Minutes for 22 September 2015 - St. George`s of Forest Hill Anglican

St. George’s of Forest Hill
Parish Council Minutes for September 22, 2015
Mary Ann Millar, Chair
Mike Stredwick
Fr. Don Davidson
John Dale, Secretary
Reta Risto
Janet Hartry
John Ryrie
Mary Shaw
Karen Baker
Nelson Cuthbert
April Couzens
Anne Taylor
Valerie Cuthbert
Cheryl Fox
MaryLynn Forrest
Charlotte Cromarty
Regrets: Lesley Burland-Prong, Judy Proctor, Murray Gamble, Wendy Williston, Vivian Harris,
John Shaw
1. Call to Order: At 7.30 p.m., by Mary Ann Millar.
2. Devotions: MaryLynn Forrest.
3. Agenda- Additions or Revisions: Amended at the request of John Ryrie to add the final
report on ice cream distribution at St. John’s Kitchen to item 7(b), and to add a report on the
2016 CLAY (Christian Lutheran Anglican Youth) meeting to item 9. John Dale indicated that
there was no longer a need to discuss a change in the PC meeting evening under item 8 since he
no longer had a conflict for the fourth Tuesday in the month. Motion to accept the Agenda as
amended: Proposed, Judy Proctor; Seconded, Charlotte Cromarty. Carried.
4. Reading and Acceptance of the August 25th, 2015 Minutes: Motion to accept the Minutes
of the August 2015 meeting as presented: Proposed, John Dale; Seconded, Mike Stredwick.
5. Business Arising from the Minutes:
a) Safe church Compliance. The final criminal record check, that for the newly appointed
Sexton Alan Lee, has been approved. St. George’s is now completely compliant.
b) September 13th BBQ. A success; attendance was good.
c) Succession Plans for all, including PC Members. Everyone was asked to encourage the
participation of as many parish members as possible in groups and committees.
6. Fr. Don’s Report.
i) Fr. Davidson clarified that, since her ordination as Deacon, MaryLynn Forrest can no longer
vote at PC meetings, and has become purely a resource person. She is not required to attend all
ii) On October 18th, Laura Lightfoot (previously an intern at St. George’s), is being inducted as
priest of St. Stephen’s, Stratford. Fr. Davidson urged as many members of PC as possible to
iii) St. Andrew’s Memorial Church on Mill St. in Kitchener is in real difficulties. The number of
parishioners is low, their finances are in poor shape and this last situation is exacerbated by the
fact that they have a very senior rector who is high on the salary scale. They have advised the
Diocese that they will not be able to pay their diocesan apportionment, and, further, will be
unable to pay their rector’s salary going forward. Bishop Terry has asked that all four rectors
with Kitchener parishes should meet soon and evolve an innovative plan which would enable
St. Andrews to keep going. Flexibility is possible because St. John the Evangelist currently has an
interim minister.
iv) The Waterloo Deanery has asked that all constituent parishes consider how best to help
Syrian refugees. A Deanery committee on this issue will be convening shortly.
v) There will be a meeting of the Electoral Synod on 13th February 2016 to choose a successor
to Bishop Terry Dance as Bishop of Norfolk and Suffragan Bishop of Huron. Bishop Bob Bennett
has decided that the appointee will be a Coadjutor Bishop who will succeed him when he
retires (likely in three years). Fr. Davidson feels that Bishop Bob is partly motivated by the
conviction that the Diocese of Huron will in the future be only able to support one Bishop.
vi) All police record checks for the parish have now been completed, but more will of course be
required for any new appointees; for example, for new Sunday school teachers. Fr. Davidson
clarified that these checks are required for any personnel who may potentially find themselves
in a one-on-one situation with vulnerable people, including children. They are not required for
counters, because two people are present at counting. The record checks need to be performed
once every three years. Anne Taylor added that the checks to date had cost approximately
$600, and have constituted an unexpected budget expenditure.
7. Standing Committee Reports:
a) Finance. Anne Taylor reported that, at the end of August, St. George’s overall
revenue/expenditure balance was approximately $3000 better than that budgeted. However,
this is partly due to unexpected developments (a once-off rental payment from the Beckett
School and lower than expected expenditures due to delayed maintenance), and masks a
considerable shortfall (approximately $7000) in parishioner donations. Anne asked the wardens
to continue to urge parishioners to ‘catch up’ with pledged donations. Particularly disturbing is
the fact that large maintenance expenditures are expected in the fall. Nelson Cuthbert added
that parishioners will shortly be receiving a printout of their donations to date, which might act
as a reminder of any shortfall. There will be a further printout distributed in November. He will
add reminders to these asking parishioners to catch up with pledged donations. Motion to
accept the financial statements for August 2015 as presented: Proposed, Anne Taylor;
Seconded, Valerie Cuthbert. Carried.
