Ms. Mixson’s Lesson Plans Math-3rd & 4th Grade Addition and Subtraction Word Problems 11/1/10-11/5/10 COMPONENTS Preplanning: Objective: When provided addition or subtraction story word problems, the student will correctly solve the problem 2 out of 2 times. Rationale/relevance: This lesson is related to the following SC curriculum standards: 3-2.3 Apply an algorithm to add and subtract whole umbers fluently. 3-1.1 Analyze information to solve increasingly more sophisticated problems. 4-3.5 Apply procedures to find the value of an unknown letter or symbol in a whole-number equation. 4-1.1 Analyze information to solve increasingly more sophisticated problems. The IEP goals for the students relate to basic math facts; addition, subtraction, multiplication and/or division. This lesson focuses on knowing when to use these basic math facts when given a word problem. Related to students’ lives/broader purpose: Understanding when to use basic math facts to solve story problems is directly related to real life situations. Students must know which operation is appropriate when encountering similar situation in real life. Materials/technology: SMARTBoard SMARTBoard presentation of problem-solving strategy Study Island link for examples and practice Clickers Dry erase board/makers/erasers 1. Set up: Students will come to the room and put their belongings in the Cubbies. I will ring the chimes to indicate it is time to begin the lesson. Remember to get your compliment for the day you must use active listening and participation during class 2. Lesson opening: Today we are going to read story word problems and determine which operation, addition or subtraction is needed to solve the problems. All of the previous information you have learned about place value, rounding, regrouping with addition and subtraction will be needed to solve word problems. Knowing how to solve word problems is important because they are similar to real life math problems. You can apply the same strategies to solve real life math problems you may encounter. 3. Lesson body: Teacher Demonstrations/Explanation: First, I will explain the RIDE problem-solving strategy. Then I will model using the strategy to solve a word problem from the Study Island website. Guided Practice: I will guide the students through using the proper steps to solve a word problem from the Study Island website. Active Participation: Students will solve problems using their own dry erase boards and will select their answers using the interactive clickers. Time 2 2 20 Ms. Mixson’s Lesson Plans Math-3rd & 4th Grade Addition and Subtraction Word Problems 11/1/10-11/5/10 Check for understanding: After guided practice, students will solve problems on their own and select their answers using the interactive clickers. The response system will show me their answers and I will review to determine that the objective was met. 4. Extended practice: Students will complete an independent activity on Study Island. 5. Lesson closing: After the lesson I will summarize the RIDE strategy and how to use it to solve a word problem. 6. Evaluation: Students will be given 2 story word problems from Study Island. They will use their dry erase boards to solve the problems and will select their answers using the interactive clickers. I will record their performance on the chart below. Student Performance Student 10 5 Performance