G E O M E T R Y * N I N E S Y L L A B U S

Paul DeNies, Instructor
Telephone: 510/656-5711, ext. 46255
E-mail: pdenies@fremont.k12.ca.us
Website: irvington.org\pdenies - Room #P15
Geometry is a course in the college preparatory sequence of courses at Irvington. This course is
generally for students that have demonstrated mastery of the Algebra One standards. The students will
be assessed on the depth of their knowledge of the California Standards for Mathematics Education.
These major concepts include, but are not limited to,: area and perimeter, logical argumentation,
problem solving, properties of angles, graphing inequalities, drawing and building various polyhedra,
and understanding surface area and volume. Students will also be assessed using the four School
Wide Outcomes: Personal Responsibility, Civic Responsibility, Critical Thinking, and communication.
Students should bring proper materials with them daily including: Spiral notebook, pencils, a compass,
a protractor, a straight edge (ruler), lined paper, and their set of workbooks (homework and mastery).
Personal Responsibility: Students demonstrate their success with this outcome by completing
assignments on time, coming to class prepared, and utilizing all available resources including tutorial
time, group effort and appointments with the instructor. Civic Responsibility: Students will behave
appropriately for a serious course in Mathematics. Assisting those in their groups and maintaining
school property are important indicators of student success with this outcome. Communication:
Students will develop an increasing level of skill at listening, speaking, reading, and writing to
demonstrate understanding of Mathematical ideas. Critical Thinking: Students will demonstrate
growth in problem solving skills using a variety of methods.
Various means to assess student ability and knowledge will be used throughout the year. Students are
required to keep a spiral notebook, which should include all notes and classwork. A binder is also
suggested to keep all homework assignments and assessments taken and returned, and portfolios of
their best work. Grades will be determined by these percentages: 90 <= 100% = A, 80 <= 90% = B,
70 <= 80%=C, 60 <= 70%=I*, and 60% or below =NC (no credit). Individual assessments are about
60% of the grade with other 40% divided between homework, group effort, participation, and portfolio
assignments. Students will also be assessed using the four School Wide Outcomes: Personal
Responsibility, Civic Responsibility, Critical Thinking, and Communication.
No hats, food, soda, gum, and electronic devices in class (except calculators when permitted). Respect
others and their property. Be on time with appropriate materials
*CONTRACTS (“I” grade):
Contracts will only be issued if a student has an overall total of over 60% completed over 70% all
homework on time. Late work is accepted only under excused absences.
We have read and understand the contents of this syllabus:
Student: __________________ Parent: ________________________ Date: _____________