Gus Garcia Middle School Lesson Plan 2012-2013 Week 11/7/2012 – 11/16/2012 Today’s Big Idea(s): Date: 11/7/2012-11/16/2012 Key Understandings: A compound is a substance made by chemically combining two or more elements. -Do compounds have different properties than the substances from which they are made? The Formation of a new substance may be identified by the evidence of a chemical change: production of gas, change in temperature, production of a precipitate or color change. Science 6 Ms. Rodriguez Agenda & Time Estimates: Topic Objective: Wednesday 11/7/2012 Warm-Up Students will observe and record the Pre-Lab Review safety procedure formation of a new substance as Lab Stations identified by the evidence of a chemical change: production of gas, change in temperature, production of a precipitate (52 min.) or color change. Objective: Thursday 11/8/2012 Warm-Up Students will observe and record the Pre-Lab Review safety procedure formation of a new substance as Lab Stations complete. identified by the evidence of a chemical change: production of gas, change in temperature, production of a precipitate (52 min.) or color change. Objective: Friday 11/9/2012 FLEX DAY!! Objective: Monday 11/12/2012 Students will go conduct post lab over investigations from last week. We will review what reactions occurred and begin to explore chemical change. Warm-Up What is Chemical Change Evidence of Chemical Change Objective: Tuesday 11/13/2012 Students will create a graphic organizer on chemical change. They will also learn to differentiate between the 4 types of change. Chemical change, Temperature, Precipitate and gas bubbles. Warm-Up Create Graphic Organizer 4 Types of change -Chemical Change -Temperature Change -Solid Precipitates form -Gas bubbles form (52 min.) Warm-Up Create a tabbed book Review Unit 4 Concepts (52 min.) Objective: Wednesday 11/14/2012 Students will create a tabbed book, they will need to organize data they have learned from unit 4. Objective: Thursday 11/15/2012 Unit 4 Test Objective: Friday 11/16/2012 ½ Day – Data Analysis 6.5 Matter and Energy, The student knows the difference between elements and compounds. The student is expected to: TEKS Connections/Indicate 6.5C: Differentiate between elements and compounds on the most basic whether level. Readiness/Supporting/Process: 6.5D: Identify the formation of a new substance by using the evidence of a possible chemical change such as production of a gas, change in temperature, production of a precipitate, or color change. *Adapted from KIPP-Austin Gus Garcia Middle School Lesson Plan 2012-2013 Week 11/7/2012 – 11/16/2012 Science 6 Ms. Rodriguez Wed Materials, Texts & Reminders: Assessment/Evidence Of Learning : Checks for Understanding: Triple beam balance, plastic bags, calcium chloride, water, thermometer, graduated cylinder, timer, safety goggles, cup baking soda, vinegar, spoon, beaker, apron, baby food, pipette, balloon, funnel, plastic water bottle. Index cards, markers, glue/tape. Wed 5 half sheets per student. Scissors, staples, tape/glue. Creating a tabbed book. Thurs SWBAT Preform and record a series of chemical changes. Mon SWBAT Identify chemical changes and categorize into one of the 4 categories. Tues SWBAT Distinguish the 4 chemical changes categories. Wed SWBAT List all concepts covered in unit 4. Wed Thurs What experiment did you preform? What was your outcome? What experiment did you preform? What was your outcome? Mon Student understands what Chemical Change is. Tues What are the 4 types of Chemical Change Wed Mon Tues Wed *Adapted from KIPP-Austin Periodic table of elements. Handouts: elements, compounds, and evidence of change. Tues SWBAT Preform and record a series of chemical changes. Thurs Lesson Include Time Estimates: Wednesday Mon Wed Wed Higher-Order Thinking Questions: Thurs What have we covered in Unit 4? B: What are some safety procedures we need to follow? M: What can we learn from the changes you observed? E: What do you think the chemical change is needed? B: What are some other safety procedures can you think of, that did not occur to you yesterday? M: What changes have you noticed, that you didn’t yesterday? E: What would happen if the chemical changes you observed did not occur? B: What chemical changes did you notice? M: Did anything new happen to the substances? E: What do you thing the changes are called? B: What are some changes you noticed? M: Which one most surprised you? E: What are some changes you noticed everyday? B: What changes have to happen everyday/Chemically? M: What if they stopped? E : What would happen? What the TEACHER is saying/doing… Motivation/Hook: Go over safety procedure What the STUDENTS are saying/doing… Motivation/Hook: Students will need to identify safety equipment needed. Gus Garcia Middle School Lesson Plan 2012-2013 Week 11/7/2012 – 11/16/2012 Science 6 Ms. Rodriguez Intro to New Material: Go over lab procedures and safety procedures. Intro to New Material: Students will suit up with apron, goggles, and gloves. Guided Practice: Guided Practice: I will demonstrate lab safety to students. Independent Practice: Students will be responsible for completing lab. Closing: Lab clean up. What the TEACHER is saying/doing… Motivation/Hook: Go over lab safety procedures with students. Intro to New Material: Lesson Include Time Estimates: Thursday Students will conduct a series of lab experiment’s in different stations. They will rotate every 10 mins. Closing: Students will clean up lab. What the STUDENTS are saying/doing… Motivation/Hook: Students will go over the importance of lab safety. Intro to New Material: Students will need to take notes on proper lab techniques used. Guided Practice: Guided Practice: Students will conduct experiments Students will independently complete lab experiments. Closing: Clean up lab and start concussion on experiments. What the TEACHER is saying/doing… Motivation/Hook: Students will view a clip from one of their experiments. Intro to New Material: As students recall prior info teacher will explain what chemical reaction took place. Guided Practice: The teacher will introduce types of chemical change. *Adapted from KIPP-Austin Independent Practice: I will demonstrate safety protocol with conducting lab experiments. Independent Practice: Lesson Include Time Estimates: Monday Students will observe proper lab techniques. Students will observe proper lab techniques. Independent Practice: Students will conduct a series of lab experiments in different stations. They will rotate every 10 mins. Closing: Students will clean up area, and get stations ready for nest group use. Students will need to gather info and data collected, and develop a conclusion. What the STUDENTS are saying/doing… Motivation/Hook: As a warm-up students will need to identify which experiment took place and recall any observations they had. Intro to New Material: Students will record notes in their journals regarding what changes occurred. Guided Practice: Students will write down chemical changes in their journals. Gus Garcia Middle School Lesson Plan 2012-2013 Week 11/7/2012 – 11/16/2012 Science 6 Ms. Rodriguez Independent Practice: TSW be expected to identify the four types of chemical change. Closing: What the TEACHER is saying/doing… What the STUDENTS are saying/doing… Intro to New Material: Motivation/Hook: Students will need to identify what chemical change occurred from a video clip. Teacher will model how to create a graphic organizer. Intro to New Material: Students will follow along, folding their index card. Guided Practice: Guided Practice: Students will review chemical changes. Independent Practice: Students will write on the back if their graphic organizer examples of the chemical change they observed in their experiments. Closing: Students will need to give me a example of one type of chemical change. What the TEACHER is saying/doing… Motivation/Hook: Warm-up is a picture of a compound and element Intro to New Material: Students will need to identify chemical changes. Independent Practice: Students will need to identify which changes are in one of the four types of chemical changes. Closing: Students will need to give examples of a chemical change. What the STUDENTS are saying/doing… Motivation/Hook: Students will need to identify the difference between a element and a compound. Students will be introduced how to create a tabbed book. Intro to New Material: Students will need to follow along as teacher creates tabbed book. Guided Practice: Guided Practice: Students will complete tabbed book. Independent Practice: In tabbed book students will insert notes in pages…..for compound, molecules, elements, types of chemical changes. *Adapted from KIPP-Austin Closing: Students will exit class when they identify the 4 types of chemical change. Warm-up students will need to identify what change occurred for a scenario. Lesson Include Time Estimates: Wednesday Student will need to give example of all 4 types of chemical changes. Students exit ticket will be to identify the 4 types of chemical change. Motivation/Hook: Lesson Include Time Estimates: Tuesday Independent Practice: Students will create their own tabbed book. Independent Practice: Students will need to fill in book with info covered in unit 4. Students will need fill in info: definitions, Difference between elements and compounds, and chemical changes. Gus Garcia Middle School Lesson Plan 2012-2013 Week 11/7/2012 – 11/16/2012 Science 6 Ms. Rodriguez Closing: Students will need to show book to exit class. Homework: Modifications/ Accommodations/ Differentiated Instruction: Closing: Students will need to show book to exit class. Students will be given vocabulary words: to enrich vocabulary: Precipitate, Compound, Molecule, element, change on Monday and Tuesday. SPECIAL EDUCATION: 1. Preferential seating 2. Extended time on Assignment 3. Cooperative grouping 4. Emphasis critical content 5. Daily agenda on board/Teacher review 6. Reduce/minimize distractions 7. Use pictorial directions 8. Use positive reinforcement DYSLEXIA: 9. Emphasis: Visual, Auditory, and Tactile skills 10. Provide course syllabus/outline ESL/LEP/ELL: 11. Give directions in small distinct forms 12. Use written backup or oral directions 13. Establish routines in classroom 14. Simplify instructional language, NOT content 15. Pre-teach vocabulary, modeling, hands-on, pictures and visual aids GT: 16. Opportunity to accelerate in areas of strength; independent research 17. Multiple disciplines are integrated into the unit Teacher Reflection: What worked/what didn’t work? Why? *Adapted from KIPP-Austin