ISE #2 - Tamalpais Union High School District

ISE #2
Independent Science Experiment
Integrated Science 4
Redwood High School
 Introduction
The Independent Science Experiment is an assignment that Integrated Science students are required to
complete. Instruction during the first three semesters of Integrated Science is based upon preparing
students for this assignment. The final products for the assignment will include a laboratory report, a
visual presentation and an oral defense, which is presented to your teacher(s) and peers.
The goal of this project is that your prior science education and the structure provided in your
Integrated Science class will serve you well in your attempt to produce excellent work. You may choose
to submit your project to upcoming science competitions - the Marin County Science Fair, which can lead
to the San Francisco Bay Area Science Fair, which can lead to the California State Science Fair and/or the
International Science Fair.
 Procedures
1. Develop a question to study, research the variables identified in the question, design an experiment
based on your research, conduct the experiment, collect and analyze data, draw appropriate
conclusions, and present your results.
Your teacher must approve your project. Any changes in your experiment must also receive
approval from your teacher.
Your question may relate to any of the following: biology, biotechnology, populations, ecology,
physics, chemistry, earth science, astronomy, meteorology, climatology, electricity, impacts of
natural and man-made changes on a given environment, social science, psychology, human
behavior, animal behavior, mathematics, simulations, computer modeling, engineering,
characteristics of structures and materials.
Projects involving the use of humans, non-human vertebrates, invertebrates or bacteria require
special approval. These guidelines are available from your teacher.
2. Your project must be conducted on your own time. Large numbers of students prevents the science
department from being able to provide space, or time, to conduct your project.
3. At certain times during this semester your peers will review various aspects of your project. An
important aspect of scientific research is making time to discuss your work with your fellow scientists,
your classmates.
4. A formal lab write up will be completed in stages with a final draft of all components due upon
completion. You must use the handout titled Integrated Science Laboratory Report Format as a strict
set of guidelines (available on my website). The Laboratory Report Grading Rubric will be used to
assess the write up.
5. At the end of the semester you will provide a visual presentation and oral defense of your experiment
to your teacher(s) and peers.
Independent Science Experiment Due Dates
Note: All Independent Science Experiment components must be typed.
Tuesday, 2/3
You will have time to
collect background
research in class using
laptops on Wednesday
1/28 & Friday 1/30.
Benchmark 2:
 Draft of Materials and Procedures
 Teacher Approval
End of class on
Tuesday, 2/10
You will have time to type
your Introduction,
Hypothesis &
Experimental Design in
class using laptops on
Tuesday 2/10.
Benchmark 3:
 Title
 Introduction
 Hypothesis
 Experimental Design
Tuesday, 2/24
You will have until 3/17
to collect and record your
Benchmark 4:
 Data Tables (at least two – quantitative and/or qualitative)
 Laboratory Notebook Set-up
Tuesday, 3/3
Benchmark 1:
 Experimental Question (How does ___ effect ___?)
 Related Background Research with Annotated Bibliography
 Design Outline
 Teacher Approval
Tuesday, 3/17
You will have time to type
your Data Analysis &
Graphs in class using
laptops on Tuesday, 3/17.
Tuesday, 3/24
You will have time to type
your Discussion,
Conclusion &
Bibliography in a
computer lab on Tuesday
Benchmark 7:
 Discussion
 Conclusion
 Final Draft of Bibliography
Friday, 4/10
You will have time to type
prepare your Visual
Presentation and Oral
Defense in a computer
lab on Friday, 5/22.
Benchmark 8:
 Visual Presentation and Oral Defense
Week of 5/26
Benchmark 5:
 Data Collection Completed
 Laboratory Notebook Completed (with photos)
Benchmark 6:
 Data Analysis (determine appropriate statistical values)
 Graphs
IS 4 Independent Science Experiment