PUTTING YOUR CAREER E PORT FOLIO TOGETHER: STAGE 4 The ways in which people apply for positions in the workforce has changed so much over recent years. Many of us now apply for positions on-line. Developing a Career E career folio enables you to utilise new technology. Add links, photos, and additional pages to make yourself stand out from the others and give you the best possible chance of being invited to attend an interview and then hopefully get that position! Instructions: 1. Click on one of the career areas. Choose the area that is most relevant and of most interest to you: Agriculture; Beauty; Construction; Health; Medical; Technology 2. Click on your preferred background colour. Consider the “look” that you would like best for your E portfolio. 3. Section 1 of the E Portfolio focuses on your Profile. Insert a photo of yourself and behind it, add a page introducing yourself. 4. Section 2 is about Resume. Insert the Resume that you have developed. 5. Section 3 is about your Career Pathway Plan – add your MIPs plan. Then add your Career Testing. 6. Section 4 is about Achievements. Scan in your reports. Add photos, certificates, awards. SCANNING – if you do not have a scanner at home, our Careers Volunteer may be able to scan documents for you. Please speak to Trish Chandler about this and please bring all necessary documents at once rather than one item at a time. ACCESS TO YOUR WORK on CAREERS E PORTFOLIO: Trish Chandler, Miss Fenech and Miss Pulford (all members of the Careers Team) may be able to access your Careers E Portfolio so that they can best support you at school in exploring pathways and making the transition to further learning and the world of work.