Paulton Parish Council Minutes of the meeting of the Finance Committee held on Tuesday 16 October 2012 starting at 7.00pm in the Meeting Room at the Village Hall Attended by Mr T Bridgman, Mr M Colliver, Mr G Dix, Mrs E Hardman, Mrs S Long, Mrs A Lyons, Mr R Piper, Mr H Warren, Mr L Wild (Chair) and Mrs M Wild. Also in attendance were Mr A Arnold and Mr T Gardiner. An apology for absence was received from Mr J Humphries. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 28 AUGUST 2012 The minutes of the above meeting were approved by the members as a true record and signed by the Chair. 71. SWIMMING POOL i) Trusteeship 70 ii) Clerk read email received from Kenneth Rogers, Charity Commission, confirming that the change to trusteeship took effect and the parish council became Sole Trustee from the time the resolution was adopted at the General Meeting (3 September 2012). The parish council will continue as Sole Trustee until a subsequent quorate General Meeting of the inhabitants of the area votes otherwise, as provided for in the new constitution. Mr Rogers stated that the co-operation of Paulton Parish Council in actively assisting with the future administration of the charity’s interests and property has been noted by the Commission and is greatly appreciated. ii) Management The Chair explained that a meeting had been held on 15 October 2012 with representatives of the council, Rachel James and Garry Yoxall. A report prepared by Mrs James on matters discussed at the meeting was circulated to members. The Chair advised that he would like a working party to be set-up to be responsible for the management of the pool. He suggested that he should serve on the working party with Mr Colliver, Mrs Long, Mrs Lyons, Mr Piper, Mrs Wild, Mrs James, Mr Yoxall and the Clerk. This was agreed by the members. It was noted that the working party will report to the Finance Committee and matters that require a decision concerning expenditure will be referred to the Finance Committee. iii) Appointment of signatories It was noted that at the present time only one signatory is required for payments from the pool bank accounts. Members agreed that all payments should require two signatures and the members of the pool working party and the council’s administrative assistant, Jane Cross, should be appointed as signatories in addition to the existing signatory, Rachel James. It was agreed that Mrs James be asked to present a list of payments made for the pool at meetings of the working party. iv) Expenditure Mrs James has advised that the current manual system for recording cash received and inputting data is very time consuming, outdated and risky. Alternative methods have been investigated and the most suitable and cost effective has been identified as the EZ Facility a web based software system. The initial capital expenditure for the system is £3,308 inc VAT and in addition there is a monthly payment of £149 plus VAT for the software licence. Members agreed that Mrs James be authorised to proceed with the purchase of the system. 1 The Chair advised that the hours of employment allocated to manage the pool were reduced when there was a change in pool manager and Mrs James has requested that her hours be increased by 4 hours per week to 28, initially for 3 months. This was agreed by the members. A capital investment plan has been prepared by Mrs James and Mr Yoxall and in addition to the purchase of the EZ Facility the need to resolve the slip risk outside the main entrance door and install non-slip flooring in the staff room have been identified as priorities. The total estimated cost for these works is £1,250. Members agreed that Mrs James be authorised to proceed with organising these works. v) Sport England grant It was noted that a total grant of £50,000 has been awarded by Sport England to the pool. Mr Yoxall is managing the grant and is anticipating receiving the first payment from Sport England for the costs incurred in replacing the windows and installing a hoist (total cost approximately £9,000) in the very near future. Solarsence have been contracted to install a photovoltaic solar system and a tube solar system (total cost £31,470) and Mr Piper advised that the work to install the solar panels is due to commence next week. The majority of the balance of the grant will be spent on installing a new lighting system around the pool and enquiries are currently in progress to identify the best, most suitable system for the building. vi) Indemnity for the former trustees At the request of the former trustees it was agreed that the Clerk should draft a letter, for approval by the Chair, indemnifying the former trustees against any claims on historical issues excluding matters relating to negligence or fraud. vii) Accounting and budgeting system Members agreed that Mrs James be delegated authority to spend up to £500 on any single transaction, in addition to the normal routine expenditure at the pool, without obtaining the advance approval of the Finance Committee. Mr Piper stressed the need for a full budgeting system at the pool to enable members to compare, on a regular basis, actual income and expenditure to estimated projected figures. This will also apply to footfall/customers and the numbers required to breakeven on individual sessions and overall. It was noted that a meeting of the pool working party is being held on 29 October to prepare a draft budget for the pool for 2013/14. This will then be considered by the Finance Committee at their next meeting on 30 October. 