5-2015 - Knights of Columbus Assembly #1094

May 2014
Assembly 1094
2013—2014 Officers
Faithful Friar
Faithful Navigator
Dcn. Johnny Salinas
Faithful Captain
Shawn Reichhardt
Faithful Admiral
William D. Florez, PFN 713628-7811
Faithful Pilot
Michael White
Faithful Scribe
Clint G. Mendonca
Faithful Comptroller
Bob Cage, PFN
Faithful Purser
Leonard P. Kasowski
Faithful Outer Sentinel
Joel Lara
Faithful Inner Sentinel
H. K. Hogans
Faithful Trustees
Carl Southern
--------------Kevin Okoli
--------------Paul “Yogi” Ybarra
Assembly Commanders
Joe Escalona, PFN
--------------Rafael Canamar
Faithful Navigator’s Report
Greetings Fellow Sir Knights,
As we approach the Summer months and the Houston heat I pray all are ready. We will be
having our assembly elections in June, my 2 years as your Faithful Navigator are coming
to a close and I pray that you will assist the New Navigator as well as you did me.
The State convention is this weekend hope to see some of you there.
As always your servant,
SK Deacon Johnny Salinas
Faithful Navigator
From the Admiral’s Desk
In the season of Easter we are still reflecting the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ and
the reason why the miracle of the holy sacrament of the communion is celebrated in each
and every mass. As a seasoned Catholic this all comes together and it puts everything in
prospective. Sir Knights Happy Easter to each and every one of you. This last year the
Lord blessed us with a year of full of activity. Some of our Sir Knights were called to be
with our Lord Jesus Christ and the rest of our Sir Knights still have work planned to
continue our growth.
This brings me to the subject of new leadership. I am so proud of the fact that we have
new names that have entered their names into positions of responsibility to lead our
assembly. This is a serious decision and if a Sir Knight he must not waiver and prove that
he is able to do the job without reservation. I have been an officer for this assembly since
2001 and have been serving without any reservation. I hope that I will continue to receive
the Assembly's unwavering support at the position that I choose to run as a Second year
Navigator. I am a hard worker and my record speaks for itself.
I hope that all Sir Knights that have their Travel Card come in to Vote and if you have not
paid your dues, please send in your dues before the election.
Happy Easter and May the good Lord Continue to Bless all our Sir Knights and their
Vivat Iesu,
William D. Florez PFN
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all Sir Knights celebrating the gift of life this month!
01- Kasmier Nowaski
01- Msgr. James L Golasinski
01- Robert L Roeder
01- Christian E Garza
02- Ernesto Perez, Jr
03- Cruz C Ortiz, Sr
03- Alexander Charles
03- James L Azzarello
03- Walter O Paschall
04- Victor J Longo
05- Boniface I Okoli
07- Emmitt Shorter
08- David J Broeckelmann
12- Dominic A Psencik
12- Reynaldo P Garcia
12- Rev. Anthony Kluckman
13- Billy Hamblin
14- Lawrence E Mills
16- Gustave A Mistrot
18- James K Shipley
20- Gonzalo Oviedo
21- Patrick I Nwachukwu
21- David A Wright
24- Carl A Southern
24- Robert L Igbonusi
26- Innocent J Aluka
27- Fidel A Bermudez
29- Richard Stovall
30- James L Vernarske
30- Noe C Cervantes
31- Rev. Ian Bordenave, OP
Next meeting: May 5th 2015
Dinner: 6:45Pm
Meeting: 7PM
Next officers meeting: May 18th
Time: 7Pm
State Convention- Hilton Americas-1600 Lamar
May 1st 5:30PM
May 3rd 8AM
District turn out. Please arrive at least 45 minutes early to assemble.
The location of where to assemble has not been sent out yet.
May 15th
Transitional Deacon ordination, Cathedral
Line up Cathedral Centre room 341 at 9:30 AM
June 16
Priestly Ordination, Cathedral
Line up Cathedral Centre room 341 at 9:30AM
Any questions please feel free to contact me.
Cell- 713 854 6092
Email- captainmichaeltx@gmail.com
Michael White
Faithful Pilot
We will have our annual officer elections at our next meeting, on Tuesday, June 2nd. Please have your membership card
handy to be allowed into the meeting. SK Don Payne, PFN, is serving as our election chairman. If you would like to run,
nominate a Sir Knight to run, or have any questions, please contact him at donpayne77@gmail.com.
