Fahrenheit 451 “The Hearth and the Salamander” (Part 1) A. Write a

Fahrenheit 451 “The Hearth and the Salamander” (Part 1)
A. Write a response to the question below. Your response should be no less than ten sentences,
including quotes from the text.
Montag’s television includes headphones called seashells. The “wall to wall circuit” allows Mildred to
enter the “play” and, therefore, the television programming.
How does the technology in the novel compare to our current technology?
Does technology improve the quality of life for Montag and his wife, Mildred? Why or why not?
Use details from the novel to support your answer.
B. List any technology or mechanical objects you’ve encountered in the novel so far. Notice anything
significant about the diction and figurative language Bradbury uses in connection with these objects?
Start a list, to which you will add as you continue to read the novel, of the technology/machinery in the
novel and the way Bradbury describes these items. CONSIDER: What do these details suggest about the
author’s opinion of technology?
Diction/Imagery/Figurative Language associated
with item