b) Outreach. Reta Risto said that the next meeting of the Outreach Committee will take place
on the 29th September. The next Community Clothes Closet is to be on October 17th, and
requests for donations will appear in the bulletin. Preparations are also getting under way for
the Angel Tree and the Christmas Market. Reta added that new badges have been produced for
sides people, and two new sides people have been recruited. A final list of sides people should
be available soon. MaryLynn Forrest reported that, in the end, Little Dragon Camp made a
small profit and $2000 had been given to the church. This was due to a final round of donations
from parishioners and it will position St. George’s to offer the camp again next year. John Ryrie
presented the final report for ice cream distribution in 2015, which, taking into account
amounts carried forward from last year ($105), and expenditures and donations ($ 1056) this
year, shows a final positive balance of $3.65. The report also shows a list of volunteers. John
thanked all volunteers and donors. He added that, next year, he will attempt to even out the
number of occasions on which volunteers work. Three are needed at each distribution.
c) Property. Nelson Cuthbert said that a new backdoor is required—the current one is very
flimsy. A new metal door is expected to cost about $2000, and he is in the process of identifying
a supplier. He has also contracted to have the bulbs in the back parking lot lights replaced with
LED units at a cost of approximately $2000. These LED units will use a fifth of the power
consumed by the present bulbs, and will last for a very long time. Nelson reported that the reroofing of the church is nearly complete. When finished it will be celebrated on October 4 th, as
part of the ASCEND initiative, by two ‘roofcakes,’ one for each service. Special aprons have
been installed on the roof to prevent ice build-up, and the two discoloured soffits on the roof
peaks will be replaced, as will a damaged downspout. Nelson has asked for quotes for the reroofing of the flat portions of the roof; however, there is no intention to remove the airconditioning unit. There is, however, a problem with the re-roofing job over the chapel; the
nails used to affix the new shingles have protruded into the interior of the chapel. Nelson has
met with the Roofman representative and the latter is working on snipping off the protrusions,
replacing the divots and re-staining the woodwork. Measures have been taken to bolster an
unstable sink in the Handicapped washroom, and a tap has been replaced in the furnace room.
There is approximately $14,000 in the new sign fund and Nelson is anxious to move that project
forward. Nelson reviewed the safety features of the church property as follows. There are two
First Aid kits, one on top of the fridge in the kitchen and one in the office upstairs (MaryLynn
Forrest volunteered to check the adequacy of these). There are five fire pull stations, each with
a sign showing the address of the church and an instruction to call 911 (this is important
because, unlike in a school, there is no connection between the pull station and the fire
department—an audible alarm is the only result when the station is activated). There are fire
extinguishers throughout the church building which are inspected yearly. An AED device is
mounted in the narthex. The installed model was selected because it is easy to use, since it
issues voice prompts to the operator. Some parishioners have been trained in AED usage and
first aid and a list of these will be posted. There are emergency lights scattered throughout the
building. The battery for these, which was replaced last year, is in the electrical room. Nelson
pointed out that, in the event of an emergency evacuation being needed, the flashlights built
into many cell-phones would be useful. He also indicated that he intends to make
announcements at services regarding the location of emergency equipment and emergency
exits. Charlotte Cromarty commented that grass-cutting seemed to have been irregular this
summer. John Ryrie responded that, next spring, an effort will be made to firm up on the
division of cutting duties before the summer starts. It seems Wendy Williston is prepared to
volunteer for grass-cutting. John Dale pointed out that there were also significant problems
attracting enough volunteers to sign up for the Garden Guild this year, although an eblast in the
late spring had produced a few extra and, in the end, only two weeks in August were left
d) Worship. Fr. Davidson explained that there are ‘overcrowding’ problems with the ambry in
the main part of the church and that the location of the oil therein is awkward, since the latter
is normally used in the chapel. It is therefore intended to install a small additional ambry in the
chapel (final location to be decided) to hold the oil. Offers of help with the necessary
expenditure have been forthcoming from parishioners. Fr. Davidson has an old brass ambry
door from Christ Church London which will be used. Motion indicating that Parish Council
endorses the installation of an ambry in the chapel: Proposed, John Ryrie; Seconded, Mike
Stredwick. Passed. Karen Baker reported that the first meeting of the Worship Committee had
been largely taken up with arranging services for the fall. The Scouts and Guides will visit for the
Remembrance Day service on November 8th. Br. Mark and MaryLynn Forrest are to provide
training for new intercessors. The November 8th service will be a contemporary service and the
Sunday school will participate. The Sunday School Pageant will be on December 20 th, but we are
still in need of more Sunday school teachers, and, unless they materialize, may have to combine
classes. Br. Mark is to work with Fr. Davidson to provide good matches between pastoral care
givers and those receiving the care. Currently there no lay readers since MaryLynn has been
ordained. There are two new Lay Admin resources (Wendy Williston and Donna Macintosh),
and the Altar guild has a new member (Erica Babb). The Praise Band has been requested for the
November 8th service, and for one service in September or October. Junior Choir starts next
week, but currently has no conductor. Volunteers from ASCEND, or elsewhere, interested in
writing for the Dragonflyer, researching services at other churches, and examining the logistics
and uses of a projection system are requested. October 4th will be Harvest Festival, and there
will be a Healing Service on September 27th. The date of the next Messy Church has been
changed from September 26th to November 7th. The Christmas Market will take place on
November 21st; the ‘old-fashioned’ church picnic at Mannheim community Centre on June 12 th,
e) Atmosphere. Mary Ann Millar reported that due to most Committee members being
currently out of town, no meeting has been possible.
