Unit Vocabulary Lists - Lighthouse Christian Academy

Biology 12
Unit Vocabulary Lists
1. homeostasis
4. feedback loop (neg. and pos.)
7. regulatory center
2. physiology
5. stimulus
8. effector
3. sensitive receptors
6. receptor
9. response
2. covalent compound
3. organic compound
2. lattice
5. cohesion
8. hydrophilic
3. surface tension
6. adhesion
9. hydrophobic
2. basic
3. pH (pH scale)
2. biological buffers
5. H2CO3 = carbonic acid
3. CO32- = carbonate
Intro to Biochemistry
1. ionic compound
4. functional groups
1. polar covalent bond
4. capillary action
7. heat of vaporization
10. ionization
Acids & Bases
1. acidic
1. pH imbalance
4. HCO3- = bicarbonate
Biological Molecules - General
*** for terms 8-15, be able to match each monomer up with its respective polymer***
1. polymer
4. hydrolysis
7. hydrolases
10. amino acids
13. lipids
2. monomer
5. macromolecules
8. sugars
11. proteins
14. nucleotides
3. dehydration synthesis
6. dehydrogenase
9. polysaccharides
12. fatty acids
15. nucleic acids
Biological Molecules - Carbohydrates
1. saccharide
4. cellulose
2. starch
5. chitin
3. glycogen
Biological Molecules – Fats (Lipids)
1. triglyceride
4. phospholipids
2. saturated fat
5. steroids
3. unsaturated fat (mono / poly)
2. amino group
5. peptide bonds
8. beta-pleated sheet
11. myosin
14. enzyme
3. carboxyl group
6. polypeptide
9. denaturation
12. keratin
15. catalyst
Biological Molecules - Proteins
1. amino acid
4. R-group
7. alpha helix
10. actin
13. collagen
Biological Molecules - Nucleic Acids
1. deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
4. ribose
7. pyrimidine
10. complementary strands
13. adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
2. ribonucleic acid (RNA)
5. deoxyribose
8. A,G (recognize as purine)
11. complementary bases
3. nucleotide
6. purine
9. T,U,C (rec. as pyrimidine)
12. double helix
2. histone proteins
5. helicase
8. mutagens
11. substitution
14. recombinant DNA
3. mutation
6. sugar-phosphate backbone
9. addition
12. chromosomal mutation
2. eukaryotic cell
5. plasma membrane
8. phospholipid bilayer
11. integral proteins
14. cytoskeleton
17. nuclear pore
20. nucleoplasm
23. matrix
26. endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
29. vesicles
32. phagocytosis
35. cytoskeleton
38. cilia
41. microfilament
3. organelles
6. fluid mosaic model
9. glycolipids
12. peripheral proteins
15. nucleus
18. nucleolus
21. mitochondria
24. ribosome
27. smooth ER
30. pinocytosis
33. lysosome
36. microtubule
39. flagella
42. cytoplasm
DNA Replication
1. chromosome
4. semi-conservative replication
7. DNA polymerase
10. deletion
13. non-disjunction
1. prokaryotic cell
4. cell theory
7. selectively permeable
10. glycoproteins
13. cholesterol
16. nuclear membrane
19. chromatin
22. cristae
25. polysomes
28. rough ER
31. vacuole
34. hydrolytic / hydrolysis
37. tubulin
40. centrioles
43. Golgi body
Protein Synthesis
1. gene
4. mRNA
7. codon
10. initiation / initiator
13. mutation
2. central dogma of biology
5. promoter
8. tRNA
11. elongation
14. chromosomal mutations
3. transcription
6. translation
9. anticodon
12. termination / terminator
15. gene mutations
Transport Across Membranes
1. selectively permeable
4. passive transport
7. concentration gradient
10. solubility
13. solvent
16. isotonic solution
19. hypotonic solution
22. channel / carrier proteins
25. exocytosis
2. fluid mosaic model
5. active transport
8. viscosity
11. polarity
14. solute
17. solution
20. hyperosmotic
23. active transport
26. surface area to volume ratio
3. integral proteins
6. simple diffusion
9. cytoplasmic streaming
12. osmosis
15. protein ion channel
18. hypertonic solution
21. facilitated transport
24. endocytosis (pinocytosis vs.
1. enzyme
2. catalyst
3. substrate
4. enzyme-substrate complex
5. active site
6. induced fit
7. apoenzyme
8. co-enzyme
9. allosteric site
10. catabolism
11. anabolism
12. metabolism
13. metabolic pathway
14. energy of activation (activation energy)
15. point of saturation
16. optimum temperature
17. inhibitors (competitive vs.
18. negative feedback / feedback inhibition
19. thyroxin
20. ATP
1. anatomy
4. digestion
7. mouth
10. chemical digestion
13. bolus
16. swallow-reflex center
19. trachea
22. cardiac sphincter
25. chief cells
28. hydrochloric acid
31. ulcer
34. pancreas
37. glucagon
40. sodium bicarbonate
43. trypsin
2. physiology
5. absorption
8. teeth
11. salivary glands
14. tongue
17. pharynx
20. esophagus
23. stomach
26. mucous cells
29. gastric juices
32. chyme
35. endocrine gland
38. exocrine gland
41. pancreatic amylase
44. nuclease
3. ingestion
6. elimination
9. mechanical digestion
12. amylase
15. taste buds
18. epiglottis
21. peristalsis
24. rugae
27. pepsinogen
30. pepsin
33. pyrolic sphincter
36. insulin
39. islets of Langerhans
42. lipase
45. small intestine
46. duodenum
49. villi
52. maltase
55. ileocecal sphincter
58. descending colon
61. growth factors
64. hepatic portal vein
67. gluconeogenesis
70. jaundice
73. gastrin
47. jejenum
50. microvilli
53. sucrose
56. ascending colon
59. sigmoid colon
62. liver
65. cirrhosis
68. bilirubin
71. albumin
74. secretin
48. ileum
51. peptidase
54. lactase
57. transverse colon
60. rectum
63. gall bladder
66. deamination
69. bile
72. hormone
75. CCK (cholecystokinin)
Circulation & Blood
1. plasma
4. red blood cells (RBC)
7. leukocytes
9. blood clot
12. thrombin
15. antigens
18. Rh factor
21. arteries
24. efferent
27. capillaries
30. venules
33. valves
36. aorta
39. coronary arteries / veins
42. pressure receptors
45. mesenteric arteries
48. renal arteries / veins
51. pulmonary artery
54. lymphatic system
57. lacteals
2. white blood cells (WBC)
3. platelets
5. erythrocytes
6. thrombocytes
8. hemoglobin (oxy- / carboxy- / reduced)
10. thromboplastin
11. prothrombin
13. fibrinogen
14. fibrin
16. antibodies
17. agglutination
19. erythroblastosis
20. RhoGAM
22. arterioles
23. afferent
25. blood pressure
26. osmotic pressure
28. capillary-fluid exchange
29. interstitial fluid
31. veins
32. gas exchange
34. systemic circulation
35. pulmonary circulation
37. dorsal aorta
38. aortic arch
40. carotid artery
41. chemoreceptors
43. jugular veins
44. subclavien arteries / veins
46. hepatic portal vein
47. hepatic veins
49. iliac arteries / veins
50. femoral artery
52. pulmonary artery
53. pulmonary vein
55. lymph ducts / capillaries
56. lymph nodes
The Heart & Blood Pressure
1. right / left atrium
4. atrioventricular valves
6. papillary muscle
9. pulmonary trunk
12. aortic valve
14. nodal tissue
17. AV (atrio-ventricular) node
20. ‘P/QRS/T’
