Meeting Outline - Knights of Columbus Assembly #1094

Meeting Outline
FN: Sir Knights, we are about to open this meeting in
the 4th Section. Let our faithful officers assume their
respective stations and the Faithful Inner Sentinel and
Outer Sentinel take their posts. All those who have not
received the honors of the 4th section please retire
from the chamber. (Pause) The Faithful Pilot will now
advise with me and make known if all present are
possessed of the proper membership card.
FP: FN, your order has been obeyed. I report none but Faithful Knights present, and all are
possessed of the current membership cards. (Except those in the custody of the guards before
you)(Refer to the full ceremonial rules for further instructions)
FN: FP, what is the principle of the 4th Degree?
FP: Patriotism
FN: FC, what is our duty to our country?
FC: To respect and obey all lawful authority; to uphold and maintain those whose duty it is to
administer the law; to defend and preserve unspotted and unstained the flag of our country and
the principles for which it stands.
FN: FA, what other duties have we as Faithful Knights of
our honored order?
FA: To maintain unity; to practice the virtues of charity and brotherly love; to exemplify in all our
relations with our fellow man the sublime teachings of Holy Mother Church.
FN: Sir Knights, before entering upon our deliberations,
let us acknowledge our dependence upon Almighty God
and call upon or Faithful Friar (FA if FF not present) to
invoke his blessing by repeating aloud the Lord’s prayer.
Our Father ……..
FN: Sir Knight’s, let us pledge allegiance to our flag. I
pledge …….
FN: Salute the flag
FN: And so it is Sir Knights, Fealty to Christ begets loyalty
to our country and the faithful practice of our holy
religion begets the good citizen and the patriot.
FN: Sir Knights, lets us now sing the Opening Ode.
After Ode ……..
FN: Let the Faithful Comptroller (Scribe) call the roll of
our officers.
Chair officers only rise (As officers are called
the FP will respond with “Present, Excused or Absent)
FN: I now declare this Assembly regularly opened for the
transaction of business
FN: Are there any Sir Knights with proper travel cards
waiting for admission to our Assembly? (If so, admits the
FN: I would like to recognize our dignitaries and guests.
1. Clergy
2. Master, DD, etc
3. Past FN
SK Don Psencik
SK Fred Racey
SK Bob Cage
SK Joe Escalona
SK Jerry Jones
SK Yogi Ybarra
SK James Urbanovski
SK Bill Florez
SK Don Payne
SK Deacon Johnny Salinas
4. Are there any quests from other Assemblies?
FN: The minutes have been sent out and are at the entry
table for your review. Are there any corrections to the
minutes? (3 times)They are approved as read.
FN: I would like to call on our FF (Deacon) for his gracious
words of wisdom.
FN: Reading of the bills and communications
FN: Report of the Faithful Comptroller
FN: Report of the Faithful Purser
FN: Report of the Faithful Pilot
FN: Report of the Faithful Captain
FN: Report of the Faithful Admiral
FN: Report of Committees; Recruiting, VA, Precious
Infants, etc.
FN: Report of Trustees
FN: Old Business
FN: New Business
FN: Report of the 3rd Degree/Councils
FN: I know call for all to contribute to the good of the
FN: Sir Knights, is there any further business to come
before this Assembly? If there be none, we shall proceed
to close the meeting.
Chair officers only rise
FN: FP, what are the emblems of this degree?
FP: The Flag, the sword and the Cross
FN: Yes Sir Knights, these glorious symbols typify
Patriotism, Liberty and Faith, the heaven sent attributes
of our Christian citizenship.
FN: FP, what say you to the flag?
FP: The flag of our country. We love it and shall ever defend it.
FN: FA, what say you for the sword?
FA: Let us keep it bright for liberty’s sake.
FN: FC, what say you for the cross?
FC: (Holding cross aloft) This is the Cross of Christ, the exponent of Christian ideals, the
conquerer of death, the giver of life. Supreme reverence for this sacred symbol will crown our
country queen in the sisterhood of nations. It is the bulwark of national honor, the inspiration of
patriotism, the guardian of personal worth; for it was crimsoned with the blood of self-sacrifice.
FN: Sir Knights, undying allegiance to the Cross of Christ
and to Christ’s Vicar upon earth.
FN: FF, please lead us in saying the prayer for Father
FN: Let us sing the National Anthem
FN: I now declare this Assembly duly closed until our next
appointed meeting
Let us prepare the chamber at this time by removing said
articles. Faithful Sintinels please invite in our vistors
FN: Let our FF( Deacon) lead us in our closing
prayer (Hail Mary,Glory be to the Father, etc) ………