Jane Macon Middle School Lesson Plan Template Grade/Subject/Teacher: 7th/Art/ Gazaway Date Range: 10/19-12/11 Acceleration/Previewing Activity(s): Lesson Essential Question: What are the characteristics of Pre-historic Art? Lesson Essential Question: What are the characteristics of Ancient Egyptian Art? Lesson Essential Question: What are the characteristics of Ancient Greek Art? Lesson Essential Question: What are the characteristics of Ancient Roman Art? Lesson Essential Question: What are the Characteristics of Gothic (Middle Ages) Art and Architecture? Lesson Essential Question: What are the characteristics of the Italian Renaissance? Lesson Essential Question: What is a time period in art that appeals to your interest? Lesson Essential Question: How do I organize information that I have about Art history into an informational scrapbooked timeline? Element: VA7MC.1, VA7MC.2, VA7MC.3, VA7MC.4, VA7CU.1, VA7PR.1, VA7PR.4, VA7AR.2, VA7C.1, VA7C.2, VA7C.3 Element: VA7MC.1, VA7MC.2, VA7MC.3, VA7MC.4, VA7CU.1, VA7PR.1, VA7PR.4, VA7AR.2, VA7C.1, VA7C.2, VA7C.3 Element: VA7MC.1, VA7MC.2, VA7MC.3, VA7MC.4, VA7CU.1, VA7PR.1, VA7PR.4, VA7AR.2, VA7C.1, VA7C.2, VA7C.3 Element: VA7MC.1, VA7MC.2, VA7MC.3, VA7MC.4, VA7CU.1, VA7PR.1, VA7PR.4, VA7AR.2, VA7C.1, VA7C.2, VA7C.3 Element: VA7MC.1, VA7MC.2, VA7MC.3 VA7MC.4, VA7CU.1, VA7PR.1, VA7PR.4, VA7AR.2, VA7C.1, VA7C.2, VA7C.3 Element: VA7MC.1, VA7MC.2, VA7MC.3, VA7MC.4, VA7CU.1, VA7PR.1, VA7PR.4, VA7AR.2, VA7C.1, VA7C.2, VA7C.3 Element: VA7MC.1, VA7MC.2, VA7MC.3, VA7MC.4, VA7CU.1, VA7PR.1, VA7PR.4, VA7AR.2, VA7C.1, VA7C.2, VA7C.3 Element: VA7MC.1, VA7MC.2, VA7MC.3, VA7MC.4, VA7CU.1, VA7PR.1, VA7PR.4, VA7AR.2, VA7C.1, VA7C.2, VA7C.3 Vocabulary Style, Context, themes, media, Pre-historic, Vocabulary Style, Context, themes, media, Ancient Egypt Vocabulary Style, Context, themes, media, Ancient Greece Vocabulary Style, Context, themes, media, Ancient Rome Vocabulary Style, Context, themes, media, Gothic, Vocabulary Style, Context, themes, media, Renaissance Vocabulary Style, Context, themes, media, Vocabulary Style, Context, themes, media, Activating Strategy: Activating Strategy: Activating Strategy: Activating Strategy: Activating Strategy: Activating Strategy: Activating Strategy: Activating Strategy: JMMS Lesson Plan Template Revised: August 12, 2015 Jane Macon Middle School Lesson Plan Template Teaching Strategy(s): (Differentiation, Distributed Summarizing, Thinking Maps) Teaching Strategy(s): (Differentiatio n, Distributed Summarizing, Thinking Maps) Teaching Strategy(s): (Differentiatio n, Distributed Summarizing, Thinking Maps) Teaching Strategy(s): (Differentiatio n, Distributed Summarizing, Thinking Maps) Teaching Strategy(s): (Differentiatio n, Distributed Summarizing, Thinking Maps) Teaching Strategy(s): (Differentiatio n, Distributed Summarizing, Thinking Maps) Thinking Map: PreMade Circle Map. Once a week Students will be given a guided circle map to fill in with facts and information about this time period in Art. They will look at pictures. This will get them started on the information gathering. They will then use other resources to gather information about the time period. (A media center computer day will be scheduled for information gathering for the entire project so they can fill in information they were not able to get previously). Thinking Map: Pre-Made Circle Map. Once a week Students will be given a guided circle map to fill in with facts and information about this time period in Art. They will look at pictures. This will get them started on the information gathering. They will then use other resources to gather information about the time period. (A media center computer day will be scheduled for information gathering for the entire project so they can fill in information they were not able to get previously). Thinking Map: Pre-Made Circle Map. Once a week Students will be given a guided circle map to fill in with facts and information about this time period in Art. They will look at pictures. This will get them started on the information gathering. They will then use other resources to gather information about the time period. (A media center computer day will be scheduled for information gathering for the entire project so they can fill in information they were not able to get previously). Thinking Map: Pre-Made Circle Map. Once a week Students will be given a guided circle map to fill in with facts and information about this time period in Art. They will look at pictures. This will get them started on the information gathering. They will then use other resources to gather