23. medulla oblongata
26. blood pressure
29. bronchial artery
32. stroke
2. right / left ventricle
5. chordae tendinae
7. tricuspid valve
10. septum
13. superior / inferior vena cava
15. SA (sino-atrial) node
18. Purjinje fibres (P.F.)
21. vagus nerve
24. atherosclerosis
27. diastolic pressure
30. hypertension
3. anterior / posterior vena
8. pulmonary valve
11. bicuspid valve
16. bundle of HIS
19. electrocardiogram (EKG)
22. autonomic nervous system
25. heart attack
28. systolic pressure
31. hypotension
Neuron & Synapse
1. neuron
4. axon
7. sensory neuron
10. motor neuron
13. myelin sheath
16. action potential
19. depolarization
22. sodium gates
25. all-or-none response
28. presynaptic membrane
31. contractile proteins
34. axon bulb
37. noradrenalin
2. dendrites
5. reflex arc
8. dorsal root ganglion
11. effector
14. Schwann cells
17. axoplasm
20. repolarization
23. potassium gates
26. synapse
29. postsynaptic membrane
32. neurotransmitters
35. acetylcholine
38. monoamine oxidase
3. cell body
6. receptor
9. interneuron
12. nerve bundles
15. nodes of Ranvier
18. resting state
21. recovery phase
24. sodium-potassium pump
27. synaptic gap
30. calcium gates
33. receptor sites
36. acetylcholinesterase
The Brain
1. central nervous system
2. peripheral nervous system
5. cerebral cortex
6. occipital lobe
8. parietal lobe
9. frontal lobe
11. cerebellum
12. brain stem
14. mid brain
15. thalamus
17. pituitary gland
18. posterior pituitary
20. spinal chord
21. cervical region
23. lumbar region
24. sacral region
26. spinal nerves
27. somatic nervous system
29. autonomic nervous system
30. adrenal glands
32. parasympathetic nervous system
3. meninges
4. cerebrum
7. temporal lobe
10. corpus collosum
13. medulla oblongata
16. hypothalamus
19. anterior pituitary
22. thoracic region
25. cranial nerves
28. somatic senses
31. adrenalin
Respiratory System
1. nasal sinus
4. larynx
7. bronchi
10. stretch receptors
13. intercostal muscles
16. pleural membranes
19. internal respiration
22. carboxyhemoglobin
2. pharynx
5. Adam’s apple
8. bronchioles
11. lipoproteins
14. inhalation
17. pneumothorax
20. cellular respiration
23. reduced hemoglobin
3. epiglottis
6. trachea
9. alveoli
12. diaphragm
15. exhalation
18. external respiration
21. oxyhemoglobin
24. carbonic anhydrase
Excretory System
1. desiccation
2. kidney
4. bladder
5. urethra
7. nitrogenous wastes
8. urea
10. nephron
11. filtrate
13. proximal convoluted tubule (PCT)
3. ureter
6. ammonia
9. urine
12. Bowman’s capsule
14. loop of Henle (ascending
15. distal convoluted tubule (DCT)
16. collecting duct
19. efferent arteriole
22. filtration
25. water reabsorption
28. medulla
31. aldosterone
33. renin
35. vasoconstriction
17. afferent arteriole
20. peritubular capillaries
23. (selective) reabsorption
26. counter-current exchange
29. secretion
32. juxtaglomerular apparatus
vs. descending)
18. glomerulus
21. vasa recta
24. osmoregulation
27. cortex
30. antidiuretic hormone
34. angiotensin
2. diploid
5. gonad
8. scrotum
11. seminiferous tubules
14. epidymis
17. acrosome
20. sperm tail
23. urethra
26. prostaglandins
29. glans penis
32. interstitial cells
35. LH
3. zygote
6. internal fertilization
9. penis
12. spermatogenesis
15. sertoli cells
18. sperm head
21. vas deferens
24. semen
27. prostate gland
30. androgens
33. GnRH
2. follicle
5. progesterone
8. uterus
11. vagina
14. labia majora
17. oogenesis
20. polar cells
23. proliferative phase
26. follicular phase
29. FSH
32. progesterone
3. ovulation
6. oviduct
9. endometrium
12. vulva
15. glans clitoris
18. oocyte
21. menstrual cycle
24. secretory phase
27. luteal phase
30. LH
33. human chorionic
gonadotropin (CHCG)
Male Reproduction
1. haploid
4. gamete
7. progesterone
10. testes
13. spermatids
16. sperm cell
19. sperm neck
22. ejaculatory duct
25. seminal vesicles
28. bulborethral gland
31. testosterone
34. FSH
Female Reproduction
1. ovaries
4. corpus luteum
7. fimbriae
10. cervix
13. labia minora
16. mammary gland
19. ovum
22. flow phase
25. ovarian cycle
28. GnRH
31. estrogen