08 Nov - Paulton Parish Council

Paulton Parish Council
Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on
8 November 2011 starting at 2.30pm in the Meeting Room at the Village Hall
The meeting was attended by Mr M Colliver, Mr G Dix, Mrs E Hardman, Mr J Humphries,
Mr B Newton, Mr H Warren and Mr L Wild.
Also in attendance were Mrs M Barrett, Mr T Bridgeman, Mrs A Lyons, Mrs M Wild and Mr J Bull.
Election of Chair and Vice-chair
Mr Wild explained that Mr Ellis has resigned from the council and the role of Chair of the Planning
Committee therefore needs to be filled. Mr Wild stressed the importance of the position and the need
for the Chair to be able to interpret plans and to understand the planning process.
Mr Humphries offered to take on the role after he familiarises himself with the work involved. It was
agreed that Mr Wild should act as Chair for an interim period.
An apology for absence was received from Mrs S Long.
Declarations of Interest
Mrs Hardman advised members that as a member of Bath & North East Somerset Council’s
Development Control Committee she will not vote or take part in discussions about planning
applications being considered at the meeting.
Mr T Bridgeman and Mr M Colliver declared an interest in the application for 7 Valley View Road
(ref 752).
Minutes of the Meeting held on 27 September 2011
The minutes were approved by the meeting and signed by the Chair
Planning Applications
Members considered the following applications received from Bath & North East Somerset
Paulton Enterprise Park Ltd, Paulton House, Old Mills. Change of use from office to a
gymnasium and soft play centre (Class D2 Assembly and Leisure) (Part of building
Mr M Bridges, 1 Old Mills Lane. Erection of a two storey extension on southern side of
existing cottage and single storey rear extension to replace existing conservatory,
provision of roof lights into existing kitchen roof (revised resubmission).
Object. Over-development of the site and members are concerned about the hedge
obscuring visibility at the junction
Mr S Rowlands, 7 Valley View Road. Erection of 2m high close board fence to south
Object to the height of the fence which is out of character with the surrounding
Mr D Church, Withy Mills Cottage, Hanham Lane.
Fell ash tree.
Support. The ash should be replaced with a native species tree.
Tesco Stores Ltd, Tesco, Old Mills. Erection of an extension to the existing Class 1 retail
food store, re-location of petrol filling station and associated works.
Support the application subject to the following comments:
As a principle, Paulton Parish council does not support the change of use of
agricultural land to “commercial” land.
Paulton Parish Council, whilst pleased that the existing mature Oak tree is to be
remain, regrets the loss of other existing trees and natural habitat. If this
application is granted, suitable new trees and natural habitat of a similar nature to
the current species must be replanted.
Due to the increase in customer and goods vehicle traffic, improvements to the
A362 to the west of the store and the roundabout at the junction of Phillis Hill and
Thicketmead are necessary to improve safety.
No increase in the current noise levels experienced by near-by residents should
occur due to the greater number of delivery vehicles accessing and exiting the
premises or from delivery vehicles on the premises with engines or refrigeration
units running.
Reduction in “light pollution” should be vigorously pursued.
Section 106 monies should be allocated to Paulton to:
Carry out highway works to improve safety as a result of the extra traffic
levels caused by more customers accessing and exiting the store via the
village of Paulton
Improve public transport links with Tesco
Carry out works in the centre of the village to assist existing businesses
maintain trading viability and encourage new businesses.
Mr L Bryant, 25 Mendip Close. Erection of a single storey side extension.
Object – over-development of the site.
Notices of planning consent and refusal
Bath & North East Somerset Council has granted planning permission for the following
Mr L Rogers and Mrs M Maule, 58 Meadow Road.
Erection of a pair of semi-detached houses.
Mr M Bowell, 46 Elm Road.
Provision of a pitched roof to existing garage to replace flat roof and a car port with
translucent roof.
Mr T Timms, Lock up garages adj to Royal British Legions Club, High Street.
Demolition of garages.
Mr T Timms, Lock up garages adj to Royal British Legions Club, High Street.
Erection of 2 no flats following demolition of garages (resubmission).
Bath & North East Somerset Council has refused planning permission for the following
Mr A Sahin, 3 The Mead.
Erection of first floor side extension and ‘through floor’ lift.
Bath & North East Somerset Council has granted a ‘Certificate of Lawfulness for an Existing Use’
for the following application:
Mr N Hutchins, New Barn Farm, Withy Mills.
Use of part of building as a single independent dwellinghouse.
The meeting ended at 3.40pm.