72. VILLAGE HALL i) Windows The administrator has advised that Techniglaze has been instructed to replace the windows on the front elevation of the hall. The windows will be installed in approximately 8-10 weeks. As a result of the insurance claim, submitted for vandalism to the windows, £950 has been received from the insurance company and an additional £240 is due to be paid. ii) Storage area The administrator is in the process of asking local builders for quotations for the work. iii) Purnell Memorial Garden The administrator has been contacted by Liz Hardman, on behalf of Paulton in Bloom, who would like to carry out some work in the area. The administrator has asked to attend the next meeting of the group to discuss the matter. 2 iv) Youth Club It was noted that the interior entrance door was damaged during a recent youth club session. The lock has been glued back in but the wood has split. v) Toilets The administrator has obtained a quotation from Somer 2000 Ltd to install fans in the male and female toilets. The cost to install the fans is £818.31 and there will be an additional charge of £321.06 to drill the holes in the walls and install ducts to dress the holes. Somer 2000 has advised that the drilling work could be carried out by a builder. Members agreed that the administrator should be asked to seek further advice and obtain an additional quotation for the work. vi) Maintenance contracts Clerk reported that the annual maintenance contracts for the following are due for renewal with Somer 2000 Ltd: i) ii) Fire alarm, emergency lighting, PAT testing and entertainments licence – cost £405.60 Intruder alarm in office/rear entrance area - cost £163.80. Members agreed that the above two maintenance contracts with Somer 2000 Ltd should be renewed. 73. SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS Members noted/approved the payment of the following accounts/invoices by the Clerk: 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 D Channell – Youth Support Worker salary (August) £45.28 Inland Revenue - employees’ and employer’s national insurance and tax (August 2012) £1,364.86 B&NES - employees’ and employer’s pension contributions & pension deficit (August 2012) £1,453.60 M Cole – repairs to Memorial Park boundary wall £408.00 ALCA – “Good Councillor” training course attended by Jane Cross £75.00 Viking – copier paper £67.91 Waste Recycling – skip clearance (August 2012) £132.00 Konica - photocopier charges £32.84 Line Business Services – IOSH 4 day safety course attended by Jane Cross and Gail Garlick £1,188.00 Double Hills Arnhem Committee – donation £50.00 Casswells – carbon monoxide and smoke alarms for Cemetery Lodge £30.55 BT – office internet service £163.20 SALC – Clerks 1 & 2 and CiLCA training courses attended by Jane Cross £310.00 Broker Network Ltd – motor policy premium £619.44 Viking – printer cartridges and flash drive £61.75 DJ Phillips – repairs to wide-cut mower £54.00 Konica - photocopier charges £32.84 Bright & Breezy – cleaning pool changing rooms etc following building works £1,200.00 E.ON – electricity a/cs toilets (Red Lion & recreation ground) £18.02 B&NES – ½ year business rates for cemetery £336.00 and public convenience £332.00 £668.00 Colman Building Contractors – structural works to pool roof £25,385.48 David Simmonds Associates – contract administrator’s post contract work re 112 above £914.98 Petty cash a/c (24 September 2012) £200.00 D Channell – Youth Support Worker salary (September) £122.40 NALC – Quality Council reaccreditation application fee £240.00 McAllister Associates – balance of fee for CDM co-ordinator services re 112 above £720.00 3 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 DJ Phillips – repairs to grass cutter J Plucknett – reimbursement for Norton anti-virus subscription for office computers Inland Revenue - employees’ and employer’s national insurance and tax (September 2012) B&NES - employees’ and employer’s pension contributions & pension deficit (September 2012) SSE – parish street light maintenance charge (July – September) Direct debits to Talk Mobile – groundsman’s mobile telephone (September & October 2 x £6.59) E.ON – supply to parish street lights (July – September) Cam Valley Wildlife Group – annual subscription DJ Phillips – repairs to wide cut mower £72.00 and “Hurricane” vacuum £286.51 ALCA – “Financing Your Parish Council” training course attended by Jeff Humphries Waste Recycling – skip clearance (September 2012) Fosseway Press – receipt books for cemetery fees Paulton Village Hall – hall hire for youth club (July - September 2012) BT – office telephone a/c Paulton Village Hall – office rent (October – December 2012) Direct debit to Public Works Loan Board – ½ yr loan repayment for village hall extension The meeting ended at 8.55pm. 4 £129.43 £44.99 £1,201.00 £1,421.42 £52.22 £13.18 £22.91 £5.00 £358.51 £20.00 £132.00 £60.00 £238.50 £90.39 £750.00 £8,858.60