Details, Registration - Bryan Memorial Gallery

Engage the senses, entice the muse, immortalize the ordinary!
An Autumn Watercolor Painting Workshop
October 26th, 27th, 28th, 2015
With Barbara J. Pafume at Bryan Memorial Gallery, Jeffersonville, VT
Whether you are a realist, impressionist or abstract painter, Barbara Pafume will inspire and teach you
to capture the light, mood, atmosphere, color and textures of your chosen subject in watercolor at this
workshop. Many successful teaching strategies empower the participants to reach their individual
artistic goals, along with generous amounts of nurture, humor and creative inspiration. Artists at all
levels are invited to participate.
Lessons will include information and instruction on all elements of a successful painting. A folder, with
all instructional information will be given to each participant so there is no need to take notes. Because
participants are at very different individual artistic levels with their work, demonstrations will be given
throughout the workshop to illustrate technique and address artistic concerns. Everyone is welcome to
watch if they would find it useful to painting their own unique subject. Individual and focused attention
will be given to each participant.
As an exhibiting artist and teacher, Barbara J. Pafume is dedicated to bringing art and creativity into the
hearts, minds and paintbrushes of beginning as well as experienced artists and art lovers. She has been
teaching her workshop, Painting Your Way for art organizations and schools in several states for over 40
Quotes from Barbara’s students from recent workshops:
“Enjoyed the day immensely…your careful attention to each of us and your inspiration! Thank you!”
“Just wanted to say thanks for a wonderful workshop. I learned a lot - and there is lots to remember and
practice. I feel inspired! A.A
Come join us at this Autumn Workshop – Painting your Way, with Barbara J. Pafume:
Monday, 10/26, 9:30 a.m., workshop will begin at the Bryan Gallery and will end 4:30 p.m. Class will
begin with a lesson for the day and then move outdoors if the weather is good to sketch on location and
return to paint indoors.
Tuesday, 10/27, 9:30 a.m., workshop will begin again at the gallery, with a review of Monday and a new
lesson, after which class will again move to an outdoor location to sketch, returning to the Bryan to
paint and will end at 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday, 10/27, 4:45 p.m., pizza and salad will be served to students at the gallery, and a critique will be
held. As we share dinner, since it will be the night of the full moon, Barbara will also talk painting
nocturnes, in case anyone wants to try some Whistler techniques.
Wednesday, 10/28, 9:30 a.m., workshop will begin at the gallery and after the final lesson will continue
at the gallery to work until 3:00 p.m., when final critique will be held until 4:30 p.m.
Students are invited to bring subjects of their choice (only photos they have personally taken; no
reproductions such as calendar or magazine photos) in the event weather does not allow outdoor
sketching. After the morning lesson, Barbara will work individually with each student and will be
available through each entire day. She brings a lunch so as not to interrupt class and suggests
participants bring lunch also so they may continue until they are at a good stopping point to take a break
at the time they choose.
Upon registration, Barbara will send each artist a more detailed syllabus of the class and a personal,
confidential survey that she asks each artist to fill out and return to her so she may design the classes to
best meet the goals of each participant. Watercolor and suggested supply lists are available as students
must supply their own materials. Each participant will receive a folder with many useful and informative
hand-outs to refer to after the workshop, to keep the creative juices flowing.
Workshop fee: $350 before October 1.
Visit Barbara’s website for more information about her and to see examples of her work:
An Autumn Watercolor Painting Workshop
October 26th, 27th, 28th, 2015
With Barbara J. Pafume at Bryan Memorial Gallery, Jeffersonville, VT
A list of suggested materials in will be provided upon receipt of your registration, as well as a list of
recommended local accommodations. A more specific schedule will also be sent in response to your
Workshop Fee: Through October 1, the cost of workshop: $325 for Bryan Memorial Gallery members
and $350 for non-members. After October 1, the cost of the workshop: $350 for Bryan Memorial
Gallery members and $375 for non-members. Full payment expected with registration. Attendance is
limited, so please register early. Registrations will be accepted on a first come, first served basis.
___Enclosed please find a check for $____________made out to Bryan Memorial Gallery to register for
Barbara Pafume’s Autumn Watercolor Painting Workshop on October 26 - 28, 2015.
___Please charge my (circle) MasterCard
American Express
Register on line:
Card #________________________________________________________________________________
Expires_____________________________________Security Code______________________________
Name as it appears on credit card._________________________________________________________
Address to which the credit card bill is sent
Please send this form and payment to Bryan Memorial Gallery, PO Box 340, 180 Main St. Jeffersonville,
VT 05464. You will receive a confirmation in the mail. 802-644-5100 /