04 Sep

Paulton Parish Council
MInutes of the meeting of Paulton Parish Council held in the
Meeting Room at Paulton Village Hall on Tuesday 4 September 2012 starting at 7.00pm
The Hall Administrator advised the meeting of the emergency evacuation procedure for the room and
building as detailed on the notice on the door of the Meeting Room.
ATTENDED by Mr A Arnold, Mr T Bridgeman, Mr M Colliver, Mr G Dix, Mrs K Fear, Mr T Gardiner,
Mrs E Hardman, Mr J Humphries, Mrs R James, Mrs S Long, Mrs A Lyons, Mrs L Madden,
Mr B Newton, Mr H Warren, Mrs M Wild and Mr L Wild (Chair).
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE were received and accepted from Mrs M Barrett, Mrs J Brookes and
Mr R Piper (refer to attendance record for detail of apologies).
Mrs James and Mrs Long declared an interest in the swimming pool.
The minutes of the above meetings were approved by members as a true record and signed by the
The Chair advised members that he was bringing forward the item on the agenda about the
replacement of the windows in the village hall to enable the Hall Administrator to address the
The Hall Administrator advised members that following the discussion at the Finance
Committee meeting on 28 August 2012 she has obtained the following quotations (inclusive of
VAT) to replace the 7 lower and the 3 arched windows on the front elevation and the 2
windows facing the car park:
Premier Plastics
Westfield Windows
The Administrator explained that Techiglaze manufacture their own windows but Premier
Plastics and Westfield Windows contract other companies to make their windows.
Pro. Mr Colliver that Westfield Windows are contracted to supply the windows for the
hall. There was no seconder for the proposal.
Pro. Mrs Long, sec. Mrs James that the quotation from Techiglaze be accepted.
The Administrator advised members that it will be approximately 8 weeks before the windows
are installed.
Mrs Brookes was appointed to serve on the Parks and Local Environment Committees and
Mr Bridgeman, Mr Dix, Mr Piper and Mr Warren on the Finance Committee.
The minutes of the meeting held on 10 July 2012 and the draft minutes of the meeting held on
28 August 2012 were received by the members.
Annual Return for the year ended 31 March 2012
Clerk advised members that the report from Mazars LLP, the external auditor, on the council’s
annual return for the year ended 31 March 2012 has been received and there are no matters
arising. Copies of the auditor’s certificate are available from the Clerk. Noted.
Code of Conduct
Clerk reported that she has been informed that Bath & North East Somerset Council will be
issuing a Code of Conduct (based on the NALC template but with some amendments) which
they will be advising all parish councils in the area to adopt. It was noted that it is important
for councils to adopt a new form of the Code of Conduct as soon as possible.
It was agreed that the Clerk and Chair should liaise about how to proceed when the template
Code of Conduct has been received from Bath & North Eat Somerset Council.
Local Environment
The draft minutes of the meeting held on 11 July 2012 were received by the members.
Paulton in Bloom
It was noted that the Paulton in Bloom group has been advised that they will be receiving an
award for their entry in the Bath in Bloom competition.
Thank were conveyed to Mr Bull for his help with the organisation of the entry and
congratulations to Mrs Madden for her personal success in the Paulton in Bloom competition.
The draft minutes of the meeting held on 14 August 2012 were received by the members.
Grass cutting
Mrs Madden asked if the grass could be collected when the groundsman cuts the grass in
the recreation areas. Mr Colliver said he will obtain information about the machinery that will
be required.
It was noted that the standard of cutting of the grass areas on the housing estates in the
village will be discussed at the Local Environment Committee meeting on 11 September.
The draft minutes of the meeting held on 28 August 2012 were received by the members.
Avon Pension Fund
Pro. Mrs Colliver, sec Mr Dix that Jane Cross be designated as a member of the Avon
Pension fund. RESOLVED.
Employment of Administrative Assistant
Pro. Mr Bridgeman, sec. Mr Dix that the contracted hours of work for the council’s
administrative assistant be increased from 10 to 15 per week. RESOLVED.
Youth Club
Clerk reported that a meeting of the Youth Group had been held earlier in the day. The Youth
Club has run very successfully during the summer holiday period and the Youth Support
Workers are pleased with the general behaviour of the young people and also how they are
interacting with the youth workers and volunteers. The number of young people attending
the youth club is steadily increasing and the previous evening 18 had attended including 5
Paulton Amenities and Wildlife Site (PAWS)
Mrs Wild reported that there has been no progress with regard to the transfer of Oxlease, the
wildlife and allotment areas to Paulton Parish Council but a considerable amount of work has
been carried out in the area by the developers, including the dredging and landscaping of the
Mrs Long queried if evidence has been received that the land has been decontaminated –
Clerk to investigate.
Swimming Pool
Structural repairs
Mrs James reported that the works are progressing well and the foreman on site expects
the project to be completed on time, according to schedule.
Sport England Grant
It was noted that Solarsense is visiting the pool on 5 September as the company has been
asked to prepare a solar energy scheme for the pool for a maximum cost of £32,000. The
proposed scheme will include the installation of solar panels to heat the water.
The total grant awarded by Sport England is £50,000 of which £8,000 has been spent on new
windows and a hoist and £10,000 is allocated for a new LED lighting scheme. Mrs James
explained that the committee had intended to install a suspended ceiling but as this is not a
viable proposition Sport England has agreed that the funds originally awarded for the ceiling
can be spent on an enhanced solar energy scheme
Transfer of trusteeship
The Clerk reported that following the council meeting on 30 July when the council had agreed
to take on the trusteeship of the pool both the council and the Swimming Pool Management
Committee sought guidance from the Charity Commission about how this should be
implemented. The committee consulted a solicitor who has, in line with the advice from the
Charity Commission, drafted a revised constitution for the charity transferring trusteeship
to the council. An AGM of the committee was subsequently held on 3 September when the
committee resolved to change the constitution for the charity to transfer the trusteeship to the
council and the serving trustees resigned.
The relevant documents will be forwarded to the Charity Commission at which time the
council will take over the role of trustee body for the swimming pool.
The Chair conveyed the thanks of the council to the pool committee for their exceptional work
in transforming the pool to its current high standard when it had been on the brink of closure.
Management of the pool
Pro. Mr Colliver, sec. Mr Warren that the Finance Committee be delegated
responsibility by the council, in their role as trustee body for the pool, to manage the
swimming pool. RESOLVED.
Quality Council status
The Chair advised members that the council’s Quality Council status expires in January 2013
and it will be necessary to apply for reaccreditation if the council is to retain Quality Council
status. He advised that to prepare the application it will require a considerable amount of time
and work. This was noted and members agreed that the Clerk should prepare an application
for reaccreditation.
Members were reminded that they had been given Training Needs Assessment forms earlier
in the year. Additional forms were circulated and members were asked to complete and
return them to the Clerk.
Arnhem Memorial Service
It was noted that the Arnhem Memorial Service was held on 2 September 2012 and was well
supported by the local community.
Members agreed to make a donation of £50 to the Arnhem Memorial Committee to assist with
the costs of hiring Paulton Villlage Hall for the event.
The meeting ended at 8.10pm