英語合作學習與評量 Literature Circles 聽說讀寫之運用 林美華老師 What are literature circles? • 類似於讀書會方式呈現的活動 • 以學生為中心,老師為觀察者的活動 • 學生以閱讀相同讀本來組成4-8人團隊 • 學生經由分工被賦予不同任務,再由討論 會的形式提出來發表 What should students do? • • • • • • • • Choose a reading material. Select members for the discussion groups. Assign roles for the members. Make a plan for the reading. Prepare for the roles in the circle. Discuss and share ideas. Collect materials and reorganize. Publish final presentation. How many roles can students play? • Summarizer • Discussion Director • Passage Master • Vocabulary Enricher • Connector • Travel Tracker Summarizer • Your task is to prepare a brief summary of the reading. Don’t tell the whole story, just focus on the important parts. Your group discussion will base on your statement that covers the key points, main highlights, general idea or essence of the reading assignment. 負責對所閱讀的文章作簡短的摘要。 Discussion Director • Your task is to write down a list of questions that your group might want to discuss about this section of the book. Try to help circle members to discuss the big ideas in the book and share their thoughts. Please avoid the questions which can be answered in a single word or short sentences. You are also responsible for recording your group’s interesting comments. 負責提供思考性的問題,以利小組成員發表他們的意見和看法。 Passage Master • Your task is to choose paragraphs or sentences from the book that you want to read aloud to your group and discuss with them. Try to help circle members by spotlighting something interesting, powerful, funny, puzzling, or important from the text. Write down your reasons for picking the paragraphs or sections you did. 負責把書本中個人認為有意義的文句、段落挑選出,並解釋原因。 Vocabulary Enricher • Your task is to look for a few important words in your reading. If you find words that are puzzling, unfamiliar or significant to the story, mark them down while you are reading. Write down the sentence containing the word, and predict its meaning from the context clues. Later, you can look it up in a dictionary and write down the definition which seems to fit the way it is used in the book. Point the words out to your group, and help circle members to discuss these words in context. 負責將重要的字彙提出預測,並解釋字彙在文本中的含義。 Connector • Your task is to connect the contents of the reading selection to current or past real world events and experiences. You will also connect the reading to other forms of writing, music, art or media. Share your connection to this section of the book with circle members. Try to help them to relate their own connections to the book, although they may refer to different passages. 負責分享所閱讀的文章與自己人生經驗、生活背景的關聯性或感想。 Travel Tracker • Your task is to record the plot or the setting of the story. You have to track where the action takes place during the reading. Describe each setting in detail, either in words or with a picture map that you can show and discuss with your group. 負責用流程表的方式,來呈現故事發展的情節及推展進度。 During the discussion… • Literacy Circles in action by elizamy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FW46ApUVDo How to evaluate? • Before the activity (Pre-evaluation): 由學生根據自己平時學習狀況,分別對聽、 說、讀、寫四部份做前測。 • After the activity (Post-evaluation): 分為以下三部份 • 第一部份 • Students: 由學生根據自己在小組討論時的狀況,對 聽與說二部份做後測。並且由學生根據自 己在分配的工作中準備的情形,對讀與寫 二部份做後測。 • 第二部份 • Group: 由學生根據小組討論時的狀況,提出自評 與改進建議。 • 第三部份 • Teacher: 根據學生在討論過程中的表現予以聽與說 的評量,也對學生在活動之前的準備工作 及事後整理,予以讀與寫的評量,同時給 予建議。 Final Presentation A Book A Poem Final Report • The Selfish Giant by 國立台中文華高級中學張祥玫 http://teacher.whsh.tc.edu.tw/chm/f2blog/index.p hp?load=read&id=170 Role Play • The Elevator by Lan Tan Junior High School 省思 • 優點 同儕團體之間的討論較沒有距離,加上讀 本的選擇由自己決定,學生比較願意參與 投入對文本的理解。為了參與活動,學生 必須強迫自己開口與人溝通,必須聚精會 神傾聽別人的言論,進而達到溝通的目的。 經由和同學討論,學生們也比較有能力和 信心去構思、用字和表達。同時活動中每 個人都擔任不同的角色,強調每個人的重 要性與獨特性,又因為每一位學生學習成 長環境因素的不同,產生了不同的學習方 式,也是一個學生彼此之間觀摩的好機會。 • 缺點 學生扮演的是真正的主導者,成果的好壞 全由小組中的每一個成員來分擔,當然無 可避免的有些孩子或多或少因為個人因素, 並沒有真正的負起參與討論責任。加上第 一次實施活動,學生不習慣工作的內容和 執行流程,容易產生不能使用母語的慌亂 或害羞情緒,致使討論的工作會傾向側重 在某些較敢開口的學生身上,使討論略顯 安靜沉悶。 • 改進 Literature Circles強調的是學生的自主 學習與參與度,藉由小組成員的提問與分 享,是一種極好的思考訓練和表達能力的 培養。所以這樣的活動需要長時間來執行, 並且有計畫的由短篇文章,進階到中篇讀 物,甚至到長篇小說。讓學生習慣這樣的 閱讀模式,除了能訓練閱讀的技巧與速度, 拓展他們的視野,也可以使學生認識自我、 建立自信、學會接受不同的觀點,並學會 自在的溝通。希望藉由習慣的建立,可以 刺激學生閱讀的興趣,讓學生不再視英文 閱讀為畏途。 The End May you have a good time through literature circles.