information about the time period. (A media center computer day will be scheduled for information gathering for the entire project so they can fill in information they were not able to get previously). Thinking Map: Pre-Made Circle Map. Once a week Students will be given a guided circle map to fill in with facts and information about this time period in Art. They will look at pictures. This will get them started on the information gathering. They will then use other resources to gather information about the time period. (A media center computer day will be scheduled for information gathering for the entire project so they can fill in information they were not able to get previously). Thinking Map: Pre-Made Circle Map. Once a week Students will be given a guided circle map to fill in with facts and information about this time period in Art. They will look at pictures. This will get them started on the information gathering. They will then use other resources to gather information about the time period. (A media center computer day will be scheduled for information gathering for the entire project so they can fill in information they were not able to get previously). Differentiation: Students are Differentiation: Students are Differentiation: Students are Differentiation: Students are Differentiation: Students are JMMS Lesson Plan Template Teaching Strategy(s): (Differentiati on, Distributed Summarizing , Thinking Maps) Thinking Map: Pre-Made Circle Map. Students will receive a blank circle map to fill in information about a time period in art that they would like to research. This will get them started on the information gathering. They will then use other resources to gather information about the time period. (A media center computer day will be scheduled for information gathering for the entire project so they can fill in information they were not able to get previously). Teaching Strategy(s): (Differentiation, Distributed Summarizing, Thinking Maps) Thinking Map: PreMade Circle Maps. Students will take the information that they have gathered over the nine weeks from books, computer and lectures to create a scrapbook of Art History pre-historic though the Renaissance. The students will have a rubric to follow for the scrapbook. This will serve as the assessment for this unit. Differentiation: Students are encouraged to use many different resources. They will get to choose some of the facts that they was to use, as well Revised: August 12, 2015 Jane Macon Middle School Lesson Plan Template encouraged to use many different resources. They will get to choose some of the facts that they was to use, as well as the construction of the scrapbook. encouraged to use many different resources. They will get to choose some of the facts that they was to use, as well as the construction of the scrapbook. encouraged to use many different resources. They will get to choose some of the facts that they was to use, as well as the construction of the scrapbook. Differentiation: Students are encouraged to use many different resources. They will get to choose some of the facts that they was to use, as well as the construction of the scrapbook. encouraged to use many different resources. They will get to choose some of the facts that they was to use, as well as the construction of the scrapbook. encouraged to use many different resources. They will get to choose some of the facts that they was to use, as well as the construction of the scrapbook. Differentiation: Students are encouraged to use many different resources. They will get to choose some of the facts that they was to use, as well as the construction of the scrapbook. as the construction of the scrapbook. Summarizing Strategy: Summarizing Strategy: Summarizing Strategy: Summarizing Strategy: Summarizing Strategy: Summarizing Strategy: Summarizing Strategy: Summarizing Strategy: Summarizer will be 3-2-1 as their do now on Fridays Summarizer will be 3-2-1 as their do now on Fridays Summarizer will be 3-2-1 as their do now on Fridays Summarizer will be 3-2-1 as their do now on Fridays Summarizer will be 3-2-1 as their do now on Fridays Summarizer will be 3-2-1 as their do now on Fridays Summarizer will be 3-2-1 as their do now on Fridays Assessment (if applicable): Assessment (if applicable): Assessment (if applicable): Assessment (if applicable): Assessment (if applicable): Assessment (if applicable): Assessment( if applicable): JMMS Lesson Plan Template Assessment (if applicable): Finished scrapbook is the assessment and the SLO is final assessment of this information Revised: August 12, 2015