24 March 2015 - St. George`s of Forest Hill Anglican Church

St. George’s of Forest Hill
Parish Council Minutes for March 24, 2015
Fr. Don Davidson, Chair
Mary Ann Millar
Anne Taylor
John Dale, Secretary
Reta Risto
Mike Stredwick
John Ryrie
Judy Proctor
Charlotte Cromarty
Karen Baker
Mary Shaw
Murray Gamble
Valerie Cuthbert
Nelson Cuthbert
Wendy Williston
MaryLynn Forrest
Regrets: Vivian Harris, April Couzens-Brown, John Shaw, Cheryl Fox, Lesley Burland-Prong
Absent: Janet Hartry, Gary Knoop
NOTE: The meeting of the Parish Council for February 2015 was cancelled due to adverse
weather conditions.
1. Call to Order: At 7.30 p.m., by Fr. Don Davidson.
2. Devotions: Led by Fr. Don Davidson.
3. Regrets: As above.
4. Agenda- Additions or Revisions: Amended to add the five following topics to item 9: a)
Accident at last Messy Church, b) Toonies for Turbans, c) Guidelines for kitchen use, d)
Proposed coach trips, and e) June BBQ. Motion to accept the Agenda as amended: Proposed,
Charlotte Cromarty; Seconded, Karen Baker. Carried.
5. Reading and Acceptance of January 20, 2015 Minutes: Amended as follows a) ‘November’
should replace ‘April’ on line 3 of item 5, ‘Ken Cardwell’ should replace ‘Neil Carver’ on lines 1
and 2 of item 8(b), and ‘Highland Baptist’ should replace ‘First Baptist’ on lines 1 and 2 of item
9(c). Motion to accept the Minutes of the January 2015 meeting as amended: Proposed, John
Ryrie; Seconded, Mary Shaw. Carried.
6. Business Arising from the Minutes:
a) Waterloo Region Record Advertising. Mary Ann Millar reported that, although the decision
had been made to cease advertising St. George’s services regularly in the Record,
advertisements for our Holy Week services have been placed therein.
b) World Day of Prayer at St. George’s (March 6, 2015). Mike Stredwick indicated that the
World Day of Prayer had been very successful and that much positive feedback had been
received; the decorations in the church and hall were particularly appreciated. About 50 people
attended. Congratulations to Linda Stredwick on her work in planning and supporting this
7. Standing Committee Reports:
a) Finance. Fr. Don Davidson presented the financial report for February 2015 on behalf of
Anne Taylor. Actual expenditure and income were below budget at the end of February, which
is normal. It is too early in the year for much significance to be attached to the figures. Motion
to accept the financial statements for February 2015 as presented: Proposed, Judy Proctor;
Seconded, Valerie Cuthbert. Carried.
b) Outreach. Reta Risto reported that 1255 lbs. of potatoes had been collected for St. John’s
Kitchen. The collection of food in the narthex for the Arctic Bay Food Bank will continue until
the end of Lent (the latest time that delivery flights are available). Three loads have already
been sent to the Arctic. St. George’s has now established a permanent connection with the
group responsible for this initiative—Help Our Northern Neighbours. A Community Clothes
Closet will be held from 9.00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. on Saturday 25 April. Set-up will take 3 days;
Reta will be putting up a notice soliciting donations. It will soon be possible to register for the
summer 2015 Camp Little Dragon, and hiring will also take place soon. George Mudry has
joined the Camp Committee.
c) Stewardship. Mary Ann Millar advised us that there would be a meeting of the Stewardship
Committee this Thursday evening, at which members intend to define their future focus. She
will report back at the next Parish Council meeting.
d) Worship. Wendy Williston indicated that the planning for Holy Week services was well
advanced. Valerie Cuthbert presented a poster which summarized preliminary goals for the
Worship Committee’s contributions to ASCEND/RENEW. Specifically, these represented
possible short- and long-term initiatives for alternative worship designed to attract youth,
young families and young adults. She also reported that the last Messy Church had been very
successful and that another such event was planned for May.
e) Property. Murray Gamble and Nelson Cuthbert summarized the considerations that had led
the Property Committee to select The Roofman as the contractor of choice for the removal and
replacement of all sloped sections of the church roof (original church, linked roof, and new
addition) but not including any flat sections. The three quotes received had all been priced
similarly at about $46,000 plus HST (the church can claim back 70% of the HST), and had all
recommended the use of high-end asphalt/composite shingles (lifetime approximately 30
years). Options such as a steel roof are prohibitively expensive, and, although the steel would
have a very long lifetime, the paint covering it is not so durable. All quotes indicated that the reroofing project would last about two weeks. The total of $46,000 plus HST includes about
$5000 for ice aprons to reduce the impact of icicle formation at the eaves, and is about $10,000
less than the sum discussed at the last Vestry meeting. The Roofman was selected because
their references checked out very well, and their representative had been particularly thorough
in his preliminary investigations. Motion to accept the quote of approximately $46,000 plus HST
(to include the provision of ice aprons) provided by The Roofman for work on the sloped
portions of the church roof: Proposed, Murray Gamble; Seconded, Judy Proctor. Carried. Fr.
Don Davidson informed Council that, while the Diocese had approved the roof repairs, should it
become necessary to take out a mortgage to cover the costs, further approval from them would
be required, although he does not anticipate a problem in this regard.
Murray also reported that, at the recent Property Committee meeting, it had been decided to
seek approval to include upgrades to the existing permanent church sign in the changes shortly
to be undertaken to the church signage. Motion to approve in principle expenditure for
upgrade of the existing permanent church sign in plans for improvement of the church signage:
Proposed, John Ryrie; Seconded, Karen Baker. Carried.
Anne Taylor advised council that the church members responsible for putting messages on the
existing temporary church sign wished to be included in discussions regarding whether the
most significant messages (i.e. times of services and notices of forthcoming events) should go
on the north or south side of the sign.
f) RENEW/ASCEND. Nelson Cuthbert told council that the number of ASCEND/RENEW response
forms received is in the mid-forties. As well, nearly $60,000 in pledges (approximately halfway
to target) has been forthcoming. At the next ASCEND/RENEW committee meeting ways to get
the ASCEND/RENEW packages out to parishioners who have not yet got them will be discussed,
the use of a graphic bulletin board being a possibility. Warden announcements,
announcements in the Bulletin, and e-blasts have already been employed. There will also be
discussion on the search for alternative forms of service to attract youth in an effort to
reproduce the success of Messy Church in attracting younger children.
8. Fr. Don’s Report.
a) New Safe Church Guidelines. Fr. Don indicated that the Diocese has recently taken measures
to enforce compliance with its new Safe Church Guidelines. St. George’s is largely compliant,
but Police Record checks will be needed for volunteers such as Pastoral Care visitors and
Sunday School staff (perhaps 20 people). The Diocese has mandated that these checks should
be obtained through Express Check--a company that provides a simple pass/fail report. For all
except active clergy, this will be at the expense of the parish. Motion to approve expenditure
($500-$600) to cover the expense of Express Check record checks for in the parish who need
them: Proposed, Anne Taylor; Seconded, Valerie Cuthbert. Carried.
b) Bishop’s Visit Easter Day. Bishop Bob has an emergency and Bishop Terry will be at St.
George’s for Easter Day. Fr. Don added that, during Lent, Sunday Evening Prayer services have
been held at St. George’s at 5:00 p.m. These services were utilized as a platform for trialing
some new and more interactive approaches to preaching. There had been approximately 20
attendees at the services and the new interactive approaches had been readily embraced and
well received.
9. New Business.
a) Mary Shaw reported that there had been an accident at the last Messy church. Someone on
their way to the bathroom had fallen because of water which had accumulated at the bottom
of the stairs. Bearing in mind the heavy usage of the hall by groups such as AA and Sparks, Mary
suggested that more water-absorbing rugs be spread at the bottom of the stairs during wet
weather. The property Committee will consider this suggestion.
b) It was suggested that the collecting jar for Toonies for Turbans be made more visible in the
church. 60 to 90 turbans are used by men, women and children each month, and, since this is
an important initiative, it was further suggested that attention be drawn to this work during
services. Reta Risto pointed out that the work is also supported monetarily by the Outreach
c) Mary Shaw expressed concern over the condition that the recycling bins in the kitchen are
left in after use of the kitchen by various user groups. She suggested that education of these
groups would be in order. Charlotte Cromarty said that better labelling of the bins would help.
It was agreed that Mary and Valerie Cuthbert would address the issue.
d) Mike Stredwick advised Council regarding various coach trips which he has investigated with
a view to offering them to parishioners. A proposal for a trip to a baseball game in New York for
September has had to be abandoned because it is already fully booked. He has further
investigated the possibility of hiring a coach for the parish to attend MaryLynn’s ordination in
London on June 11. Cost with Great Canadian would be $1525, but they are fully booked. Mike
will investigate other coach lines. He is considering the possibility of a trip to Lancaster County,
Pennsylvania, next Christmas which is marketed under the title ‘Miracle of Christmas’. This trip
is focused on a nativity play performance featuring live animals, but includes other activities. As
run by Great Canadian the cost is approximately $1100 a person (all inclusive) for a five day trip,
but, if St. George’s could fill a bus, we could customize our own trip. This trip also tends to fill
very quickly, so a decision will have to be made soon.
e) Valerie Cuthbert said that she will be organizing the June BBQ, but suggested that whoever is
to be responsible for the September BBQ should work with her to gain experience. Valerie will
bring this item forward at the next PC meeting.
f) Mary Shaw expressed her concern over the labour and messiness consequent on serving
refreshments for the Vestry meeting upstairs in the narthex and suggested that in future
refreshments be served downstairs in the hall.
10 Old Business. None
11. Correspondence: John Dale drew attention to an email he had had from Valerie O’Reilly
indicating that Jean Horne no longer wished to be considered a member of Parish Council.
12. Upcoming Dates and Events:
- March 28th-April 5th—Holy Week.
- April 14th—Executive.
-April 25th—Children’s Community Closet and Men’s Breakfast.
- April 26th—St. George’s Day Ploughman’s Lunch.
- April 28th—Next Parish Council meeting.
13. Adjournment:
8.45 p.m. Proposed; Murray Gamble. Carried.