Crayke Chronicle 11.12.15

Crayke Chronicle
Friday 11th December
Riding Lights - Nearly the Goat
Christmas with the Aliens
I am very proud of all the children in Reception, Year
1 and Year 2.
As a result of CHASA’s generous support, the whole
school will be treated to a performance of Nearly the
Goat on Tuesday 15th December.
Despite illness and end of term
tiredness they managed to perform “Christmas with
the Aliens” three times this week.
Our wonderful staff team worked exceptionally hard
to make the nativity a great success.
Nearly the Goat has been hugely popular in schools
throughout the region, and I am sure all the children will
really enjoy the performance.
For those of you who didn’t see it; the traditional
Christmas story is retold to some alien visitors who
become stranded on earth and meet a group of school
children rehearsing their Christmas play.
Please can I remind everyone that any photos/video
taken should not appear on social media. Thank you
for your cooperation.
Next Week…
Tuesday, 15th December - Riding Lights Production
of “Nearly the Goat” at the Sports Hall at 10.00 a.m.
Christmas Lunch
Wednesday, 16th December - Christmas party in
Where's Church this week?
Sunday December 13th 10.30am Holy Communion at
Brandsby. All welcome.
We are looking forward to seeing lots of parents, carers
and friends at the school Carol Service, which will be at
St Cuthbert, Crayke at 2pm on Thursday 17th December.
If you are given the posada (travelling Mary and Joseph)
belonging to the church and you aren't sure who to pass it
on to, please give me a call on 822809 as I have a couple
of non-school households in the village who would love to
host them for a night.
Advance notice: Christmas Eve at 4pm at St Cuthbert,
Crayke. Please keep a note of our nativity service in your
diary. Although we are not holding rehearsals for the
nativity play this year, it will go ahead as usual. We are
Thursday, 17th December - Carol Service at St.
up as a nativity character (e.g. shepherd, angel, king,
Cuthbert’s Church at 2.00 p.m.
Friday, 18th December - School breaks up at 2.30
asking children (and adults if they wish) to come dressed
sheep, donkey) and be ready for anything.
Best wishes,
Revd Liz
Head Lice
In Class 1, the children will be able to be acknowledged as
Whizz of the week...
Whizz of the Week
Unfortunately there are several cases of head
lice in school. Please could all parents check
Class 1 – Elizabeth Strong
their children and if necessary, take remedial
Each week a child will be selected from our classes to
receive the title of Maths
action with the whole family.
Whizz of the Week or
week’s children...
Click here to open the NHS website with
information regarding how to treat head lice.
Maths Whizz of the Week
It would be wonderful if we could return from
Wonderful Writer of the Week.
Class 2 – Elizabeth Harker
Class 3 – York Kastelijn
Class 4 – Martha Lowther
Wonderful Writer of the Week
Class 2 – Connor Waterfield
Class 3 – Jessica Marwood
Class 4 – Joe Hudson
Team Points
This week’s winners are:
Red Team
Congratulations to this
the Christmas holidays to a head lice free