Key Stage One Newsletter Spring 2016 Our Island Home Terms 3&4 Please remember…. P.E. kit needs to come to school on Monday morning and can go home on Friday afternoon. Earring tape is essential!! The more you read, the better you are at everything!! Please read with your child at home every day! For snack on Friday you can be something delicious (but healthy, of course!) from home. Spelling Tests are on a Friday morning. Please help your child learn their spellings. Could you be our Mathlete of the week? Log in to Mathletics. You have to play to win! Remember to use your Purple Mash logins there are lots of fun activities waiting to be played. Welcome to the Spring Term! What shall we be learning? – Our Island Home – We will be learning about the United Kingdom, the countries that makeup our island and the capital cities within them. We will be finding out lots about the island we all call home. Literacy Non-fiction and fiction writing – facts about the UK and related story making. Developing more complex sentence structure and vocabulary Poetry. Post cards and letters. Science Materials and their uses and how seasonal changes affect us. Collecting data as an ongoing process linked to the changing seasons and weather patterns History Design Technology Textiles – weaving and plaiting. Numeracy Ask questions about people’s lives in the past and compare to today. Learn about key events from the past. P.E. Dance: create a sequence of movements to make up a dance. Netball – introducing ball skills and team tactics and positioning Computing Programming Digital literacy E-Safety Geography Continuous learning Reading. Guided reading. Daily phonics. Handwriting. Calendar. Use maps to plan directions and routes. Identify different features of the U.K. e.g. towns and cities. Working towards their targets on learning ladders. Mental agility. Problem solving. Introducing and memorising 2,5 and 10 multiplication tables . Art and Design Carry out an artist study. Collage.. Music and Drama Using role play and cameo to act out stories and historical events in preparation for writing. Learning to keep a beat and exploring sounds. R.E Prayers in relation to Islam and the Easter story.