TERM 4, 2013 – CURRICULUM OVERVIEW CURRICULUM RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PREP JUNIORS MIDDLES SENIORS Our church Loving God and Others Sacraments of Initiation Sacraments of the Church Our Journey to Christmas Getting Ready for Jesus Christmas the Promise Fulfilled Harmony in Creation, Our Responsibilities Jesus Helps me to Choose ENGLISH Reading & Viewing: Foster children’s enjoyment of reading and encourage children to choose their own books to read at home from a variety of texts. Increase knowledge of focus words. Increase understanding of rhyming words Provide opportunities for children to share their feelings and ideas about texts Continue to promote the use of reading strategies such as, reading on, re-reading and reading for meaning. Writing: Write descriptive sentences. Write a simple report. Experiment with using a narrative writing style Write about personally significant events Write from left to right, top to bottom Understand the purpose of a full stop and begin to use them in writing Attempt to spell words by writing one or more of the letters in a word, usually having the beginning and final sounds Correctly use and spell focus words that have been learnt Include spaces between words consistently Spelling: Recognise letters of the alphabet Spelling correctly sight words Identify the initial, medial and final sounds in three letter words Speaking & Listening: Actively participate in class discussions The First Christmas Reading & Viewing: Identify main ideas from a non-fiction text Skimming and scanning a text for main ideas Continuing to develop strategies to assist in becoming independent readers Developing literal and inferential comprehension skills Writing: Consolidating skills in the stages of the writing process Researching, locating main ideas, supporting ideas and note taking Developing the use of complex sentences Writing letters, recounts, narratives and poetry Making plausible spelling attempts at unknown words Continuing to develop appropriate handwriting skills Writing an information report using the correct structures and features. Speaking & Listening: Presenting information orally to an audience Applying appropriate oral presentation techniques such as variation of tone and pace and pitch when communicating to an audience Retelling of main facts after reading an information report Displaying the behaviours of an attentive audience member eg: appropriate questioning, eye contact and facing the speaker Reading & Viewing: Sound, letter and word relationships Consolidating and extending decoding strategies Reading to improve fluency and comprehension Retelling main ideas from a text Sequencing Identifying main ideas from a non-fiction text Skimming and scanning a text for main ideas Continuing to develop strategies to assist in becoming independent readers Developing literal and inferential comprehension skills Being able to compare and contrast events from a text Key understandings of cause and effect Writing: Consolidating skills in the writing process Researching, locating the main ideas, supporting ideas and note taking Developing the use of complex sentences Writing narrative and poetry texts Making plausible attempts at spelling unknown words Continuing to develop appropriate handwriting skills Implementing an editing process Speaking & Listening: Presenting Information orally to an audience Retelling the main facts after reading an information report Displaying behaviours of an attentive audience Feast of the Christmas Season Reading & Viewing: Consolidating spelling skills and strategies Consolidating comprehension strategies – Drawing Conclusions Cause and Effect Compare and Contrast Finding Author’s Purpose Analyse and explain literal and inferential understandings from a variety of texts Reading to improve fluency & comprehension Writing: Consolidating the structures and features of – Discussion Speeches Narratives independent editing skills to provide structure and meaning Publishing and presentation skills Spelling skills and strategies Building vocabulary bank for writing Consolidating and demonstrating the appropriate use of grammar and punctuation Speaking & Listening Presenting Information orally to an audience Displaying behaviours of an attentive audience Displaying leadership qualities MATHEMATICS Formulate and ask relevant questions Correctly sequence events when re-telling a story Communicate messages and ideas clearly to others Use a wider vocabulary Number & Algebra: Writing and reading numbers from 1-20 3-d shapes Time concepts Sharing Money Revision of addition and subtraction Problem Solving Measurement concepts Health & Physical Education: Continue to develop skills required to perform different movements – skipping, hopping, side-step, running. Practise ball handling skills catching, throwing, rolling, and dribbling Team Games, working co-operatively and taking turns Making choices – identifying good and bad choices Applying skills in preparation for Tabloid Sports Day iSTAR Number & Algebra: Building on skills and counting patterns to 100 and beyond (2s, 5s and 10s) Revising, modelling, ordering, recording 2 and 3-digit numbers Units, tens and hundreds place value Practise counting forwards and backwards Solving simple multiplication and division problems Recognising that multiplication and division are inverse operations and using knowledge of multiplication to solve division problems Identifying and comparing fractions of common shapes and collections Renaming simple fractions and identifying fractions that are equivalent General revision of all areas covered during the year Number & Algebra: Practise counting forwards and backwards using a variety of strategies Reading & writing numbers Ordering numbers Solving multiplication & division problems using a variety of strategies Using number lines Single and multi-step word problems Developing & consolidating problem solving skills and strategies Measurement & Geometry Using metric units for length, mass and capacity Using scaled instruments to measure length, angle, area and mass Using scaled instruments to measure capacity, temperature of shapes and objects Investigative Student Teacher Active Research (iSTAR) Investigative Student Teacher Active Research (iSTAR) Statistics & Probability: List possible outcomes and recognise variations in results Compare one event to another as being less likely / more likely to happen List possibilities of occurrences in everyday events Investigative Student Teacher Active Research (iSTAR) Prep: What Can I do to Make the World a Better Place? Grade 1: What makes a good toy? Grade 3: How do machines work? Grade 2: How do we use Communication Technology? Grade 4: How is heat important in our lives? Saved: Trinity2013:Curriculum:Overviews:Term4Overview.doc Number & Algebra: Multiplication & Division of whole numbers, decimals and fractions, extend understanding of operations with all numbers solve problems involving the four operations identify features of prime, composite, square and triangular numbers Measurement & Geometry Units of measurements for length, mass, capacity and volume Angles Grid references Timetables Temperature Constructing prisms and pyramids from nets Statistics & Probability: Data representation and interpretation Estimating probability of events List outcomes of chance experiments Represent probabilities of those outcomes using fractions Investigative Student Teacher Active Research (iSTAR) Grade 5: How can you turn a simple idea into a million dollar idea? Grade 6: What can we create to help solve the problems that affect people around the world?