9th Grade Careers Instructor: Ilene Hogan 312-1032 , reedilene@gmail.com or reeilene@cassiaschools.org Textbook: Succeeding in the World of Work Supplies: 1.5 inch three ring binder (this is your portfolio), pen or pencil. Please bring all supplies with you each day. Grading: Nine-week grades will be determined by the total number of points for the grading period Interview will be graded by the REA interviewer and that grade entered in the grade book. Semester grades are the average of the two quarters. All homework will be graded and handed back to be placed in your portfolio. Portfolio is graded 4-5 times during the semester. There is a semester test given as an end-of-course exam and will be 10% of your grade. Grading follows the student hand book. Make-up If an assignment is due on the day you are gone it is due the next class period. Work assigned when you are absent is due three class periods after. You are responsible for finding out about assignments and getting them in to me. 10% is taken from the total grade for late work. That is 10% per day, not B days but week days. Rules: You are in high school and with that privilege come certain responsibilities. These are among the most important: 1. Behave like the mature young adult that you are. If you want to be treated like a grown up then act like one. 2. All students not in the classroom when the bell rings will be marked tardy. Three tardies equal one absence. 3. Be courteous to all others in the classroom. This includes the instructor. Do not speak when I am speaking. 4. Pay attention. I do not want to repeat each instruction for every student. 5. Ask permission before using any electronic device. 6. It is my job to teach you and your job to learn. Come prepared to learn. 7. We operate on a three strikes policy in Careers. Three strikes and you get homework. Academic Honesty: You are expected to be honest in all your endeavors. This includes doing your own work and not copying others work or letting others copy yours. There is no talking during a test and your test may be failed if you forget this important policy. Cheating will result in a zero on the assignment of project and will be reported to the office and your parents/guardian. You must do a job shadow. Do not try to fake it; I check up on these arrangements. Job shadows are a one day excused absence and YOU are in charge of setting them up. No family unless okayed by me. I will not okay mom or dad, regardless! In this class you will learn how to get and keep a job. The skills you will learn will help you the rest of your life so be organized and keep your portfolio for future reference. Keep it updated and know the technology. 9th Grade Careers January Career Pathways Who are you? What do you like? February Ch 2 Exploring Careers Ch 5 Career Plans Ch 4 Entrepreneurship Business Letters Ch 15 Communications Ch 6 Finding and Applying for a job Resume Cover Letters Applications March Blended learning: CIS, Internet Research Common Core: Math text questions APA Report Presentation Research Job Shadows Ch 7 Interviewing Interviews with REA Ch 8 beginning a new job April Ch 9 Ethics Ch 10 Attitude Ch 18 Time Management Teach Me Assignment APA Papers May Presentations Osha ECA A positive work ethic must be displayed to receive an A. This class is a business class and your behavior must reflect a professional demeanor. You are required to dress professionally when interviewing, during your job shadow, and while giving your final presentation. A portfolio is required and must be kept up. A portfolio will demonstrate organization and responsibility. It is not corrected and recorded unless it has a smiley face on it! Periodic portfolio checks will occur for a grade. You cannot pass without a portfolio. Below are the tabs you must have. IT is okay to make your own tabs. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Worksheets and Misc. Business Letters Resume Cover Letter Application Job Interview APA Style Reports/ Final Presentation and Report Job Shadow Papers