Museum Book Report


Name:__________________________________ Language Arts-6



DIRECTIONS: After choosing carefully and reading your “Just Right” captivating novel, you will be creating an innovative and thorough

“Museum Book Report” about it. In other words, you will create a museum display, containing detailed, and pleasing-to-the-eye exhibits of your book.

The guidelines for your “Museum Book Report” and exhibit requirements are as follows:

GUIDELINES-written in paragraph structure:

 The Museum Book Report must be displayed on a large Tri-fold

Project Board.

 Book report must include a well-structured title, author, and genre of book on the Display board, large enough to catch a spectator’s eye.

 Each of the following exhibits are to be typed using 14-16 font size, and with a respectable and readable font type-Calibri, Times New

Roman, Arial, etc.

 SUMMARY EXHIBIT 1 : will contain a synopsis (summary) of the book.

 Be sure to be detailed and thorough in your summary of the plot

(remember important plot elements).

 EXPOSITION EXHIBIT 2 : will describe the setting of the book in detail. Include where the story takes place, the time period, and any other important information about the setting.

 This slice will also identify the names of the protagonist, antagonist, and other essential, supporting characters in the novel.

 CENTRAL CONFLICT EXHIBIT 3 : will discuss the novel's CENTRAL


 Describe in detail the central conflict the protagonist faces in the novel.

 You MUST also identify this conflict as one or more of the five conflicts of literature-Person vs. Person, Person vs. Self,

Person vs. Nature, Person vs. Society, and/or Person vs. Fate.

 Use details and examples from the book to support the type of conflict(s) identified.

 Lastly, explain how the conflict was resolved!

 QUOTE EXHIBIT 4 : will contain a favorite quote from the novel and your reaction to the quote.

 For example, what did the speaker mean by your chosen quote?

 How does the quote help support the character's personality?

 What does the quote remind you of (THINK INSIGHT-text-self, text-text, text-world, analyze the character’s actions, behaviors, feelings, etc.)?

 CHARACTER EXHIBIT 5 : will explain if you would be friends with the protagonist and why?

 Describe the character's traits in detail and be sure to use examples from the book to support your ideas.

 FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE EXHIBIT 6 : incorporates at least five different forms of figurative language listed below and found in the novel.

 Similes, Metaphors, Personification, Hyperboles, Alliteration,

Onomatopoeia, Imagery, and Idioms.

 Use the provided Figurative Language collection pages to record the figurative language you encounter as you read(your

Reader’s Response)

 THEME EXHIBIT 7 : will identify the theme (moral or lesson learned) of the novel.

 Please use examples from the text to support your explanation of this theme.

 FORBIDDEN EXHIBIT 8 : is up to you! You may fill it with:

 Another interesting part of the book (possibly an illustration, a lost chapter, a character diary entry, a hidden secret about one of the primary characters, write a new and different ending to the book, etc.).

**No Museum Display is complete without artifacts! You will top your

Display Board with eye-catching images, small 3-D objects, and/or other artifacts that reflect the main ideas and themes of your novel.

For example,


may contain dog biscuits as the topping;


Hunger Games

might display Mockingjay pins or bow-and arrows; and the

Harry Potter Series

may have wands! These artifacts may be graphics, drawn, or 3-dimensional figures. BE CREATIVE!!!!!

Attached are images of example Book Report Museums. Please use as a reference to better understand the layout. However, do not copy them as each example is grade-level specific and contain

different requirements. Our sixth-grade Book Report Museums

MUST follow the guidelines set forth. Also, try to be original in the construction of your “Museum Book Report” display, catching the eye of other readers, as well as Lincoln School’s Museum spectators.

Please read and follow the attached rubric, in order to produce your best quality work! This report is due on______________________________________________________________.


Cut here and return bottom portion to teacher

I understand all book report requirements and have shared all the details with a parent or guardian. I agree to read my novel each day and fill out my corresponding reading log summaries each night to help me reflect back on the novel later. I agree to pace myself appropriately and ask my teacher any questions throughout the project, as needed. HAVE FUN!

___________________________ ________________________________

Student signature Parent/Guardian signature

Museum Book Report Examples


Grammar and









Grammar and










(each category will be scored separately)


The student followed all the directions for the project in a manner that shows great attention to detail and effort.

Each exhibit contains all the relevant information required in a well-written manner that clearly shows the student understood the novel.

All exhibits contain complete sentences in a well-structured and well-written paragraph, clearly supported by meaningful details from the story. The details provided show an understandable and relevant relationship between the student's statements and novel.

None or very few grammar, punctuation, spelling, and/or capitalization errors.

Overall, the book report shows quality work, neatness, and great attention to detail. It is apparent that the student spent a great amount of time working to ensure that content is well-organized, and related material is well-structured.

Museum Book Report Construction and Display demonstrates great creativity, effort, and attention to detail.

The artifacts are original and clearly related to the subject matter of the book.


Most of the directions were followed, with most exhibits containing the required information. The book report has fulfilled most requirements, with some effort and attention to detail demonstrated.

All or most exhibits are complete, offering adequate supported details from the novel.

All or most exhibits contain relevant information required in an adequately written manner, which demonstrates the student displayed a good understanding of the novel. The details provided show some understanding and relevancy between the student's statements and novel.

Some grammar, punctuation, spelling, and/or capitalization errors.

Overall, the book report shows good work, neatness, and attention to detail. There is evidence of good effort in organization of content and related material in construction of the book report.

Museum Book Report Construction and Display demonstrates good creativity, effort, and attention to detail.


Grammar and









Grammar and








The artifacts displayed show good relevancy to subject matter of the book.


Most of the directions were followed, but the book report is not complete. Not all of the exhibits were complete, and there are some requirements missing. Limited effort and attention to detail demonstrated.

Many exhibits are unclear and contain little supporting details from the book.

It is uncertain whether the student and/or fully understood the novel to be read. The details provided show little understanding and relevancy between the student's statements and novel.

There are many grammar, punctuation, spelling, and/or capitalization errors.

Overall, the book report appears rushed and incomplete. There is little evidence of effort in organization of content and related material in construction of the book report.

Museum Book Report Construction and Display demonstrates limited creativity, effort, and attention to detail.

The artifacts displayed show limited relevancy to subject matter of the book.


The book report is clearly incomplete. The directions were not understood or followed. Exhibits were missing and/or incomplete.

There is no evidence of comprehension. The student is unable to provide details from the book and unable to fulfill the requirements of each slice.

There are an overwhelming amount of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and/or capitalization errors, which may reflect difficulty in constructing sentences.

There is minimal or no effort apparent. This book report displays minimal to no effort in organization of content and related material in construction of the book report;does not reflect grade level work.

Museum Book Report Construction and Display demonstrates minimal to no creativity, effort, and attention to detail.

The artifacts displayed show minimal to no relevancy to subject matter of the book; connection is confusing and unclear.
