TAP-ETP Lesson Plan 1 Rubric Student Teacher Name_______________________ 3 Teacher of the Year 2 Satisfactory 1 Unsatisfactory Essential Question Includes necessary details, is clearly written and requires higher level thinking skills to answer. Includes necessary details but somewhat confusing. Requires lower level thinking skills. Is poorly written and requires only a yes or no answer. Activating Strategy Build on students’ prior knowledge and grab their interest Introduced to students before learning activities. Included but does not build on prior knowledge or grab students’ attention Introduced to students during learning activities. Not included in the lesson plan. Rules are clearly stated. Follows discipline plan.Teacher keeps students’ attention throughout the lesson. Students actively participate in the learning activities. Teach the essential question and key words. Includes relevant examples or models. Teacher stays on task. Students stay on task. Provides differentiation. Includes verbs from Bloom's Taxonomy levels. Includes effective summarizing strategy. Rules are vague. Students not held accountable. Most students pay attention. Most students participate. Does not include a classroom rules. Most students do not pay attention. Few students participate. Refer to the essential question. Includes confusing models or examples. Teacher and students stay on task 90% of the time. Provides some differentiation. Includes some Bloom's Taxonomy verbs. Includes summarizing strategy. Do not relate to the essential question. Do not include model or example. Teacher and students off task most of the time. No differentiation is apparent. No Bloom's Taxonomy verbs are used. Does not include summarizing strategy. Provides fair way to assess the lesson objectives. Modifications Engages students and provides fair way to assess the lesson objectives. Adjusts lesson process, content, or assessment to meet the needs of two exceptional learners. Does not relate to now topic was taught and is unfair to students. Does not provide any modifications for exceptional learners. Teacher Dispositions Positive dispositions are clearly evident. Some positive dispositions are evident. Negative disposition are evident. Presentation Skills Speaks in a clear, loud voice. Lesson is interesting. Appears well prepared. Acts professionally Keeps classroom under control. Speaks so most can hear. Lesson is somewhat is interesting. Some preparation is evident. Most students behaving properly. Hard to hear and understand. Lesson is boring. Appears unorganized. A few students are behaving properly. Grammar Lesson plans and material contain no more than two grammatical/spelling errors Lesson plans and materials contain more than two grammatical/spelling errors Lesson plans and materials contain grammatical/spelling errors that hinder understanding of the lesson Acceleration Strategy (Key Words) Classroom Management/Student Engagement Learning Activities Not included in lesson plan. USES 100%, No Opt Out, Cold Call, and Wait Time Summarizing Strategy (Assessment) Adjusts lesson process, content, or assessment to meet the needs of one exceptional learner. Total Points Earned_________/30 = ___________Final % Grade Comments: