Curriculum Information for Parents – EYFS

SEAL topic
Curriculum Information for Parents / Carers
Autumn Term 2014
Early Years Foundation Stage
Our SEAL topic for this half term is:
Ourselves and our families
We will be looking at a variety of books about families and children will be
exploring and discussing the different relationships that they have with key people
in their lives. We will also look at ways in which we are similar and different to
A few of the main areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum that
will be covered this term are:
Personal, Social and Emotional Development:
 Children are confident to speak to others about own needs, wants, interests
and opinions.
 Children can talk about themselves in positive terms and talk about their
Communication and Language:
 Children can introduce a storyline or narrative into their play.
 Children can concentrate and maintain attention while listening to stories.
Physical Development:
 Children can use simple tools to effect changes to materials.
 Children give meaning to the marks they make as they write, draw and paint.
 Recognising numbers and matching them to the appropriate quantity.
 Counting objects by saying one number name for each item.
Understanding of the World
 Children can talk about family customs or routines, for example; going to
Church, visiting relatives, or talk about where their family comes from.
Expressive Arts and Design:
 Children explore the different sounds of instruments.
 Children begin to build a repertoire of songs.
Reading books will be changed every Tuesday. At St Paul’s we expect you to
listen and talk to your child for 10 minutes every evening about the books that
they bring home from school. Reading the same book each day familiarises your
child with the story, and allows them to retell it themselves. Each child has a
Reading Record for you to make comments on when you have heard your child read.
These need to be brought into school every day.
We will soon begin Reading Mornings each Tuesday, where parents are invited in to
their child’s classfor 30 minutes to read with their children. Teachers will supply
all the books!
Nursery children do not receive homework. Reading with your child each evening is
the best homework! This helps to develop speaking and listening skills, imagination
and vocabulary.
Reception homework will begin once children are settled in school. It will be given
out on a Friday and teachers will collect it every Tuesday. Each week Reception
children will receive 4 words that they must learn. By the end of the year we will
have covered 100 of the most popular words, which will greatly aid your children’s
reading. Children will also receive some work based on what we have been learning
that week in class. Please talk to your child about their homework and help them!