Science Cell Choice Board Project!

Name:________________________________________________________________________ Date:_________________
Cell Structure & Cell Processes Choice Board
Assignment: Create Cell City, you will
design a colorful city that represents a
cell. You will compare the parts of the city
to the organelles of a plant cell. Decide
what part of the city each organelle
represents.. On a piece of poster paper,
draw the layout of your city in color and
with labels. Go over all of your labels in
pen. Come up with a creative cell name.
Attach a piece of paper to your poster that
explains why each part of your structure
represents a certain organelle.
“The city hall represents the nucleus
because it is the control center of the city.
This is similar to a nucleus’ job, which is to
control a cell.”
Keep in mind the part of the city’s job
should be similar to the job that the
organelle does for the cell. An explanation
of this should be included in your
Worth 25 Point
Assignment: You have been hired by an
educational network to produce a video
series. The topic of your first episode is
plant and animal cells in our daily lives.
Create a video of your first episode.
Include Cell Structure & Cell Processes
Worth 25 points.
Assignment: Create a children’s book
about an animal or plant cell. Your book
must have show creativity, pictures and a
developed story line. Must have developed
characters about the cell and its functions.
Must include the following organelles:
Animal Cell: Lysome, Membrane,
Ribosome ,Cytoplasm, Mitochondria,
Nucleus, Vacuoles
Plant Cell: Ribosome, Nucleus,
Mitochondrion, Cytoplasm, Cell Wall,
Chloroplast, Vacuoles
Include Cell Structure & Cell Processes
Worth 25 points
Assignment: Draw a poster of a plant cell
or an animal cell. On your poster, you
should draw all of the organelles that we
have discussed in class and label each one
of them Each organelle should be
illustrated in two different ways. First,
each organelle should be illustrated like we
would actually see it underneath a
microscope Second, next to your real-life
illustration of each organelle; you should
also draw a picture that represents what
the organelle actually does. For each
organelle comparison that you make, you
should write one sentence on your poster.
Worth 25 points
Assignment: To help you remember the
functions of the organelles, you will be
using the organelles and their function to
write a story. You will be writing your own
CREATIVE story that should be different
from everyone else’s. In your story, you
must include at least 5 organelles and
their jobs. While you are writing, be sure
to underline the organelles and their jobs
in the story.
Example: I’m from a town called Cellville,
and there are two gangs in town. One gang
is called the Animals. The other gang is
called the Plants. I know this sounds
strange, but the leaders of both of the
gangs are brothers. They control all of the
things that happen all over Cellville. The
leader of the Plant Gang is named R.J.
Nucleus. His brother, the leader of the
Animal Gang, is named Ron Nucleus. One
day, R.J. and Ron got into a fight, and you
will never believe what happened next…
Assignment: Build or Bake a Cell. Build or
bake a model using whatever materials you
want to represent all the organelles in a
plant cell. You must have an object or food
item in your model that will represent
every organelle in your cell. Pay attention
to where they go in your model, what they
look like, their size, etc. They should be
representative of the real organelles in a
cell. Attach a piece of paper to your model
explaining what item represents each
“The large cookie in the middle of my dish
represents the nucleus because it is a
larege organelle in the middle of the cell.
The nucleus is the control center of the cell
and also stores DNA (which are the
sprinkes on my cookie.).”
To demonstrate your knowledge of what the
organelles DO, please include their function
in your sentences.
Worth 25pts
Worth 25 points
Assignment: After you have chosen, write
a summary of the different organelles that
are found in the cell and the different
functions that each of the organelles do.
Next, choose FOUR of the organelles that
are found in your cell. Write four different
hypotheses about what would happen to
the cell if it did NOT have the organelle
that you chose. For each organelle that
you chose, write 3-5 sentences to
describe what the cell would be like if that
organelle just magically disappeared.
Would the cell still be able to function?
Would the plant or animal still be alive?
What would happen if one of the cell parts
went missing?
Assignment: You are the head of the Cell
Museum. You need to put together a tour
guide map and pamphlet for your cell
museum. You may pick either a plant or
animal cell for your museum. Your
pamphlet needs to have the following items:
Title page – Picture/ price/ hours open
Exhibits (Cell Parts) – numbered
Descriptions of Exhibits
Map – with (You Are Here) sign
Worth 25 points
Worth 25 points
Assignment: Write a summary of the
different organelles that are found in
the cell and the different functions
that each of the organelles do. Next,
choose FIVE of the organelles that are
found in your cell. In the next
paragraph, you will compare the
different organelles you choose to
different people. In your paragraph,
you should explain why a certain
person would be a certain organelle
(each comparison should have 2-3
sentences to explain your
comparison. You may use people you
know OR famous people.
Example: My friend Andrea would be the
nucleus because she is bossy, and the
nucleus is always in control of everything.
OR Barack Obama would be the nucleus
because he controls our country and he
lives in the White house, where lots of
important information is stored.
Worth 25 points
Assignment: Design a board game in
which players travel though either a plant
or animal cell traveling from organelle to
Worth 25 points
Science Cell Choice Board Project!
Project Expectations and Guidelines:
You must complete enough assignments to make 125 points for your choice board project to be considered complete. You may do any combination of three assignments, and and you must select one of the assignments marked
with (*****). The assignments should total 125 points .
Your assignments must follow the directions listed on the choice board and must meet the page limit.
Your project will be graded on the rubric below and MUST be turned in by : Friday, September 26, 2014
Every product must include the following organelles or structures: nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane, ribosome, endoplasmic reticulum, golgie apparatus, vesicle, lysosome, mitochondria, vacuole,
chloroplast, and cell wall. You may include DNA and Nucleolus, if you like.
Cell Choice Board Grading Rubric:
EOY Choice Board Grading
Assignment #1
Assignment #2
Assignment #3
Assignment #4
Assignment #5
Assignment #6
Final Score:
Teacher Comments:
Poor (F)
Not Yet (D)
Nearly There(C)
No work was turn in, no effort
was made to complete work.
Work was incomplete and poorly
done. Inadequate representation
of content (spelling mistakes,
Work was complete but lacked
effort and provided inadequate
representation of content..
Work was complete and displayed
sufficient effort. Content
explanations of organelles make
sense. (Followed directions, neat,
and few errors.)
Work was complete and displayed
strong effort. Content explanations
and analogies explain what objects
represent what organelle. (Creative,
neat, well organized, with little to no