THIS IS With Your Host... Functions The Heart Blood Vessels 100 100 100 200 200 300 Parts of the Blood Blood Types Blood Flow 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500 What are the two needed substances your Circulatory System carries? A 100 Oxygen & Glucose A 100 What waste product does the Circulatory System carry away? A 200 Carbon Dioxide A 200 The Circulatory System could be compared to… A 300 Highway, Paperboy or Garbage Truck A 300 Name the 3 parts of the circulatory system. A 400 Heart, Blood Vessels, and Blood A 400 How do needed materials get to body cells? A 500 Red blood cells carry these materials where they need to go A 500 Name the 4 chambers of the heart B 100 Right Atrium, Left Atrium Right Ventricle & Left Ventricle B 100 What is a valve? B 200 A valve is a flap of tissue that prevents blood from flowing backward B 200 What is the job of the ventricles? B 300 The job of ventricles is to pump blood (to the lungs or body) B 300 How does blood flow through arteries? B 400 Your heart pumps blood directly through your arteries B 400 How does blood flow through veins? B 500 Valves in your veins help to keep blood flowing up to your heart B 500 What is an artery? C 100 An artery is a blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart. C 100 What is a vein? C 200 A vein is a blood vessel that brings blood back into the heart C 200 Tiny vessels that specialize in gas exchange are called… C 300 Capillaries C 300 DAILY Place A Wager DOUBLE C 400 What is the largest artery in the body? C 400 The aorta C 400 Which blood vessel brings oxygen-rich blood into the heart? C 500 The pulmonary veins C 500 Plasma is made up of mostly… D 100 Water D 100 What is hemoglobin? D 200 A chemical that binds to oxygen D 200 What is the function of white blood cells? D 300 To fight germs and diseases D 300 What is fibrin? D 400 A net of fibers that trap red blood cells and create a blood clot on the outside of your skin D 400 What is a blood transfusion? D 500 When blood is transferred from one person to another D 500 Which blood type is called the “universal donor”? E 100 O E 100 Which blood type is called the universal recipient? E 200 AB E 200 The protein found on your red blood cells that determine your blood type are called… E 300 Antigens E 300 Can a patient with Type B blood receive a transfusion of Type AB blood? Why or Why not? E 400 No, because Type B blood contains Anti-A antibodies that will attack and cause a problem! E 400 What kind of problems can occur from an unsafe transfusion? E 500 Blood clots which could cause heart attacks or strokes E 500 Blood comes into the heart from the body through the… F 100 Vena Cava F 100 Once in the right ventricle, blood is pumped where? F 200 Pulmonary Arteries F 200 On its way back from the lungs, which chamber does blood enter next? F 300 Left Atrium F 300 What is the function of the left ventricle? F 400 To pump blood to the body F 400 What is a pulse? F 500 The expansion of an artery as the heart pumps blood through F 500 The Final Jeopardy Category is: Transfusions Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin A patient with a blood type of AB can receive blood from which blood types? Click on screen to continue A, B, AB, and O Click on screen to continue Thank You for Playing Jeopardy! Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT