08 Nov - Paulton Parish Council

Paulton Parish Council
Minutes of the meeting of Paulton Parish Council held in the
Meeting Room at Paulton Village Hall on Tuesday 8 November 2011 starting at 7.00pm
Prior to the commencement of the meeting Mr John Bull spoke about a recent meeting of the Somer
Valley Partnership that he had attended - Mr Bull represents Paulton Parish Council at the meetings.
He explained that a representative from Bath Tourism Plus had spoken at the meeting and caused a
considerable amount of dissatisfaction as his talk had focused on Bath. As a result the Somer Valley
Partnership will be putting forward proposals to promote tourism in the local area.
Mr Bull also advised that a proposal is being considered to hold film show at venues in rural areas.
This was supported by the members.
ATTENDED by Mr T Bridgeman, Mr M Colliver, Mr G Dix, Mrs E Hardman, Mr J Humphries,
Mrs R James, Mrs S Long, Mrs A Lyons, Mr B Newton, Mr H Warren, Mrs M Wild and Mr L Wild
Also in attendance were Mr J Bull and a parishioner.
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE were received and accepted from Mr R Dowling, Mrs K Fear and
Mrs L Madden (refer to attendance record for detail of apologies).
The Chair reported that he has spoken with Mrs Fear and she is keen to continue serving as a
councillor although, due to health reasons, she has not attended any meetings for nearly six months.
The Chair asked that the council agree to extend her absence for a further six months to enable her
to continue her role as a Paulton Parish Councillor. This was agreed by the members and the Clerk
will advise Mrs Fear.
Mrs Long declared an interest in any matters arising concerning the swimming pool.
The minutes of the above meetings were approved by members as a true record and signed by the
Street naming – residential development adjoining Hallatrow Road 94 ii)
Clerk reported that Lyn Parfitt, Bath & North East Somerset Council has confirmed that the
streets in phase 1 of the Bovis Homes development, on the former print works site, will be
named Shoe Lane, Pigeon Field, Twelve Acres and Paper Lane. Noted.
Clerk advised members that no applications have been received. Due to the resignation of
Mr Ken Ellis there are now four vacancies on the council.
The minutes of the meeting held on 11 October and the draft minutes of the meeting held on
25 October 2011 were received by the members.
It was noted that the next meeting of the Finance Committee is being held at 7.00pm on
15 November 2011.
Parish council and village hall agreement 14 i)
Copies of a draft agreement detailing the responsibilities of the two parties, Paulton Parish
Council and Paulton Village Hall Trustees, with regard to the hall had been circulated to all
members before the meeting. There were no queries arising.
Pro. Mr Newton, sec. Mr Humphries that the agreement between the two parties be
approved and implemented with effect from 1 January 2012. RESOLVED.
The draft minutes of the meeting held on 18 October 2011 were received by the members.
Traffic Management Study
Clerk reported that a meeting of the traffic study group had been held on 26 October 2011.
The schemes approved by members at the meeting on 18 October had been discussed with
the Bath & North East Somerset Council officers, Stefan Chiffers and Tony Rutter.
Mr Rutter is now in the process of updating the plans for the public exhibitions in November.
These will be circulated to members before the exhibitions to enable members to familiarise
themselves with the details of the proposals.
ii) Winter Maintenance Pilot Study
Information received from Kelvin Packer, Bath & North East Somerset Council about a
Community Snow Warden Pilot Trial. Members of communities in Bath & North East
Somerset are being asked to express interest in becoming snow wardens and 15
communities will then be selected to take part in the pilot scheme. Bath & North East
Somerset will provide the necessary training and basic equipment but the role of Community
Snow Warden is entirely voluntary.
Clerk reported that Mr and Mrs Broderick, 16 Wallenge Drive, have contacted her with regard
to putting their names forward to be snow wardens for the Gregorys Tyning, Wallenge Drive,
Valley View and Brookside areas of the village. It was noted that the Clerk will forward their
contact details to Mr Packer.
The draft minutes of the meeting held on 19 October 2011 were received by the members.
Cemetery store
It was noted that specifications for the store had been issued for quotations to three local
builders but only two have responded. It was suggested that the Clerk ask Dennis Sheppard
for a quotation for the work and it was agreed to delegate consideration and acceptance of a
quotation to the Finance Committee.
Mr Humphries expressed his concern that the council do not have a formal contract to issue
to contractors undertaking building work for the council. It was agreed to refer the matter to
the Finance Committee for consideration - Mr Humphries will investigate and report to the
The minutes of the meeting held on 27 September 2011 were received by the members. The
Clerk reported to members on the planning applications considered at the meeting on
8 November 2011.
The Chair explained that due to the overlap of issues being considered by the Public
Relations & Publicity Working Party and the Regeneration Working Party it had been agreed
to recommend to the council that the working parties should merge to form one group.
In addition, considering the importance of the regeneration issues being considered, it has
been suggested that this group should be a committee of the council, a Local Environment
Committee, and not a working party. This was agreed by members and it was noted that noncouncillors can serve on the committee although they will not be entitled to vote.
Members also agreed that the Amenities Committee should merge with the Parks Committee
to form one committee, retaining the name of the Parks Committee, and the work of the
Staffing Committee should be extended to include responsibility for drafting policies in
addition to those that relate directly to employment.
Swimming Pool
Mrs James reported that the new management structure at the pool is working well.
She asked the council to appoint a member to work/liaise with the committee with regard to
matters relating to the pool building.
It was noted that Bath & North East Somerset Council carried out a condition survey of the
building several months ago but despite requests from the Clerk and Mrs James a report on
the survey has still not been received. Mr Bull was asked to make enquiries.
107. Public Relations & Publicity Working Party
Clerk reported on matters arising from a meeting of the working party held on 1 November
The necessary arrangements have been made for the Christmas ‘Lights-On’ on
Saturday 3 December 2011
A letter from the Chair of the council, had been delivered to all shops and pubs in the
village centre asking if they would be willing to erect and decorate a Christmas tree in
a prominent position, either outside or inside their premises, where it can be easily
seen from the footway/road. It will be the responsibility of the shop owner to erect and
decorate their tree but the council will supply the trees. The shop owners had been
asked to respond by the end of October but there has only been one request for a tree
- the Winterfield Inn. The Chair will now be calling into the shops to encourage the
owners to take part in the scheme.
The 2012 Annual Assembly will be held on Tuesday 1 May and youth worker
Tracey Pike has agreed to speak at the meeting.
A council ‘Autumn Newsletter’ has been prepared and is in the process of being
delivered to every house in the parish.
Paulton Regeneration Working Party
Clerk reported on matters arising from a meeting of the working party held on 1 November
Alison Wells, Community Projects Officer for Bath & North East Somerset Council, had
attended the meeting to speak about the Britain in Bloom competition - the judging is
based on 50% of the marks being awarded for horticulture achievement, 25% for
environmental responsibility and 25% on community participation. She considers that
one of the main benefits of a village being involved in the competition is the increased
sense of community pride that develops over a period of time. Members had agreed
at the meeting that it will be essential for a Paulton community group to be set up to
progress an application if it is decided that Paulton should enter the competition.
There has been no response from shop owners to take part in a ‘Christmas Window’
Enquiries are in the process of being made about the intentions of the owner of the
boarded-up shops in the High Street.
Liz Hardman had advised that the issues regarding the lease for the proposed library
in Hill Court have been resolved and an application for Local Strategic Partnership
funding for the project has been submitted. A decision on the funding application is
likely to be made in January 2012.
Consideration is being given to holding a coffee morning for the residents on the new
developments to encourage their integration in the village.
Party in the Park will be combined with a Queen’s Diamond Jubilee event on Saturday
2 June 2012 and a Cultural Olympic event is being organised in July 2012.
Guy Edwards is leading the organisation of the event on 2 June and Audrey Simpson
the event in July.
Kerr Stirling spoke about the Community Plan and advised that there is information in
the Plan about the traffic and highway issues currently being addressed in the traffic
study by Bath & North East Somerset Council.
Mr Bull advised members that an approach will be made to the Gardening Club, recently set
up in the Wesley Hall, about becoming involved in a Paulton entry in the Britain in Bloom
competition. Mr Bull also advised that Mrs Ida Anscomb, a local resident, is keen to get
involved in setting up a community committee to progress an application for the competition.
Youth Action Working Party
Clerk reported that an application to the Youth Enablement Fund, set up by Bath & North East
Somerset Council has been submitted. The application is for funding to employ a youth
worker, on Monday evenings, to enable a weekly youth session to be held in Paulton Village
Hall, in addition to the weekly service provided from the Mobile Youth Hub.
The council will be informed by 29 November 2011 if the application has been successful.
Paulton Amenities and Wildlife Site (PAWS)
At the ‘special’ meeting on 18 October 2011 members had agreed to support the transfer of
Oxlease, the wildlife and allotment areas to Paulton Parish Council subject to members being
satisfied with the terms of the agreement and that the land will be conveyed in an acceptable
standard. It was noted that the draft Heads of Terms for the agreement have not yet been
received from Purnell Property Partnership.
The meeting ended at 7.50pm