27 May 2014 - St. George`s of Forest Hill Anglican Church

St. George’s of Forest Hill
Parish Council Minutes for May 27, 2014
Vivian Harris, Chair
Nelson Cuthbert
Mike Stredwick
John Dale, Secretary
Gary Knoop
Mary Shaw
April Couzens-Brown
Janet Hartry
Charlotte Cromarty
Mary Ann Millar
Karen Ascah
Cheryl Fox
Valerie Cuthbert
Karen Baker
MaryLynn Forrest
Murray Gamble
John Shaw
Fr. Don Davidson
Anne Taylor
Reta Risto
Regrets: John Ryrie, Judy Proctor, Leslie Burland-Prong
Absent: Jean Horne
1. Call to Order: At 7.30 p.m., by Vivian Harris.
2. Regrets: As above
3. Devotions: Led by Charlotte Cromarty.
4. Agenda- Additions or Revisions: As an addition to the agenda, Fr. Don Davidson introduced
Sharla Ciupak, who is nearing the end of a two-year term as assistant curate for the two
parishes of Holy Saviour and All Saints, with additional part-time responsibilities as Deanery
Youth Coordinator. Fr. Don explained that St. George’s is now involved, with other parishes in
the Deanery, in an initiative to develop the latter as a full-time position extending over the next
two and a half years (see Agenda Item 7). Sharla explained that her current mandate had
included responsibilities to resurrect youth work in parishes other than the two she serves, and
that, over the last two years, the result of providing increased training for, and coordination
between, parish youth workers has been an increase in youth engagement within the Deanery;
this manifesting itself in an increase in the number of youth (including some from St. George’s)
attending, or planning to attend, diocesan and national Christian Youth conferences such as
CLAY (the Canadian Lutheran Anglican Youth Conference). Also, some inter-parish youth events
had been held, and inter-parish links between youth and leaders had started to develop. Sharla
explained that the responsibilities for the projected position of Deanery Youth Coordinator
would primarily revolve around providing support and training for parish youth workers—there
was no question of replacing the latter. There was an intention to introduce training sessions
and retreats for parish workers, and it was also hoped to introduce to the Deanery in
September the National Church training model for youth workers. Valerie Cuthbert asked
whether consideration had been given to directing RENEW funds towards the provision of the
new position, since the engagement of youth was a focus of RENEW, but Sharla explained that,
at a Diocesan level, there had been no attempt to integrate the two initiatives as yet. It was
pointed out, however, that St. George’s RENEW funds can essentially be directed as we prefer,
without significant diocesan input.
Regarding amendments to the agenda, it was made clear that Nelson Cuthbert would speak to
Errors in the Record, and Valerie Cuthbert to the June and September BBQs.
Motion to accept the Agenda as revised: Proposed, Valerie Cuthbert; Seconded, Mary Ann
Millar. Carried.
5. Reading and Acceptance of April 22, 2014 Minutes: Motion to accept the Minutes of the
April meeting as presented: Proposed, Gary Knoop; Seconded, Karen Ascah. Carried.
6. Business Arising from the Minutes:
a) Wooden Sleeves in pews. Fr. Davidson reported that the sleeves are ready, and will be
installed very soon.
b) AED defibrillator. Nelson Cuthbert showed council the new defibrillator. He explained that
the battery had a four-year life, but the electrode pads needed replacement when used, so he
has purchased replacements. Infant electrode pads, and a shaving kit are included in the
equipment. Signage in the church will indicate the location of the device. Four or five people
are signed up for a training session in the use of the defibrillator this Saturday (May 31st); it was
suggested that all the wardens should be trained in its use. Vivian Harris thanked Nelson for all
his hard work in connection with this project. The defibrillator will be dedicated at the 10.00
a.m. service on Sunday 15th June; Karen Ascah will obtain a cake to celebrate the event and to
thank Joe Buchanan.
c) Bulletin Board. Vivian Harris reported that the bulletin board is available, but there have so
far been no further requests to use it.
d) Updates to Church directory (street and email addresses; ‘phone numbers). In response to a
question from Mary Shaw, Fr. Don explained that, at the time of the last revision of the parish
list two years ago, some parishioners who no longer attended the church, but still supported it
financially and/or requested parish news and publications, had requested that they be left on
the parish list, and this had been agreed to, and would likely be again if such requests were
made. That being clarified, Mary Shaw said she would proceed with the task of updating the
parish list.
e) Bookmarks. Mary Shaw said she had inserted three bookmarks into each of 80-100 bibles;
one at the beginning of the Old Testament, one at the beginning of the New, and one at the
beginning of the Book of Songs.
