, Karen Baker, Reta Risto, Murray Gamble
Absent: Jean Horne
Visitor: Wendy Williston
1. Call to Order: At 7.30 p.m., by Mary Anne Millar.
2. Regrets: As above.
3. Devotions: Led by John Shaw.
4. Agenda- Additions or Revisions: Motion to accept the Agenda as presented: Proposed, Judy
Proctor; Seconded, MaryLynn Forrest. Carried.
5. Reading and Acceptance of October 28, 2014 Minutes: Motion to accept the Minutes of the
April meeting as presented: Proposed, John Ryrie; Seconded, Gary Knoop. Carried.
6. Business Arising from the Minutes:
a) Warden Succession. Mary Anne welcomed Wendy Williston, who has agreed to have her
name put forward for a Warden’s position. One more candidate is still needed.
b) Marilyn Graham’s Gift of Needlepoint. Nelson Cuthbert reported that he supports the
suggestion made at the last PC meeting to collect contributions in a box next to the
needlepoint, which will be displayed in the narthex, and direct the accumulated contributions
to a charity of her choice. Motion to display the needlepoint in the narthex with a contribution
box associated, and direct the accumulated donations to a charity of Marilyn Graham’s choice.
Thereafter the needlepoint will be kept in the church: Proposed, Nelson Cuthbert; Seconded,
John Shaw. Carried.
c) Regarding the suggestion brought forward at the last PC meeting that St. George’s should
host a community garden next year, the consensus of the meeting was that, while in favour of
the concept of community gardens, St. George’s was not in a position to develop one due a
number of factors: possible vandalism due to the hidden nature of the back area; a champion
to oversee the garden through the spring, summer, and fall; need to work the soil in the
designated area as it is just clay; possible need to install lighting and water lines.
d) Christmas Market. Mary Anne Millar congratulated those who had helped with the market
on its success—it seems that about $4,000 will be realized. Concerns were expressed regarding
the fact that no-one had had a coordinating role in the Market’s organization. It was decided to
hold a meeting to revise and improve the organizing process.
e) Other. None brought forward.
7. Standing Committee Reports:
a) Stewardship. Vivian Harris reported that a meeting of the committee had been held at
which two long-standing members had announced their resignations: Marc Mennel, Chair, and
Wayne Matheson, member. Vivian will organize recognition of their contributions. The
committee is, therefore, seeking new members. The printer the church has used for a long time
has told us that he will print the Christmas Dragonflyer but will cease printing operations
thereafter. John Ryrie suggested that we investigate the cost of satisfying our printing
requirements at a print store such as Fedex or UPS.
b) Finance. Anne Taylor distributed the financial statements as at October 31st. She pointed out
that our revenue is about $5,500 behind forecast; this in spite of the fact that the budget for
this year did not make allowance for any extraordinary expenditures. Nelson Cuthbert pointed
out that we are keeping up with our diocesan apportionment contributions. Motion to accept
the financial report as at October 31st 2014 as presented: Proposed, Anne Taylor; Seconded,
Mary Shaw. Carried. Nelson Cuthbert reported that receipt statements to date for parishioner
contributions to the church have been printed and are available in designated boxes in the
c) Worship. Fr. Davidson said that last week’s meeting of the committee had been postponed
because of the storm, and had been re-scheduled for 2nd. December. The concept of
amalgamating the two Sunday services on December 14th to boost attendance at both the
Christmas pageant and the Lessons and Carols in the evening has been abandoned. John Ryrie
commented favourably on the change of practice wherein the chalice of communion wine for
drinking is offered before that for dipping. There was agreement that the change has worked
d) Outreach. MaryLynn Forrest reported that the Angel tree had been erected last Sunday after
the services. A contribution towards the St. John’s Kitchen luncheon at the end of the year has
been received from the Henry Walser funeral home; one is awaited from Erb and Good.
e) Property. Nelson Cuthbert said that the high winds of the last few days have carried off the
lower halves of the shingling on about 30 shingles on the church roofs (predominantly from the
“old” church). He and Murray Gamble will meet with two of the three contractors who have
tendered for the re-roofing of the church very shortly. The third contractor will be interviewed
very soon, as well. Fr. Davidson pointed out that the work cannot actually begin until after
diocesan approval has been granted (early December); the relevant committee at the diocese
meets in early December. We will try to repair first if possible to get us through the winter.
f) RENEW. Nelson Cuthbert said that there will be a meeting of the committee this Saturday to
finalize the wording of the ‘glossy’ to be distributed describing St. George’s RENEW initiative.