Navigator – Shawn Reichhardt, Clint Mendonca, and
William Florez
Captain – Rafael Canamar
Admiral – William Florez
Pilot – E.J. Ledesma
Scribe – William Elliott
Comptroller – Bob Cage
Purser – Leonard Kasowski
Inner Sentinel – H.K. Hogans
Outer Sentinel – Joel Lara
3-Year Trustee – Johnny Salinas
2-Year Trustee – Gregory Gallardo
1-Year Trustee – Kevin Okoli
Captains Report
February 2015
Sick & Distressed:
We pray for our Brothers and family members that are ill:
04/11: Fernan Theisen, who is 95 and has a broken arm. Please pray for her fast healing.
04/11: Betty Ladsma, who is going through cancer treatment. Please pray for your fast healing and recovery.
04/11: Tammy Babineck who needs our prayers as she is ill.
03/10: SK. Filomeno G. Caburao, has written to me asking for prayers. He is in advanced age and with
disabilities and can longer participate in any meeting and/or turnout, but he participates in prayers with all of us
and for those whom are listed and would like to be in your prayers.
03/04: Our past DM,SK Harry Hunter who went through his surgery with flying colors and is on his road to
recovery. Please pray for his speedy recovery.
03/04: SK Jose Limas, is in the hospital at Memorial Hermann NW, he is receiving dialysis treatment. He went
through the surgery to implant the devise for the dialysis, he is doing good, and feels a lot better, he will most
likely be dismissed tomorrow after his treatment. and needs our healing prayers so he can get back to the KC
activities he so enjoys.
03/04: Mary Grupa who fell and broke some bones and is in need of some healing prayers. I hear she is a young
85 I believe.
Let us pray: Dear Jesus, Divine Physician and Healer of the sick, we turn to you in this time of illness. Oh dearest comforter of the
troubled, alleviate the worry and sorrow with your gentle love and grant us the peace and strength to accept this burden. Dear
God, we place our sick under your care and humbly ask that you restore your servant to health again. Above all, grant us the grace to
acknowledge your will and know that whatever you do, you do for the love of us.
We also remember our Brother Knights, Family Members and those of the religious order that have passed on:
SK AndrewsNDREWS, MACK J passed on to the father in April 2015.
Georgianna Connor, wife of PGK James Connor passed on 2/28/2015
Martha Zatopek, wife of SK Leonard Zatopek passed on to be with the Lord on 1/15/2015.
SK REV F V FERRIER, passed on to be with the Lord on 1/31/2015
Bea Ochoa, wife if SK Oscar Ochoa. Bea passed on 1/23/2015
Bernice Hogan, wife of our beloved SK HK Hogan, passed on1/22/2015.
Msgr. Philippe Lê Xuân Thượng, Pastor of Christ, the Incarnate Word, passed on 1/16/2015
SK Boniface Okoli, passed on 1/3/2015
SK Clement J Pechacek passed on 12/31/2014
SK Ochoa, passed on 12/2
Dorothy McCarty, mother in law to SK John Fraser, passed on 12/1.
Father TJ Martinez, the founding president of Cristo Rey High School;
Pray for the soul of the brother in law to SK Rafael Canamar who has passed on. Please pray for Rudy Fernandez and his family in this
time of need
Maria Luna Venarske passed away 11/3/2014, wife of SK James Venarske.
Fr. Ed Abell passed on to his eternal reward this October of 2014
Fr Franklin Simmons passed on to his eternal reward on August 9th, 2014.
Fr Simmons served in many Parishes, including Notre Dame in Houston, Queen of Peace in LaMarque, St Patrick's in Galveston, He
was also a hospital Chaplain and during that period, resided at St Rose of Lima and St Jerome's, in Houston.
Let us pray: Eternal Rest grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls, and all the souls of the
faithful departed; through the Mercy of God, Rest in Peace in company with Christ and may they rejoice in your Kingdom. AMEN
All needs will be added to the list and kept active for 30 days. After 30 days, the request will be dropped off. If for any reason, the party in need still
needs our prayers all you have to do is let me know. Remember there is no reason to insignificant that we cannot pray for so no matter the reason of
sickness, illness, injury or death, we can all pray together to strengthen the person and or their family. 832-865-9485 or shawnr@ev1.net