23rd Nov 2011

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Minutes of the Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting held on 23 rd
November 2011.
Cllr E Bebbington
Cllr G Docherty
Cllr B Gilmour (Vice-Chairman)
Cllr I Hamilton-Smith
Cllr B Perkins
Cllr C Poole
Cllr C Popley
Cllr J Tassell (Chairman)
Cllr G Timson
Mrs B Snape – Clerk to the Council
Mrs B Blood – RFO/Assistant Clerk
3 members of the Public
Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs R Ewing, A Hawkey, D Horn, C
Radford & J Lennie lateness.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as a true record.
Cllr I Hamilton-Smith – Domont
Cllr B Gilmour – CAB
Cllr C Poole – CBC, VAC & Community Plan
Cllr G Timson – Glenmore Centre & VAC
Cllr B Perkins – Domont
Cllr J Tassell – Glenmore Centre & NHW
1739, 1731b) Vehicle Activated Recording Data Information from Woodhouse &
Sileby ALSO Letter from Shepshed Community Plan Steering Group Following a
discussion relating to the above correspondence it was RESOLVED that the Town
Council considers precepting for a VAS. It was reported that NHW would only
consider making a donation towards the cost of the machine if it is under the
jurisdiction of the Town Council and not a private organisation.
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1740 CBC – Temporary Events Notice Following receipt of correspondence from
CBC regarding licensing of Glenmore Park, it was RESOLVED that the Clerk
pursues the idea providing only one advertisement in the public notices section is
required. No alcohol licence is to be obtained.
1740f) CAB Statistics (April – June 2011) ALSO Budgets for 2012/13 RESOLVED
to table for information the statistics as circulated prior to the meeting. RESOLVED
to consider precepting £8293 to cover the CAB outpost in Shepshed.
1746b) LCC – A512 Traffic Survey RESOLVED to table for information the
correspondence received to a request for LCC to carry out a survey on the A512 in
relation to the Biffa application. Additional correspondence was circulated to those
present, advising the cost of carrying out a survey – RESOLVED not to pursue the
a) Brian Mee Associates Ltd – Contract Annual Price Review Members had been
circulated with correspondence from Brian Mee Associates Ltd advising that the
contract price be held at the 2010/11 level for the final year which equates to
£23434.92 + VAT.
It was RESOLVED to extend the current contract for a further 4 years with effect
from October 2012 and accept the following:* The contract price increase be capped at a maximum of 2% where the official RPI
figure is 2% or greater
* Where the official RPI figure is lower than 2% the contract price be increased by
the same percentage as the RPI figure
* In the case of negative inflation the contract price remain as it is.
b) Mrs D Taylor – Cambridge Street Co-ordinator RESOLVED to cover the cost of
one NHW sign equating to £7.
c) Sandra Wainwright – Overgrown Hawthorn Bushes Members had been furnished
with correspondence from Sandra Wainwright requesting that she be allowed to
arrange for the hawthorn bushes to be removed from adjacent to her property at her
own expense. She claims it has damaged her fence and, therefore, wishes making it
possible for her to maintain her property and repair her fence. Following a lengthy
discussion it was RESOLVED not to permit the removal of the hawthorn but to
arrange for removal of growth between the hedge and Mrs Wainwright’s fence.
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d) Voluntary Action Charnwood – Town Council Support of Shepshed Volunteer
Centre Following receipt of a request from Shepshed Volunteer Centre for the Town
Council to grant a comparable or slightly higher level of funding for the coming year,
it was RESOLVED to consider precepting £5000 for 2012/13.
e) Twinning Association – Quiz Night RESOLVED to express an interest in a Quiz
evening, however, request further information.
a) Alan Cunningham Glenmore Community Association Management Committee –
Glenmore Centre Management ALSO Proposed Budget 2012/13 RESOLVED to
note the content of the letter of thanks to the Town Council for its continuing support.
RESOLVED to consider precepting £9000 for the Glenmore Centre for 2012/13.
a) Balance Sheet 01.04.11 – 30.09.11 RESOLVED to accept the Balance Sheet
amounting to £354,346.75 as circulated to Members prior to the meeting.
b) Outcomes April – September 2011 RESOLVED to accept the outcomes April –
September 2011 as circulated.
c) Accounts for payment & paid accounts RESOLVED to accept the accounts for
payment totalling £19380.12 and paid accounts totalling £18643.52 as circulated
prior to the meeting.
d) Donation to Hathern Band RESOLVED to make a donation of £60 in respect of
Remembrance Sunday.
A brief discussion was held regarding the excellent turn out for the parade and
service. The Chairman of Council noted that after the Drumhead Service she laid the
Town Council wreath on the War Memorial.
RESOLVED to forward the following item to the Police for discussion at Full
Council:a) Cyclists without lights both children and adults
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The following planning applications had been received and it was RESOLVED not
to forward any comment to CBC’s Planning Department:P/11/2488/2 Construction of a new steel framed workshop AT Ingleberry Road
Higham & Co Telefonica 02 Ltd. Pre-application consultation – Proposed provision
of a Telecommunications Base Station (CS-20163 02 – 46927) Site on a grass verge
on the south side of Anson Road to the west of the junction with Charnwood Road RESOLVED to await receipt of a formal planning application from CBC before
making any comment.
a) Loughborough Walk-In Centre – Public Consultation Cllr C Poole brought to the
attention of the meeting the above consultation which is currently on-going until 11th
January 2012. She was disappointed at the lack of attendance at the meeting in
Shepshed on Thursday 17th November. Following a lengthy debate, it was noted that
comments can be made either by completing the questionnaire in the booklet or
b) CHAIN Following the recent Biffa Public Inquiry regarding the proposed
incinerator it was RESOLVED to make a contribution of £75 towards the cost of
c) The National Forest Woodland Creation Celebration Event – Thursday 15th
December at Staunton Harold Hall Following an invitation to the above event, Cllrs
B Gilmour, I Hamilton-Smith, C Popley and J Tassell expressed an interest in
d) Shepshed Flag The Clerk presented to the meeting the Shepshed Flag from One
Stop. An official presentation is to be arranged together with the possibility of
purchasing a new flag pole and a flag to send to Domont.
Chairman ……………………………………… Date ……………………………….