The initiative has two major components—the encouragement of volunteerism within the
church, and an attempt to find a way to satisfy financial needs. Sunday 11 th January 2015 has
been set tentatively as the launch date.
8. Fr. Don’s Report.
a) Clericus Update. Fr. Don reported that the Deanery Council has decided not to proceed with
the establishment of a Deanery Youth Ministry position due to non-support from two parishes
which have no youth members. Monies contributed to this project by St. George’s have been
refunded, and Fr. Don suggests we put them towards our own youth work. Fr. Don has invited
Bill Harrison, the newly-appointed Director of Mission and Ministry for the diocese, to come to
St. George’s in February. The Rev. Harrison is championing three initiatives: first, Education for
Ministry—an academic programme which has proved of value in other dioceses in the provision
of support and encouragement of synergy amongst clergy; second, a Church Location Advisory
Committee which will seek to move away from the simple closure of non-viable churches
towards the use of the assets realized from their closure to establish new churches in underserviced areas; third, the use of locally-trained priests to facilitate more frequent offering of the
sacrament in parishes where there is only one priest, but a large number of churches. This last
has proved contentious.
b) Winter Vacation. Fr. Don will be taking his winter vacation between February 1 and 10,
c) Sabbatical Update. Fr. Don’s sabbatical has been approved by the diocese and will run
between June 1 and August 31 2015. Most of it will be spent in South America, including time in
ministry in our companion diocese of Amazonia.
Fr. Don also said it was likely that MaryLynn would be a candidate for ordination at St. Paul’s
London on March 19th, 2015. Congratulations were extended to MaryLynn.
9. New Business:
a) Calendar. Nelson Cuthbert once again urged everyone to keep the master calendar in the
office updated.
b) Special Vestry November 16, 2014. John Ryrie tabled the minutes of this special Vestry
meeting held to discuss the urgent need to re-roof the church, research the best method of so
doing, and arrange the necessary funding. Motion: Parish Council endorses the minutes of the
special Vestry held on November 16, 2014 to discuss and organize the re-roofing of the church:
Proposed, John Ryrie; Seconded, Judy Proctor. Carried.
10. Correspondence: None forthcoming.
11. Upcoming Dates:
- Weekly Bible Study is held at 7.30 p.m. on Wednesday nights and 1.30 p.m. on Thursday
- November 29th. Messy church between 4 and 6 p.m.
- November 30th. Christmas Memorial Service at 7.00 p.m.
- December 6th. Men’s Breakfast at Country Boy at 9.00 a.m.
- December 14th. Christmas pageant at 10.00 a.m. Nine Lessons and Carols Service at 7.00 p.m.
- December 24th. Christmas Eve services at 4.00, 7.00 and 10.00 p.m.
- December 25th. Christmas Day service at 10.00 a.m.
- December 28th. One combined service at 9.00 a.m.
- December 30th. St. John’s Kitchen luncheon.
- January 25th. Vestry Sunday. There will be a single service at 9.00 a.m. followed by snacks
(relatively substantial) before the Vestry meeting. Child-care should be available.
12. Next Parish Council Meeting:
Tuesday, January 20th. at 7.30 p.m. Devotions: Fr. Don. Refreshments: Murray Gamble and
Reta Risto. Wine and Cheese will be provided by the wardens between 6.30 and 7.30 p.m.
There is no Parish Council meeting in December.
13. Adjournment:
9.10 p.m. Proposed; Cheryl Fox. Carried.