Cell Functional Analogies Collage Purpose: To aid in learning the structure and function of cellular organelles by writing analogies for their functions. An analogy is a way of explaining something by comparing it point by point with something else. Materials: computer paper, colored pencils or markers, list of cell parts and functions. Procedure: 1. Every student must create their own analogy sheet. 2. Use your chart that lists the organelles and functions as a reference. 3. Decide if you want to compare a plant or an animal cell. 4. Compare your cell to an everyday object that has a function or use similar to that of each cell organelle. a. Ex- if you compared your cell to a city, the nucleus would be like the mayor’s office. 5. Write an analogy to show the similarity between the function of the cell organelle and the everyday object. The analogy must be written exactly in this format: a. The (name of the organelle) is like a (everyday object) because the (name of the organelle) (the function of the organelle) like the (name of the everyday object) (function of the everyday object). 6. Choose a theme for your cell. Select your analogies and pictures based on this theme. Example: cell as a computer.- The nucleus is like a CPU because the nucleus controls the functions of the cell like the CPU controls the functions of the computer. Plant cell organelles Plasma membrane Nucleolus Nucleus Chloroplast Cytoskeleton Cytoplasm Endoplasmic Reticulum Ribosome Golgi Apparatus Central Vacuole Mitochondria Cell Wall Animal Cell organelles Plasma membrane Nucleolus Nucleus Centriole Cytoskeleton Cytoplasm Endoplasmic Reticulum Ribosome Golgi Apparatus Food Vacuole Mitochondria Cilia Lysosome Flagella Rubric: 1. ____________________ Neatness (10 pts) 2. ____________________Pictures (1 pt each- total of 16) 3. ____________________ Correctly written analogies (2pts each- total of 32) 4. ____________________ Correctly demonstrated theme (10pts) ____________________ Total score (68 pts)