Unit 2 Timeline/People ID (Pre-AP)

Name: ____________________________________________ Date: _______________ Period: __________
UNIT 2 TIMELINE: Spanish Colonialism to Mexican Independence (Pre-AP)
Directions: Using your Unit 2 Notes, Unit 2 Plan, and Textbook (Ch. 6 & 7), complete the timeline below.
1690: First Spanish mission in East Texas, __________________________________________, is
founded by _____________________________________________.
1718: ________________________ is established with a mission (Valero) and presidio (Bexar).
1720: Mission _________________ y San Miguel de Aguayo is founded by
_____________________________________________. It’s noted as the most successful.
1763: The __________________________________ ends Seven Years’ War between
_________________________ and _____________ (aka French & Indian War in North America).
1776: 13 of the Britain’s North American colonies declare ______________________. This event
begins the conflict known as the ______________________________________________.
1783: The war ends as Great Britain officially recognizes the _________________________ of
___________________ as an independent nation.
1803: The U.S. purchases the _______________________________________________________ from
France for about $___ million.
1806: __________________________________: Boundary dispute between U.S. and Spain; U.S. says
it’s Sabine River, Spain says it's the tributary ____________________________________.
1810: [Sept. 16] Father __________________________ y Costilla issues a __________, or call for a
rebellion against Spanish authorities—begins the Mexican War for Independence.
1812: The _______________________________ Expedition: An early Texas Revolution movement
begins; called their army the “_____________________________________________________”
1813: [August] Spanish forces led by ________________________________ overwhelm Republican
Army and win a complete victory south at San Antonio in the Battle of _________________.
1816: French Pirate _____________________________________ captures Spanish ships and is named
the commissioner of _____________________________.
1819: The __________________________________: Settles Neutral Ground boundary dispute;
____________________________ becomes the eastern boundary b/w Spain and U.S.; Spain
gave _______________ to U.S. and U.S. agreed to surrender all claims to control ____________
[Summer] _____________________ Expedition: A force of 300 rebels invades Texas and easily
captures town of Nacogdoches, where they declare Texas a free an independent republic
1821: [August] Treaty of _______________ is signed; Spanish colonial province of Texas became a
territory of a free and independent __________________.
UNIT 2 PEOPLE ID: Spanish Colonialism to Mexican Independence (Pre-AP)
Directions: Using your Unit 2 Notes, Unit 2 Plan, and Textbook (Ch. 6 & 7), complete the People
Identifications below. Be sure to include the full names with correct spelling and capitalization.
1. ____________________________
French pirate who sided with the U.S. against Great Britain during the
War of 1812. Moved his base to Galveston Island, claiming to support
Mexican independence. Was more interested in taking valuable cargo
from Spanish ships. Legend has it he buried treasure along Gulf Coast.
2. ____________________________
Spanish military commander given charge of territory from northern
Mexico to San Antonio River. Founded 20 settlements including Laredo.
Sometimes called “the father of the lower Rio Grande Valley”.
3. ____________________________
Spanish Leader of East Texan settlers who founded town of
Nacogdoches near Mission Guadalupe in 1779.
4. ____________________________
Spanish friar who knew Tejas people at San Francisco de los Tejas.
Without Spanish permission, he wrote a letter asking French authorities
to rebuild mission for Tejas people. France responded by sending Louis
de St. Denis to negotiate with Spanish authorities.
5. ____________________________
Spanish priest in village of Dolores who issued a grito for a Mexican
rebellion against Spanish authorities. Was later executed for treason.
6. ____________________________
Spanish Franciscan missionary (or priest) who founded mission Los
Adaes and mission San Jose—the most successful of the Spanish
missions in Texas.
7. ____________________________
American lieutenant and West Point graduate who resigned from U.S.
Army and joined Jose Bernardo Gutierrez de Lara’s Texas expedition as a
military commander. At first, they won several battles against Spanish
troops. When he died, he was replaced by American Samuel Kemper.
8. ____________________________
Spanish friar (or Catholic church official) on Alonso de Leon’s expedition
in East Texas in 1689 who befriended the Caddo Hasanai people. In
1690, he returned to East Texas to establish the first Spanish mission in
East Texas—San Francisco de los Tejas.
9. ____________________________
Spanish military governor of Louisiana who opened the port of New
Orleans to American ships and made generous contributions of
weapons, clothing, money, and medical supplies to American troops.
Chosen to lead Spanish forces in 1779. His efforts helped secure the
southern states from the British.
10. ____________________________
Mexican-born Spanish soldier that told American leaders of his plans to
free Texas from Spanish rule in 1811. Convinced American soldier
Augustus Magee to join his expedition. As overall commander, his
expedition began one of the earliest Texas Revolution movements.