f) Errors in the Record. Nelson Cuthbert explained that there was a process by which Valerie
O’Reilly was given updates for the information provided to the newspaper, but that if the
appropriate deadlines for this were missed, the Record notice for St. George’s would contain
errors. This has indeed occurred recently, and there is a need to be diligent in meeting these
g) Sunday School Teachers. Karen Ascah reported that she had not received any new offers of
h) Camp Shed. Vivian Harris said that this has been ordered, and delivery will be included (free
because the shed costs in excess of a thousand dollars). Murray Gamble has indicated that the
new shed should be positioned next to the scout shed. He has further suggested that a sidewalk
construction contractor be sought to lay down a form for the base, preparatory to the pouring
of cement. Reta Risto is following up.
i) Other. Charlotte Cromarty pointed out that there are a number of abandoned food items in
the deep freeze, no doubt intended for distribution to sick parishioners. It was agreed that it
would be better to ask for such donations when and as needed, and Cheryl Fox suggested that
stored food should anyway be labelled with the date of preparation. Mary Ann Millar will speak
with Ruth Pearce about a system for such items.
7. Rector’s Report (Fr. Don): With respect to the Deanery Youth Coordinator position, Fr. Don
explained that the Bishop will only appoint for a minimum two-year term, so negotiations
between parishes in the Deanery were under way to fund a position of such duration. St.
George’s contribution would be one thousand dollars for the balance of 2014, two thousand
dollars for 2015 and four thousand for 2016. He also explained that the reason for attempting
to establish a coordinator at the Deanery level was that no increase in apportionment would
result, as would be the case if positions at the parish level were established. Valerie Cuthbert
remained concerned that, since funds for youth initiatives may also be requested in connection
with RENEW, there may be a perception of “double-dipping.” Nelson Cuthbert indicated that
perhaps the one thousand dollar contribution for 2014 could be taken from funds allocated for
RENEW at St. George’s; however, Anne Taylor reminded us that Vestry has already allocated
$1000 this year in support, and Anne Taylor re-iterated that St. George’s was free to direct its
“Parish Vitality” RENEW funds as it wished; there was no need to route these via the Diocese.
Motion to recommend to Vestry that two thousand dollars from parish funds be directed
towards the establishment of a Deanery Youth Coordinator in 2015, and four thousand in 2016:
Proposed, Nelson Cuthbert; Seconded, MaryLynn Forrest. Carried.
Fr. Don indicated that the two Diocesan RENEW coordinators were anxious to meet with St.
Georges RENEW team to define goals in writing. Nineteen parishes of one hundred sixty have
published RENEW goals so far in the diocese, and these are largely funded.
Fr. Don also said that he had learnt at Synod that a member of the diocesan Enviroaction
Committee has offered to fund the establishment of pollination gardens in ten parishes, and
may be willing to donate $300 to St. Georges to upgrade the degraded patch of lawn fronting
the street with grass and clover.
The last Messy Church event of the spring took place last Saturday (May 24th), celebrating
Ascension Day. Seventeen families attended. More Messy church dates for the fall were being
planned. MaryLynn Forrest said that the flyer to be given to parents of attendees at the Little
Dragon Camp would include mention of these Messy Church events. Mary Shaw said that it was
disappointing that the hand-delivery of several hundred flyers in the neighbourhood advertising
the last Messy church event had produced no attendees. Fr. Don responded that experience
showed that word-of-mouth invitation worked best.
8. Standing Committee Reports:
a) Finance. Anne Taylor presented the financial report as of 30th April. She expressed concern
that there was already a shortfall of between four and five thousand dollars between actual
revenue and that budgeted, particularly in view of the fact that the budget was already
adjusted to reflect seasonal variations in income (e.g. increase in giving at Christmas and
Easter). This is a “real” deficit. Anne has prepared a statement to be attached to the bulletin
drawing the congregation’s attention to this problem. Nelson Cuthbert pointed out that there
were some positives in the statement—for example, we are keeping up with our diocesan
apportionment, which has not always been the case in the past. Nelson and Anne will consult
over a verbal statement which Nelson will make to congregations urging them to keep up
donations during the summer “lull”.
Motion to accept the Financial Report for April 2014 as presented: Proposed, Anne Taylor;
Seconded, Nelson Cuthbert. Carried.
b) Worship. Mary Ann Millar said that there had been a meeting of the worship committee.
Highlights of the discussions are as follows. The deacon’s job description will be added to a
binder in the office. It has been decided that readers should “set up” each reading with an
appropriate explanation. All members of the congregation are invited to email any parish
pictures they have to the church office in time for T-shirt Sunday. The Altar Guild is in need of
new members. A single 9.00 a.m. Sunday service will replace the two services from June 29th to
August 31st. There has been discussion regarding the provision of permanent accommodation
for the Praise Band to the left of the sanctuary, working around the Junior Choir and the
Acolytes. The installation of the new Renison College principal Wendy Fletcher will be at St.
George’s in late September. Attendance during Easter week was up over last year, and there
were 156 “views” of the live-streamed services. It seemed that invitations to other churches
worked well. Attendance at the Vigil was 63, in addition to the choir. There were attendees at
every service that was held during Easter week. Laura Lightfoot joined us during Easter week
and performed her first baptism. Connie Buchanan’s ashes will be buried on June 14 th.
c) Outreach. Reta Risto reported that donations to the Childrens’ Clothes Closet in early May
had been excellent, but “walk-in” attendance had been poor. Left-over items had been bagged
and given to the Salvation Army and Monica House. There will be one more attempt at holding
a Clothes Closet in October, and that will be followed by a “re-think” if attendance is again
poor. It was suggested that the event might better be held in a more “needy” part of the city,
where “walk-in” attendees were more likely to be attracted, and Fr. Don said he would float the
idea of a “central” event, perhaps at St. John’s, at Monday’s Deanery Outreach meeting.
Reta emphasized that collection counters should bear in mind that coloured envelopes
containing camp donations should not be included in the counting, rather given to the warden
to be put in the safe.
d) Property. Murray Gamble reviewed a number of urgent maintenance projects: a leak in the
roof at the back of the church (likely cost over $3000); foundation repairs to waterproof the
“weeping wall” (approximate cost $5000); provision of a railing on the steps to the Memorial
Garden and the replacement of the railings on the back steps ($4000-5000); the re-sodding, and
associated soil augmentation, of the degraded lawn fronting Fisher-Hallman ($5000-10,000);
two significant window repairs, in the front of the older part of the church and in the sanctuary
(sacristy). Since funding is clearly not available for all of these, Murray sought guidance
regarding prioritization. It was agreed to repair the roof leak, the foundation leak and the office
window this year. Anne Taylor indicated that undertaking these projects would possibly result
in the church’s having to borrow money, and that this was acceptable, but she suggested that
consideration be given to increasing the maintenance budget next year. Mary Shaw suggested
that a bucket for toonies and loonies be put out in the narthex to collect funds for the window
replacement. Before doing so, Murray said that he would work something out with the
contractors to keep costs as low as possible.
Murray also made an appeal for more volunteers to cut the grass.
e) Stewardship. Vivian Harris reported that there had been a meeting of the committee and
that, as promised, there had been much discussion of the Dragonflyer. It was pointed out that
the cost of producing and distributing the Dragonflyer had been progressively reduced over the
last few years. Vivian Harris said that in future meetings of the committee decisions would be
made regarding balancing the requirements of those who wanted paper copies, and those who
were content with emailed versions, and regarding new distribution methods and reducing the
new of copies in the year from four to three.
f) RENEW. Nelson and Valerie Cuthbert: Nelson Cuthbert reported that there had been no
meeting of the committee, but that one would be scheduled before the summer. He asked for
new ideas regarding experimental ideas to attract new church attendees, such as Messy
Church. Likely St.George’s RENEW goals would be published in written form in September—the
two diocesan RENEW coordinators would be involved in this process.
9. New Business:
a) Memorial Garden. Motion. Be it resolved that Council request the Treasurer to transfer
$5000 from monies designated for the Memorial Garden in the previous year to the Operations
account for the Memorial Garden: Proposed, Karen Baker; seconded, Murray Gamble. Carried.
Karen Baker added that it was possible that these funds might be used to provide a railing on
the steps down to the Memorial Garden.
b) Valerie Cuthbert circulated a “sign-up” sheet for activities and items required for the June 8th
BBQ. She also requested volunteers to undertake the organization of the September BBQ.
Charlotte Cromarty offered to undertake this.
c) MaryLynn Forrest shared with us some significant “learnings” resulting from her three-month
internship at St. George’s, New Hamburg. She felt that it was important for parish members to
concentrate on the positive rather than complaining, and always to try to provide solutions to
problems when bringing the latter forward. She also emphasized the need to thank and
appreciate the immense effort put forth by the clergy. Expectations of efforts required from the
latter are often excessive, and their work is often emotionally exhausting. Parishioners should
be ready to provide as much help as they can.
d) Other. Mary Shaw pointed out that the salt-defaced mat at the rear door of the church was
not an attractive welcome to the church, and that efforts to remove the stains had proved
ineffective. Nelson Cuthbert said he would look into the problem. Karen Baker pointed out that
the parish “clean-up” had yielded an antique table, which was available for anyone who would
take it away.
10. Correspondence: None forthcoming.
11. Upcoming Dates:
May 28th. Teachers’ Choir concert for St. Monica House.
May 30th. Dementia Awareness at St. John’s the Evangelist.
May 31st. First Aid Certificate training and AED training.
June 8th. Final Sunday School. T-shirt Sunday. Barbeque.
June 12th. Musical Liturgical evening, St. John’s, Cambridge. Part of the diocesan renewal
June 25th. Habitat Lunch. Only financial contributions can be received—a basket will be
provided for these at the back of the church.
12. Next Parish Council Meeting:
Tuesday, June 24th. BBQ and Potluck. Chair, Mary Ann Millar.
13. Adjournment:
9.45 p.m. Proposed; Karen Baker. Carried.