f) RENEW/ASCEND. Nelson Cuthbert said that there will be a breakfast meeting of the
committee on Saturday 26th September. Ideas being considered a parish Potluck Supper (at
which Fr. Davidson would talk about his sabbatical experiences in South America) to replace the
Turkey Supper. Since weekends tend to be busy for young families, Valerie Cuthbert felt that
this event might be held on a Friday night. Cheryl Fox suggested that a sign-up sheet should be
put up for a Friday night in order to gauge response. Nelson Cuthbert pointed out that, while a
Projection System for the church is under consideration (many churches use them), purchase of
such is only the beginning of the project. Research into the issues of how to best install, and,
most critically, use such a system is needed. Requests for volunteers to undertake such
research, and also into the areas of initiating events for young families, and into new forms of
worship will shortly be presented to the congregations.
g) Memorial Garden. Karen Baker indicated that all engravings so far required have been
completed over the summer; two more people have expressed an interest in the Garden, but
would not be shown the installation until after the church roof is completed. Karen and John
Ryrie explained that engraving costs have increased. As a result, our charges for the use of the
Memorial Garden will also go up. A motion addressing this will be put to Parish Council at its
next meeting, and thereafter the Memorial Garden brochures will be revised.
8. Old Business.
a) Hall Rental Fees. Following a recent incident involving the downstairs hall and kitchen once
again being left in a considerable mess, Executive has initiated a $75 additional fee for use of
the hall to be returned if the facilities are left clean and tidy.
9. New Business.
a) Date of Vestry. This will be held on Sunday January 24th 2016. Fr. Davidson explained that it
has to be held by then in order that our certificate of election can be completed and filed in
time to allow our participation in the Election Synod for the new Bishop. Anne Taylor indicated
that it would be possible to have the financial statements for 2015 ready in time.
b) The issue of the refundable deposit for use of the hall has been dealt with under item 8.
c) New Fundraising Ideas. A succession of ‘smaller’ fundraising evenings is being considered
including appearances by the Three Cantors, a concert by an Elvis impersonator (the Reverend
Matt Martin of Lucan, who is, however, not available until the spring), and a piano concert
(Anne Taylor pointed out that there are costs associated with the latter since the piano needs
to be tuned beforehand and afterwards).
d) John Ryrie said that CLAY 2016 is to be held in Charlottetown, P.E.I. Registration opens in
January, and the deadline for registration for the pilgrimage is in February. April Couzens
explained that the cost for attendance is $1500 (includes transportation and is the same from
anywhere in Canada) and said that she believes St. John’s is sending a large group.
10. Correspondence. The Dragonflyer has been distributed and Bishop Bob’s message
concerning the Syrian refugee crisis is displayed in the narthex.
11. Other. None
12. Upcoming Dates and Events:
- September 26th. ASCEND Breakfast Meeting.
- October 4th. Harvest Thanksgiving (includes Back-to-Church Sunday).
- October 17th. Community Clothes Closet.
- October 18th. Rev. Laura Lightfoot’s induction at St. Stephen’s, Stratford.
- October 27th. Next PC Meeting: Chair, Charlotte Cromarty; Secretary, John Dale; Devotions, Fr.
Davidson; Refreshments, Judy Proctor, Karen Baker.
- November 7th. Messy Church.
- November 8th. Remembrance Day service—contemporary service including Praise Band.
- November 14th. Wedding at the church.
- November 21st. Christmas Market
- June 12th, 2016. Church Picnic at Mannheim Community Centre.
13. Adjournment:
8.40 p.m. Proposed; Mike Stredwick. Carried.