Christmas Carol Service Notice

5th December 2014
Dear Parents
This year our Christmas Carol Service will be on Friday 12th December 2014 at Christ Church,
Long Lane in Aughton, Ormskirk.
All children will be attending the service and they will be transported to the church after their lunch.
Students and pupils will be travelling home directly from Christ Church. Parents and family
members are very welcome to join us and we request that you are in the church and seated by 13:30,
with the service commencing at 13:45.
The Carol Service will finish at approximately 2.45pm.
After the service parents will be requested to make their way over to the church hall for
refreshments. Pre School children and pupils using the school minibus service will leave first and
then pupils will be taken over a class at a time to the hall to be ‘handed over’ to families. Please do
not collect children directly from the church.
May we take this opportunity to once again thank you for your continued support and we wish a
very merry Christmas.
Yours sincerely
Mr T McCoy Mr J Shaw
Mr T McCoy & Mr J Shaw