Geometry Syllabus

Welcome to Geometry
Classroom Syllabus
Mrs. Brownell
5th period
Teacher Contact:
Mrs. Brownell
Office- E 119
Phone calls and emails will be returned within 24
Required Materials:
1½ ” 3-ring binder
Dividers for 3-ring binder
Graph Paper
Loose leaf paper
One subject spiral notebook
Pencils with erasers
Required Texts:
Geometry (AGS Publishing)
Assignment notebook
Protractor, Compass, Ruler
Classroom Policies
DHS attendance and tardy policies apply to this class. If you miss a class, it is your
responsibility to get any in-class information or assignments from the teacher, a
classmate, or from my website. I will post nightly homework on my website under
You’re expected to arrive to class on-time. If arriving to class on-time becomes a
concern, then individual conferences will be held to address the issue. The Deerfield
High School policy on tardiness is that 3 documented tardies result in the assignment of a
30 minute detention.
It is your responsibility to bring the required materials to class everyday. Preparedness
will be part of your participation grade, and points may be deducted if you arrive to class
without your necessary materials. I will always have extra pencils and paper in class if
you need it.
The classroom follows the First Class philosophy. You are expected to actively and
appropriately participate in each activity. It is also expected that you will treat each other
with respect and dignity in order to create an environment that is safe and supportive for
learning. Daily participation is part of your grade.
Homework/Late Assignment Policies:
 Homework will be listed on the board every day, and time will be provided to
record daily homework assignments in your assignment notebook. Please bring
your assignment notebook to class everyday!
 Homework will be listed on Mr. Brownell’s webpage which you can access from
the DHS’s homepage
 You will usually be given time in class to begin your assignments and ask
questions directly related to the material.
 Late/missing assignments will be accepted up until the final test of a unit. After
a unit is completed late work will no longer be accepted.
 Late work may result in a deduction of available points. Any additional
considerations for make-up work will be discussed on an individual basis.
Grading Policy:
You will be graded in the following areas:
Daily Homework
Classroom Participation
Letter Grade
Percent Range
50% and below
I have read the guidelines and expectations for Geometry Fundamentals and I
understand what I need to do to be successful this year.
Student Signature
My child has discussed the guidelines and expectations for Geometry Fundamentals
with me.
Parent Signature