Pirates Cove Beach Association Mashpee, Massachusetts Since 1963 APPLICATION FOR WATER VESSEL STICKER PCBA Private Beaches Property Owner Name: ____________________________________________________________ Cove Property Address: ____________________________________________________________ Vessel Description: Boat/Dinghy Canoe Kayak Inflatable Other Vessel Length: _______ ft. ______ in. Color: __________________________________________ Vessel Material: Aluminum Fiber Rubber/Vinyl Other Vessel Make: ________________________________ Ser. No.: _________________________ CERTIFICATION: I, the above-named PCBA property owner, hereby certify that I have been given a copy of the PCBA Small Vessel Control Program, that I have read and understand my obligations in the use, by me, my family, and my guests of my vessel on any of the private PCBA beaches, and that I, my family, and my guests use such beaches with the understanding I, and they, do so at our own risk to our person and the vessel identified herein. SIGNATURE: ___________________________________________ The following for PCBA use only: - DATE: _________ Authorized by Property owner has paid current year dues: ________ Property owner had not paid current year dues, o But this payment constitutes dues paid current: ________ Issued Vessel Sticker # ________________ ________ Paid by Ck. # _____ Date _______ Amt. $ _______________ Contact: Shirley Boutilier, Financial Secretary, (508) 477-5017 shirleyboutilier@gmail.com 44 Buccaneer Way Return to: PCBA, PO Box 362, Mashpee, MA 02649 (or drop off at 44 Buccaneer Way) 1