.Math Rotation/Due Dates Group: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Centers Teacher Instruction: Small group. Introduce key skills based on student levels. Direct instruction Math Core Work: Students will be working on corresponding math assignment. They will complete this assignment using materials, manipulatives, and team members. Skill Days: Will be on Wednesday for whole class. This will be used as wholeclass instruction for any skills that need to be addressed with all students. This is also a flex day for any additional work or tests that need to be addressed. Fact Study: Students study their quick facts in all four major operations. Students play intensive, math games to help reinforce current skills. All work is recorded on math log and showcased at follow up session. Follow up Session Study Island: Students will work on personalized study island account on various skills. Must be in test mode and complete at least 30 questions per session. Must earn blue ribbon in each corresponding skill area. Assigned Math Skill Day Facts/Game: Research Follow up: Grade assignments, answer specific questions, reassess/make adaptations. Cha-Cha Krumpin’ Tango Teacher Mini Lesson, Discussion, Skill Practice, Turn in work Research One session, Research, Extension Facts/Game: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division Complete assignment, review answers, skill work, comprise questions. Teacher Mini Lesson, Discussion, Skill Practice, Turn in work Whole Group, Study Island, Break offs, Work Day, Test Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division Strategy/Skill Game Skill Day Whole Group, Study Island, Break offs, Work Day, Test Assigned Math Complete assignment, review answers, skill work, comprise questions. Assigned Math Complete assignment, review answers, skill work, comprise questions. Due Weekly (Rotation): o 1-2 Study Island Sessions- Test mode o Math Assignment o Fact/Game Log o Buckle Down Session Facts/Game: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division Strategy/Skill Game Research Skill Day Teacher Assigned Math Facts/Game: Skill Day Research Teacher One session, Research, Extension Whole Group, Study Island, Break offs, Work Day, Test Mini Lesson, Discussion, Skill Practice, Turn in work Strategy/Skill Game Hip Hop One session, Research, Extension Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division Strategy/Skill Game Whole Group, Study Island, Break offs, Work Day, Test One session, Research, Extension Complete assignment, review answers, skill work, comprise questions. Mini Lesson, Discussion, Skill Practice, Turn in work